My inner confession..!

After two weeks, Jaynee was found in her new place. She will move out of Lewis's house tomorrow. That weekend, she arranged all her things in the boxes. Coincidentally at that time, Lewis was working at the hospital and she can freely arrange her things with Louisa. She feels relieved at least she didn't see Lewis there. After all, for a long time, she did not meet Lewis because he was busy at the hospital.

''Li! Thanks for helping me ya? After this, I treat you to your favorite desserts later okay?'' Jaynee said to her. She feels glad to have her friend.

''It's okay Jen! It's my pleasure! After all, you will be my sister in law soon!'' Louisa teasing her about Lewis.

''You! Just watch out for your words okay! There's nothing between us.'' Jaynee tried to ignore her feeling.

''Oh really?? I don't think so...haha..'' Louisa just laughed at her.

Jaynee just shook her head to see Louisa tease her like that.

''I'm so wondering why both of you so stubborn for each other feelings. My brothers busy with his patients at the hospital and you just busy want to achieve your own dreams! Can just of you two give your own space for your feelings?'' Louisa said length words to her because of their behavior with each other.

''You will not understand Li...I'm just want to focus on my career first, about my love life..just let it be what will be later!'' Jaynee said to her.

''Huh! Whatever Jen! I will respect your decision after this. I know you will handle it all.'' Louisa just supports her friend whatever she wants to do in her life. She believes Jaynee will find her own life happily.

''Thanks, my dear friend!'' She thanks her friend. Jaynee feeling grateful to have Louisa as her friend.

After several hours, they going out as Jaynee promised Louisa to treat her to some desserts. When they on their way to some cafe, suddenly Louisa got called from her brother, Lewis.

''Hello, Li? Where are you now?'' Lewis asks her sister, Louisa.

''Hello! I'm outside now, going out with Jaynee. Why? Anything wrong?'' Louisa asks him back.

''Can you come to my hospital right now?'' Lewis asks her slowly.

''Why?? Are you okay bro? What's happened?'' Louisa asks anxiously. Jaynee who heard the conversation between Louisa and Lewis also felt worried.

''No! I'm just okay, got an accident! He right now still in ICU, so can you called mom and bring her here okay? Li...just relax okay, our dad will be safe! I'm here with dad!'' Lewis talks to Louisa with patiently.

''What?? Okay...I will bring mum going there right now!'' Louisa said with teary eyes when talking to Lewis on phone.

Jaynee knows the situation tried to comfort her friend.

''Li! Calm down okay? Your dad will be safe! Come, we go to take your mom first.'' Jaynee said to her gently.

After an hour, Louisa and her mother also Jaynee arrived at Lewis's working Hospital. They just go straight to ICU to see her father's condition. Lewis also waiting there patiently. Jaynee just saw Louisa and her family at that time from a distance. She wants to give space to them.

Jaynee sitting in the waiting area outside and she can see from far that Louisa and her mother's face looked very sad. 'Li! You must be a strong friend! I believe your dad will be fine.' Jaynee only can feel sympathy for her friends.

''Hey!'' Lewis going approach to Jaynee that sitting alone at outside.

''Hi! How's your dad? Is it okay?'' Jaynee asks Lewis. She can see that Lewis right now looked like messy and feel sad.

''Yeah! He okay, just still unconscious but I hope he will regain consciousness after this.'' Lewis just sadly said to Jaynee. He sat down next to Jaynee while closing her eyes and massaging his eyebrows.

Jaynee just stays silent next to Lewis, she wants to comfort Lewis but she didn't know how to start it. Then, Jaynee bravely begins her conversation with Lewis.

''Err...Lewis...'' Jaynee calling Lewis gently.

''Hmm...'' Lewis answers her weakly while still close his eyes.

''Are you okay??'' Jaynee asks him with worried.

''Hmm...'' Lewis still answers her slowly.

Jaynee just keeps staring at Lewis like that. That time she can see Lewis closely. She really feels warm to see Lewis sleep like that. Then, Jaynee tried moving closer to Lewis, she wants to check if Lewis is already asleep or not.

''Lewis....'' Jaynee tried calling him slowly. But no response from Lewis. Then she comes closer to lewis and whispered something to him.

''Lewis...tomorrow I moving out of your house. So..maybe after this we didn't see each other. I wanna thank you for allowing me to stay in your house even for a while. I was really grateful for that. Actually...I...I... don't know why I feel something like this..but I realized that when I haven't seen you in a long time, I...I miss you...'' Jaynee said all out about what inside her heart to Lewis at that time.

Suddenly, Louisa coming there and called Lewis. Jaynee was so shocked and pretend to take out her phone to listen to music.

''Lewis! Our dad already wake up! Come!'' Louisa calling out Lewis.

Then Lewis quickly up and going there to see his father. Jaynee was surprised to see Lewis wake up quickly.

''Okay! I'm coming!'' Lewis said to Louisa.

Before Lewis going out from there, he says something to Jaynee.

''We continue this later!'' Lewis said firmly to Jaynee.

Jaynee was feeling like she wants to die right now! 'WHAT?? Did he hear what I'm saying to his earlier?? Oh no! Jaynee Jill! Why did you say it at all! Why?? Argh!!' Jaynee feel so ashamed and obviously, she didn't want to meet with Lewis again. She didn't have that confidence anymore after her confession just now!

Lewis and Louisa's father finally getting better and they move him into the normal wardroom.

''Dad! You really scared of me!'' Louisa really feels worried about her father. Her father just only smiles weakly at their family.

''Dad, you just rest here first okay. I will talk later with my colleagues about your condition.'' Lewis said to his father gently.

After that, Louisa going out to find Jaynee.

''Jen! Come here!'' Loúisa called her friend.

''How's your dad? Is everything okay?'' Jaynee asks her.

''Yeah! He was okay just now. He just needs a lot of rest to fully recover.'' Louisa said to her.

''Oh..glad to hear that!'' Jaynee feels glad for Louisa's father.

''Err...Li! Where your brother? Was he still there?'' Jaynee asks Louisa with carefully.

''Lewis?? He talked with his superior that also a doctor in charge of my father,'' Louisa said to her.

''Oh...I see!'' Jaynee just feels relieved to hear that.

''Why? Is there something that happened? I know there must be something that happened earlier right?'' Louisa teasing her friend. Jaynee's face looks red because she feels ashamed about that earlier and didn't want to tell Louisa.

''Nope! Nothing happened! You don't try to imagine something else okay!'' Jaynee said to her.

''Oh, really my sister in law??'' Louisa teasing her again.

''Li! You! How dare you!'' Jaynee feels angry with Louisa.

Then, Lewis appeared behind Jaynee back. He looked into Jaynee for a second and he talked to her sister, Louisa to go look at their dad first.

''Li! You go look at dad and mum inside first. I will come later.''

''Okay, boss! Jen! I going inside first, we talk later okay?'' Louisa said to them.

''Okay, Li! Send my regards to your parents. Bye!'' Jaynee just gave up looking her friend left her with her brother there.

''Okay, Jen! I will! Bye, take care!'' Louisa going out from there and give her a mischievous smile to them.

''Jen...'' Lewis wants to talk to her but Jaynee quickly cuts his words.

''Err...actually it's going to be late, I must go back now! I need to pack my other stuff at home.'' Jaynee tried to change the topic before Lewis asks her something about that before earlier.

''Didn't you and Louisa already finished arranging your stuff?'' Lewis asks her suspiciously. He knows Jaynee wants to avoid him.

''Yeah! But I remember that I still have unfinished stuff that I forget to keep inside the box.. so...I going back first ya! Bye!

''Hey! Jen wait! I just...'' Lewis can't finish his words to Jaynee because she already left there quickly. Lewis just smiles seeing Jaynee's behavior like that.