After confesses...

****After one month...

"Hello! Li! Where are you? I already here!" Jaynee called to her friend Louisa as they promised to meet at the cafe.

"Wait Jen, In 10 minutes I arrived," Louisa said to Jaynee hurriedly.

"Okay, waiting for you here," Jaynee find an empty table and sat down waiting for Louisa.

After 10 minutes, Louisa arrived at the Cafe.

"Sorry, Jen! I'm late! Actually, I have to send some documents to my boss first before, so I run as fast here as possible." Louisa said to Jaynee as she feels sorry for her.

"It's okay Li! Don't worry." Jaynee said to Louisa.

"So.. how are you, Jen? Is everything okay? I'm really sorry because for this month I'm very busy with my new job. I didn't have time to meet with you." Louisa feels sorry for her friend.

" I'm okay Li! Just fine. Well, I know you just start your job as assistant accountant right, so I know you busy also." Jaynee said to Louisa and give her smiles.

"Yeah! I really thankful finally I got my job! So how's your work? Was it okay? I heard your project for a new fragrance will come soon right? " Louisa asks Jaynee.

" Yes! It's next week. But... " Jaynee stop her words and lower her head as she feeling sad.

"But why Jen? What's happen?" Louisa asks her curiously.

"I think... I cannot follow the new project in my company and maybe I have to quit my job." Jaynee said to Louisa sadly.

"What?? But why? Why you must quit??" Louisa asks Jaynee in an angry.

"Li... my mom needs me there, my siblings too. My mom getting worse there. She really needs me with her. " Jaynee said to Louisa with her teary eyes.

"Be patient Jen... I know how you feel. So, when you plan to go back?

"I think maybe this weekend.. tomorrow I will send my resignation," Jaynee said to Louisa.

"What? Okay, Jen! Whatever your decisions, I will support you! Be strong Jen!" Louisa said to her and give her encouraging words.

"Thanks, Li!" Jaynee gives her smiles.

"But you must promise me one thing!" Louisa said to her.

"What??" Jaynee was curious.

"Promise me that if you need something to help, don't forget to ask me okay? I will be there to help you okay?" Louisa said to her.

"Okay, Li! Thanks for that but right now, I'm just fine... I don't want to burden you." Jaynee said to her friend.

"Jen! Please don't think like that. You do not burden to me! We friends for a long time, there no need for you to feel like that. Besides that, I really grateful to help you. Or.. you don't want me to help you... but you want Lewis?? " Louisa teases Jaynee about her brother.

"Li!! I and your brother nothing happen okay! There's nothing will gonna be!" Jaynee glare angrily at her friend.

"Can you two just stop being ego to each other?? I know my brother likes you and you like my brother too right?? What are you two waiting for??" Louisa expresses her dissatisfaction with Jaynee about them.

" I don't like him okay! I know he must already have a girlfriend right now. He will not be with someone like me." Jaynee said as she feels heartbreaking.

"No!! Lewis didn't have a girlfriend Jen! I don't think he has someone. He really busy with his patients. I know my brother, he was really picky to choose his partner's life. But, at you Jen, I think he really likes you for a long time. " Louisa said to Jaynee about her brother.

"Yeah... I know that!" Jaynee answer Louisa casually.

"What?? Do you know that? Do you already know Lewis like you for a long time?? " Louisa asks her shocked.

Jaynee nodding her head.

"Actually, a month ago he confessed to me," Jaynee said to Louisa.

"What??!" Louisa surprised to hear that.

"Yes! He confessed to me.. but I still didn't give him my answer. He told me that he will be waiting for my answer whenever I got it, but.. actually... " Jaynee said to Louisa slowly...

"But what Jen? Why you didn't just say yes to Lewis?? " Louisa asks her curiosity.

"After he confessed to me.. the next day I saw him with someone else. That girl looks close to him and then... I saw that girl kiss him." Jaynee tells Louisa.

"Are you sure you saw that Jen? Maybe you saw it wrong. I don't believe Lewis will do like that. Did you ask Lewis about that?" Louisa asks her.

"Nope! Until now I don't ask him and I also haven't seen him after that." Jaynee said to Louisa sadly.

"What?? No wonder before this I saw my brother just going back home to pick his stuff then going back to his hospital. He looks like a person that really heartbroken of love."

"Li, you don't tell him about this. I actually try to accept him but.. after I think about it more, I know that I not suitable for him.

"Jen! You don't say that. I know Lewis really means it. He really chooses you as his girlfriend.

"I don't know Li, just let it gone. I know he will meet with someone he can rely on. I need to focus on my family first." Jaynee said to Louisa

"Okay, Jen! I understand you. I also respect your decisions. As you know, I really more happy if you be my sister-in-law! " Louisa said to her with a laugh and teasing her.

Jaynee just gives her glaring to Louisa.

"Okay Li, I have to go back now. So, we meet again before I going back to my hometown okay?" Jaynee said to her.

"Okay, Jen! I Will! Come let us hug. " Louisa said to Jaynee.

They hug each other and give encouragement to each other.

"Bye Li! Meet you again this weekend!" Jaynee said to her.

"Bye Jen. Okay!" Louisa answers her back.

That night, Louisa coming home. She sees her brother already at home.

''Bro? You coming back? Tonight you don't have any night duty?'' Louisa asks her brother.

''Yes! Nope.'' Lewis said to her sister casually while sat down watching movies in the living room.

''Oh...I see!'' Louisa just nodding her head.

Louisa going inside her room and just freshen herself. After fifteen minutes, she going out and sat beside her brother.

Lewis noticed that Louisa look like want to say something to him but she just stays silent. Then Lewis asks her sister.

''You want to say something to me??''

''How do you know bro??'' Louisa surprisingly with his brother's questions.

''Of course! Your face shows it. What do you want to say?''

'' I meet Jaynee...'' Louisa said to Lewis slowly.

Lewis actually felt surprised to hear that but he tries to make a calm face and just stay silent.

Louisa was surprised to see her brother didn't show any reaction after heard Jaynee's name. She hit her brother and asks him again.

''Brother!! Are you listen to me? I said that I met with Jaynee today!''

''Yes, I'm listening! So what?'' Lewis still focuses on watching tv.

''Don't you want to know what happens to her?'' Louisa asks Lewis.

''No! I going to my room. Good night!'' Lewis stand up and wanted to leave there.

''Jaynee wants to go back to her hometown!''

Lewis just stopped his walk and turn back to her sister.

''What?? Are you serious?? Why??'' Lewis asks her sister with a shocked face.

''So now you want to know about her?'' Louisa gives a glare to her brother.

''Li, tell me what actually happened? Why does she want to go back there?'' Lewis asks with worry.

''Actually, her mum getting very sick. Maybe it will become worse. So, she needs to be there and take care of her mum and her siblings.''

''Her work here??''

''Tomorrow she will send her letter of resignation and this weekend she will go back to her hometown,'' Louisa explains to her brother.

Lewis just sat quietly listening to her sister. That time, he just keeps thinking about Jaynee and didn't know what he should do. Louisa knows her brother must feel sad at that time, she tries to comfort Lewis and give him encouraging words.

''Bro...are you okay?''

''Yeah...I'm okay.''

''I know you actually already confess to Jaynee right? Actually, I know she loves you too Lewis but I didn't know why she still can't accept you.''

''I already give her time... it's a month. But she still didn't even tell me her answer.'' Lewis said to her sister disappointed.

''You too busy with your patients and hospital bro!'' Louisa teased her brother.

''I'm a doctor! Whatever happens, they are my priorities.''

''Yeah! I know that too! But still, you need to know how to manage your time with your working and personal life bro! We all already adults, we must know how to handle this.'' Louisa trying to give her brother advice.

''Wow! Look like someone who an accountant change becoming an advisor about life!''

''I just want to tell you that only bro! You must take this seriously. Or you will lose Jaynee later.

''It's okay, I will settle this my own. Thanks to my little sister!'' Lewis thankfully to her sister about Jaynee.

When Louisa wants to go inside her room, she remembers Jaynee says something about her brother with someone before.

''Oh yeah! Lewis? Did you meet with someone before? Jaynee says to me that a month ago, she saw you with someone else when at Lake Garden. Who was that?'' Louisa asks Lewis with curiosity.

''A month ago?? At Lake Garden??'' Lewis tries to recall his memories about that.

After several minutes, he remembers it!

''Damn! I remember it! Thanks, Li! This time I will talk with Jaynee to explain it. Good night!'' Lewis smiles happily and going inside his room.

Louisa feels weird to see her brother like that. She just let him be like that. Whatever happens, she believed Lewis will get Jaynee this time.