Chapter 013 ( Unusual Visit )

In fact, every time the Crown Prince stepped forward to approach Monna, Monna repeatedly retreated back to away from him.

" I ..." Monna had difficulty speaking. She didn't know that Belhart's existence would have such an effect on her.

One by one, bad memories about the Crown Prince appeared in her mind. She spontaneously closed her eyes without wanting to.

"Please .. Please stay away from me," said Mona very quietly. Belhart stopped in his tracks. He looked at Cattarina in confusion.

And after Belhart has stopped moving and provides room for Monna to breathe properly. Monna immediately calmed down. But just as she felt a bit calmer, Belhart suddenly took her hand.

Monna was spontaneously startled and pulled her hand back roughly. Belhart highlighted that.

"What is wrong with you?" he asked, confused.

Monna didn't answer. She was just silent and frozen in place. So that Belhart intends to approach her again.

"Your Excellency!!" shouted Monna, stopping Belhart's steps.

"I am sorry, I'm not well at the moment. I will excuse myself, goodbye." Monna hurriedly excused herself and walked away.

Meanwhile, Belhart stared at Cattarina's departure with a confused and clueless look.


"Catty, where have you been? Didn't dad ask you to wait in the park? Why are you waiting outside like this instead?" asked Cattarina's father anxiously when he saw his daughter Cattarina standing beside the horse carriage, welcoming him.

Monna smiled.

"It's okay, Dad. I just want to go home. Have you finished your business with Your Majesty the Emperor? If so, let's go home, Father, Mother. I'm very tired," exclaimed Monna inviting her parents to go home.

Monna knew what her parents and the emperor were likely to talk about. They must have discussed the matter of marriage between her and Your Majesty the Crown Prince which went wrong.

But what was the outcome of their conversation, Monna didn't want to guess or even think about it at this time?

After she met with the Crown Prince in the palace garden, Monna firmly decided not to back down from her decision to cancel her marriage to the Crown Prince, no matter what.

If it had to justify any means, Monna would be willing to do it. And it must be !!

Monna, who initially did not expect that she would overreact to the Crown Prince as a result of her nightmare, did not expect her reaction to attract a lot of curiosity from the Crown Prince towards her so quickly and unexpectedly.


After several days since the incident, the Crown Prince routinely continued to come to her residence unexpectedly without being invited. And if it weren't for her mother Cattarina's insistence who kept asking her to see the Crown Prince, Cattarina would never have wanted to see that man again after the incident in the garden that day.

For now, Monna has indeed managed to master herself well when she was in the presence of The Crown Prince. But the feeling of displeasure every time she saw Belhart, still engulfed her mind.

"Does Your Majesty have to keep coming to visit here every day?" Monna asked helplessly when she found out that this was the fifth time the Crown Prince had come to visit her residence without any prior notification.

Was the Crown Prince starting to take her lightly now?

No matter what the Crown Prince would think of her, Monna chose to reveal what she was feeling right now. Namely, feeling annoyed!

"Isn't this your fault?" exclaimed Belhart.

Monna answered spontaneously," Yes?"

"It's your fault for suddenly canceling the wedding. If it weren't for what you said at that time, my father would not have suddenly asked me to keep coming here to see you," explained Belhart, who spontaneously surprised Monna.

So this was all her fault?

Monna swallowed her own saliva again. Graciously she said again.

"Couldn't Your Majesty the Crown Prince reason that you are very busy, and there is no need to follow him?" Monna said providing a solution.

Monna knew, without question, the Crown Prince must have been very busy since his return to the palace. And if that was the case, shouldn't he have much time to just play around by visiting someone else's residence, namely his ex-fiancé?

Yeah, although the announcement has not been officially announced yet because His Majesty Emperor Dominic still requested an extension of time for one month from her. But still, the results can be seen.

"You know what my father was like. Do you think I could fight it?" The Crown Prince's words were flat and expressionless, making Monna only understand.

This was related to the strong character of the male main character who always listens to whatever his father says throughout his life, including about his future wife. And all of that will only change after the Crown Prince meets Alliesia later.

We'll see, will Your Majesty the Crown Prince still be able to say this after he meets Alliesia?!

Because based on what was written, Belhart will be very blind to his love for Alliesia. And trying hard to make that woman will always be by his side even though he had to go against his father's wishes.

Monna sighed.

"But either way, shouldn't you have told Your Majesty that I refuse to see you?" said Monna without enthusiasm.

"But I've managed to meet you, today," said Belhart.

"Yes… it's because you kept coming and mother forced me to meet you. If didn't for that .."

Monna immediately stopped her words that she didn't realize. Belhart's eyes flashed.

"So, do not you want to see me?" asked Belhart.

Monna spontaneously nodded. Then shook her head to correct it again.

Monna does want to cut ties with the Crown Prince, right away. But that doesn't mean Monna wants the relationship to end in a bad way. Because it's the same as looking for dangers like the storyline, but in a different way.

Without reducing the slightest bit of hesitation, Monna immediately got up to end their conversation.

"Haven't you finished visiting, Your Majesty the Crown Prince?" Monna asked, still trying to be polite.

"Then, please resume your duties. I don't think it's good. If I have to take up a lot of your precious time," Monna exclaimed as she left after asking someone to escort the Crown Prince out.
