Suddenly Confess!

After finished chatting with Louisa on the phone, Jaynee is ready for bed. Before that, she sat down on her tiny desk in her room and still thinking about what happened earlier at her office. Even though she didn't yet to achieve her own dream, she knows someday she will get it on her own.

When she was thinking to herself, her phone ringing. She picks it up and sees Lewis's name! 'Lewis? Why does he call me in the middle of the night?'

''Hello, Lewis?'' Jaynee asks him gently.

''Hi! I am in front of your house. Can you open the door for me?'' Lewis said to her.

''What?? Err...wait..!'' Jyanee quickly went to her door and open the door for Lewis.

Then Jaynee was surprised to see Lewis in front of her house.

''Come in...'' Jaynee told Lewis to enter her house.

Lewis coming into Jaynee's house then he sat down in the living room.

Jaynee curious why he coming here. Then Jaynee asks him bravely.

''Err... why you here? I mean...anything wrong?'' Jaynee asks him.

''I'm hungry!'' Lewis said to her casually.

''What?? Why you didn't just order take-out food? Or just cook at your house?'' Jaynee asks him curiously.

''First, outside there many food stalls already closed. Second, I didn't go to my house just to cook because it takes a longer time. I have to go back to the hospital after this.'' Lewis tried to make excuses at Jaynee.

''So?? Why you come here?'' Jaynee keeps asking him cause she knows he must have something to say.

''Actually, I heard from Louisa that your work is stolen. Are you okay??'' Lewis asks Jaynee gently.

''Oh! I'm just fine. I already move on from that..but still, I tried to. But things already happen and I didn't have proof to make it become mine. I just..let it go...'' Jaynee said to Lewis with teary eyes. She really feels wants to cry at that time.

Lewis comes closer to Jaynee and gives hugs to her. Then finally, Jaynee cant holds her heart and begin crying in front of Lewis.

''It's okay! You already do the best. Next time you can do it again.'' Lewis said to her gently as to comfort her.

They just hugging each other and Jaynee just keeps crying at Lewis's arm.

After a few minutes, Jaynee was feeling calm and satisfied after she cries out loud. Then she feels awkward that she cry in front of Lewis.

''Lewis..I'm sorry! I can't hold my feeling to cry. Thank you for that.'' Jaynee feels ashamed in front of Lewis.

''It's okay! I'm just fine with that. I will be with you whenever you want me to comfort you. I will always be there for you.'' Lewis said to her while keep looking into Jaynee eyes.

Jaynee just gives him smile and lowering her head. 'Why he say it like that? Is he gonna say something to me??' Jaynee feels anxious as she sees Lewis look like someone else. She really feels weird to see Lewis said like that to her.

''Jill...'' Lewis call her gently and pulled Jaynee's hand into him.

Jaynee just stands still and didn't know what to do.

Lewis coming closer to Jaynee and whispered to her ear.

''I like you...! Can you be my girl?'' Lewis finally confesses to Jaynee after a long time he keeps that feeling to himself.

Jaynee was surprised and widened her eyes. She really shocked to hear the confession from Lewis.

''Hahaha...are you kidding me Lewis? I think you have to go to the hospital. You gonna be late.'' Jaynee tried to avoid her anxious feeling after hearing that word from Lewis.

''I'm not! I really serious Jill! Actually, I already fall in love with you for a long time. From the moment Louisa brings you into our home, I know that you the only one make my heart flutter.''

Jaynee just stays still and she still didn't know what to answer him back. She really confused about her feelings right now. She admits that she also feels interested in Lewis but she can't give him the answer right now.

''It's okay Jill, I give you time to give me your answer. I will be waiting for you. Anytime you know the answer, you can tell me.'' Lewis said to her while rubbing her hair.

Jaynee nodding her head and just give Lewis smile. She can see Lewis's face at that time become gloomy.

''I go to the hospital first, you can go to sleep,'' Lewis said to her sadly and he forces his heart just to smile.

''Bye Lewis!'' Jaynee said to him. She hopes that Lewis will answer her back to say goodbye but he didn't turn back. Lewis just left like that.

Jaynee feels guilt and scolded herself to not give the right answer to Lewis.

'Argh! Why didn't I just say to himself that I just need time to think about that. I should say that I'm also like him too but...hmmm...'

Jaynee feels regretful at that time because makes Lewis likes that. She just fell asleep as she thinking about Lewis.

The next morning, Jaynee go to work as usual. When she at work, she didn't focus on her working and she sat down at her desk doing nothing. She still thinking about Lewis confession last night.

Mike coming toward Jaynee's place and want to ask her something.

''Jen, can you show me the perfume materials list you use for our new fragrance?'' Mike asks her while rummaging the files on Jaynee's table.

Jaynee still didn't listen to Mike and still in her daydreaming

''Hello!'' Mike called Jaynee and knocking on her desk.

''Oh, Mike! I'm sorry! I just thinking of another thing.'' Jaynee said to Mike.

''Are you okay? What's your problem?'' Mike asks her.

''Nothing! Just not an important thing. Oh ya, this our materials for our new fragrance. I already checked it and I think next week we can do it.'' Jaynee said to Mike while giving the files to Mike.

''Okay! I got it. Thank you, Jen! Later we discuss again for this thing okay.'' Mike said to her.

''Okay, boss!'' Jaynee said to Mike while giving her the best smiling.

After finished work, Jaynee wants to go back home but she stopped a while at Lake Garden first. She wanted to walk there while taking some fresh air.

Jaynee walking by herself and still thinking about Lewis's confession. She really wants to accept Lewis into her life but she not confident if Lewis really means his intention to her.

While she walking and listening to her music, she suddenly saw Lewis and a girl beside him. Jaynee keeps looking at them from a far distance. She really curious about them because she saw the girl keep touch Lewis's hand and want to hug him.

'Who's that girl? Why they look like have something? Was that Lewis's girlfriend?? But why Lewis confess to me last night??' Jaynee keeps thinking about whatever inside her mind.

Jaynee keeps peeking at them and follows them at the back. Then, until at that time, Jaynee saw that girl kiss on Lewis's cheek. She was surprised to see that. Then she runs away from that place as soon as possible.

When she arrived at her home, she crying like her heart out. She really feels sad and heartbroken at that time. She just thinks that Lewis just plays with her heart.