Chapter 015 ( Say it )

But Monna felt, what Belhart said was not in line with what he meant. Monna never told Belhart to change. She just asked that man to understand.

"For God's sake! Belhart, who I know isn't like this! What really happened to you?" shouted Monna, tired.

If it were a character in a novel, Belhart would never have thought of treating Cattarina well. But what is this??

Not finished with Monna's surprise at the Crown Prince's unreasonable change in attitude, Belhart suddenly embraced her. Pulling Cattarina's waist closer to him with one hand.

Monna who was shocked spontaneously shouted.

"What are you doing?!" She shouted angrily. She tries to escape from the Crown Prince and screams for her release. But instead of letting go, the Crown Prince tightened his embrace even more.

"Say it one more time," said the Crown Prince.

"What?" Monna frowned.

"I want you to call my name one more time," Belhart muttered hopefully again. The hope was high as if he did not ask for it now, the opportunity was lost and would never come for him again. Monna gets restless.

"Your Majesty, please guard your attitude! You shouldn't do this to me. Let me go now, or I'll scream!" Monna said threateningly. But that didn't deter Belhart's actions whatsoever.

"If you want me to let you go, call my name once again. I want to hear that name again from your mouth," Belhart ordered passionately.

Appreciation ?!

Monna was still trying to escape but failed. She finally gave up. And decided to follow the Crown Prince's request.

"Belhart! I hope. Let go of me," Monna finally exclaimed softly.

"Once again,"

"What?" So right now, Belhart was playing with her? OK!

"Belhart Dominic! I said get off me! You have hurt me!" shouted Monna loudly. Hard enough to make Belhart let go.

After leaving Belhart's grasp, Monna immediately touched her wrist which hurt due to Belhart's grip that was too strong to hold her. If not because he was the Crown Prince, she would have smashed that handsome face down from the start!!

Sadly and sulking, Monna stroked her pitiful hand. What do you want to change? It hasn't been a minute since he said it, Belhart has hurt her! Always!!

Realizing that Cattarina's wrist was slightly bruised because of him, Belhart finally started to feel guilty. He just wanted Cattarina to call his name again like before. Cattarina has been calling his shorty by name without prompting for a long time. And who knows since when that name began to disappear from her mouth.

Therefore, when he suddenly heard that name from her again, Belhart felt something else. He wanted to keep hearing that name from Cattarina. So without knowing it, he was acting strange.

"Are you okay?" asked Belhart anxiously.

Monna laughed to herself. After you hurt me, now you start worrying about me?? Hah!! Seriously?!!

"Of course I would be fine if I weren't around!" said Monna quietly, slowly. It doesn't matter whether the Crown Prince can hear her words or not.

After saying that, Monna immediately left the Crown Prince who continued to stare her back away. His gaze continued to be directed at Cattarina until the woman completely disappeared from his sight.


Until the day the decision arrived.

A month had passed since Majesty the emperor decided to give Cattarina time to rethink her decision on annulling the engagement. During that time, Monna was unceasingly pounding for this fateful day.

With passionate feelings, she and his family returned to the palace to discuss their engagement with the imperial side.

Like that time of the banquet before, everyone present remained the same. Only, this time. Asraff, Cattarina's brother, joined the two families' event.

After being quite excited by the news conveyed by his parents about Cattarina's decision not to want to marry the Crown Prince. Asraff extraordinarily extended huge applause for Cattarina.

Monna still remembers how her brother responded to the issue at that time.

Clack! Clack! Clack!

"Wow, a decision that was beyond anyone's thinking!!" said Asraff incredulously.

"Is it because your brain had ever entered in the water, that's why you suddenly wanted to cancel the engagement?" Asraff asked cluelessly.

How could it not?! The whole world already knows how much Cattarina loves Belhart! Although Asraff was confused because he did not understand why Cattarina had been so sure of Belhart all this time, Asraff never expected this moment to happen.

So actually, where will the woman who used to shout that she continues to be loyal and love Belhart until she dies??

Was that his sister? Or, another woman from the overseas country who was playing a role in an opera??

Whoever it was, Asraff was looking at his sister more seriously now.

"Are you serious about what you said?" he asked, "I had doubts about this news. But seeing you go this far by saying it in front of the Emperor. I believed you are very serious," he added.

Monna looked at him in surprise. Because of among all those who gave it a response. Only Asraff was the quickest to give his believing response to Monna. Although he was hesitant at the beginning, because he has a genius brain, Asraff was always quick to respond to things. Especially, when it comes to his younger sister.

Even the father and mother continued to say disbelief to their daughter until several days before the verdict arrived.

They still asked Cattarina to rethink all of her decisions for fear that their daughter would change her mind or maybe regret it.

"Catty, are you still in your decision to reject marriage? If not, you can change it now. I'm sure that yesterday you weren't really serious. It's okay honey, don't be afraid. Mother will always support you."

Support me? In what way she will give support to her daughter? Why are the words of the mother slightly contradicting one sentence to another? Should she confuse me?, thought Monna.

"Catty, I know this is your struggle ahead of the wedding. But making jokes at this happy time is definitely not funny. Are you really serious about your decision?" father asked over and over for fear that his daughter would take the wrong step.
