Chapter 014 ( What Happened To You )

From that day on, Monna thought that the days would return to the peace they used to be. But who would have thought, the Crown Prince would still come back to see her again for the following days.

If it wasn't in the morning, or the afternoon, the Crown Prince would come to see her. In the afternoon or even at night, the Crown Prince will take his time to visit during his busy time.

Seeing that, Monna couldn't help but frown. If this was to fulfill Emperor Dominic's wish, wouldn't this be too much?

The crown prince didn't just visit her residence, but he even took an hour or two just to accompany Cattarina in carrying out her daily activities without complaining and commenting too much.

If Cattarina was only being to read, the Crown Prince would take the time to join her in reading and sit quietly.

If she had to take an evening walk and chat with her maids for a while to just fill her void, the Crown Prince would join her in the corner.

No matter what Cattarina would do and what she wanted to do when the Crown Prince came, Belhart calmly continued to follow Cattarina's daily activities without any intention of giving up.

Even though they sometimes chat a bit with each other at certain times. If seeing progress like this, Cattarina can't help but feel uncomfortable.

How not like that?! The Crown Prince, who was supposed to help his father take care of the country, was actually seen playing with her at her residence.

So, won't that bring up negative thoughts from the people about the Crown Prince and his future wife, Cattarina?

Because they have yet to announce the cancellation of the engagement which they had discussed to go the public at before.

But if because of this problem, her family gets into trouble with several high-ranking officials and also the people because of His Majesty the Crown Prince's inconsistent attitude, Cattarina seems to feel quite objectionable and anxious.

"Are you going to continue like this forever?" Cattarina asked Belhart for the umpteenth time with a tired feeling.

"Yes, of course. Until you change your mind," Belhart probably replied casually. But his words were like a slap to Monna. She clearly couldn't do that.

"Your Excellency! Whatever you will do and say, I never change my decision to cancel the engagement. I wasn't playing when I said that!" exclaimed Monna with a red face from holding back annoyance.

Belhart immediately asked.

"Why?" Belhart look at Monna

"What?" Monna looked at him back in confusion.

"Why do you say that you won't cancel your decision? Didn't you loved me very much?" he said again.

"Oh, my ... Didn't I tell you too, that I don't love you anymore?" repeated Monna.

"But, why..?"


Monna was starting to get annoyed. For some reason, today a lot of the words 'Why' are coming out of Belhart's mouth!

"Why you don't like me? Haven't you always kept your feelings for me during on seven years? But why after I was returning from the city of Morgh, you suddenly said that you don't like me anymore?" asked Belhart, not understanding.

Monna then touched her forehead which felt heavy.

"Does not like someone need a reason? Just as I liked you for no reason, I could dislike you without a reason now. I just don't like you anymore. That is all. Is that so hard for you to understand?" said Monna irritably.

For whatever sake, Monna wants to escape from the situation that makes her head hurt! But how? If she doesn't straighten it out right away, the Crown Prince will only get worse.

"During the three years I left you, have you found another love interest?" asked Belhart, who was more like he was dreaming.

Monna directly denied it.

"Of course not! How could I possibly think of another man, if all I had in mind was a Crown Prince all this time! That is clearly impossible!" argued Monna confidently.

But, having said that, Monna immediately realized.

Oh, my! Why she did not just use this method before? Couldn't she just say that she already has a boyfriend? So that then she could cut off her marriage with the Crown Prince for that reason?

She could have hired someone to do it. As ever in other novels that Monna had read. And that's definitely not a bad idea.

However, since Monna had just said that she did not have any boyfriend other than the Crown Prince, Monna obviously couldn't use this method to trick Belhart.

Shit! Monna, you should have responded faster!

"If it weren't for that, why could you still say that?"

Hearing this question, Monna spontaneously went limp.

"Your Majesty, it's all because I don't like you anymore! Is that still not clear?!" Monna's annoyance had reached her head. Whether this was because the Crown Prince was on purpose or not irritated her, Monna really felt very upset about it.

"I told you! Liking someone and not liking someone, it could be for no reason! It's the same as when I still loved you for about seven years, even though you were already very jerk- I mean, treated me very unkindly! I may also dislike you, for that reason. Ah no, I mean, for no reason,"

Monna laid out all her thoughts long and wide. To the extent that her mouth was felt wrinkled from speaking repeatedly without being able to control it.

Belhart was silent for a moment. Rethinking Cattarina's words that he justified. So far, he has never treated Cattarina well. And Belhart only realized that now. Everything Cattarina has done so far doesn't felt bother him anymore.

On the contrary, he actually felt a kind of longing for the figure of Cattarina who liked to tease him.

"I'm going to change my attitude," said Belhart quietly and stiffly.

Monna was suddenly surprised, "What?"

"If I change my attitude... can make you like me back. I'll do it. From now on, I will treat you well," said Belhart who was very calm, as still as stagnant water.
