Unexpected Surprise

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~WARNING~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Major was about to sleep when he received an alarming call from his landlady. She said that a man is looking for him the guy even told her that he is his cousin from Éclair.

Knowing this information, he asked the landlady to never believe the man and call the police if she felt that she might be in danger. Good thing that the man didn't push when the landlady scares him that she will call the police if he didn't go away.

She said that he looks weird and lost. She never recognized such a face even after staying in the city for almost three years now. She knew all of their neighbors, but she never knew the guy. The man only nods to her and walks away.

She was so scared because he looks like he is about to attack her from behind. Major thanked her for notifying him about the issue and he will ask the precinct to provide her protection just in case something happens.

He puts down his phone but the thought of a stranger looking for him and even pretends to be one of his relatives scares Major. He knew that if this line of work, things like this are pretty normal but when it happens to you, it does send shivers in his spine.

He shrugs the thought and went to sleep. A few hours later, he woke up when he felt that his phone vibrates. He looks at it half-asleep and sees that Ren Sage messages him. He furrows his brows at the message. He sat up in bed and replies to Ren Sage.


To: Detective Major

From: Ren Sage

Time: 01:35 am


Hello, baby. I hope you are having a good night.


To: Ren Sage

From: Detective Major

Time: 01:37 am


Hello, Ren. I can't say I have a good night but I did sleep very well.


Major sends the reply and waits a few minutes before putting his phone away and tries to sleep again. His phone vibrates once again and when he checked it. He jumps out of the bed and wears his uniform and rushes out of the apartment.

He runs to the nearest bus station to go back to his place. Once at the bus station, he bought his ticket and looks for his bus. When he gets on, he immediately opens his phone and re-read the message that was sent by his landlady.


To: Detective Major

From: Ms. Calla

Time: 01:45 am


Major, he is here again. He asks for your room number. I said it to him because I don't want to get hurt. They have been there for hours now. I don't know what to do.


Major huffs and puffs as he runs down the streets and unto the apartment, he saw his landlady waiting for him outside the gates. "Where have you been, young man?" The landlady asks. "I have been staying with some of my co-workers. We all have a very late shift today," Major said as he relieves a heavy exhale.

"Is the guy still here?" Major asks the landlady. "No, they are not. He already went away. I am too scared to look inside your apartment so I texted you instead," the landlady said as she explains what the man looks like. Major took down every feature so he could run them down back to the precinct.

Major nodded to the landlady then went up to his apartment to see what the man did to his apartment. As he unlocks the door, he was welcomed with silence, a very deafening silence that almost freaks him out, as if something will happen if he is not very careful with what he does.

He opens the lights and walks around the apartment to check if someone is there. He was surprised that there is nothing unusual in the apartment except a few scattered papers which actually belongs to him.

He relieves a sigh and went to the kitchen to drink some water. A few hours later, he decided to fall back to sleep in his bed and maybe texts Lilibush later when he wakes up.


Today is the day of the experiment where he would do things no other people would do. As he prepares everything, he heard his victim groans from the table. He turns to her and took the scissors out.

He went to her and starts cutting her clothes until she is fully naked, and then grabbed the trailer cart where he keeps his things. He wore his latex gloves and took the knife and starts cutting his victim's body open from her chest down to her genitalia.

As the blood floods the surface of the body, he puts both of his hands inside of her opened chest and tries to feel her lungs. He smirked when he felt that her lungs are still working. Time passed by, his victim's breathing falters, he looked frustrated yet he took her lungs out and cut them with precision.

He took the heart next and the other organs later until he moved to her eyes and took them out, too. He continues to watch as the blood runs out of his victim's system as it drains her lifeless body.

The last drop of blood falls down from the table as she wiped the table clean with sulfuric acid while the body is still there. He kept his things neat and tidy then put them on a guitar casing. He then grabs the gasoline from the corner of the room and spreads it all over the lifeless body on the table and the long line of gasoline ends at the side door of the warehouse.

He took out her lighter and drops it in the gasoline and watches as the fire catches her body. He walks away from the warehouse and went inside a dark tunnel. At the end of it is another passageway leading to a warehouse.

He went inside and smiles at the little treat that his long-lost lover gave him. "Surprise?" His lover said. Instead of answering, he rewarded him with kisses from his lips down to his neck. He even leaves dark hickeys on his lover's neck.

A possessive manner that he knew when he first met the man who taught him everything he needs to know. His lover giggles and asks the man to come with him in a darkened room and leave his gift to have fun with him since he missed him so much. The man smirks and follows his lover.

The sound of moans and groans woke Major up from his deep slumber. He groans and looks at his surroundings. He felt his neck stiffens and his arms are tied. He looks up to see where he is at, but he was welcomed with darkness and a little light that shine on him.

He tries to move but the chair was somewhat glued to the ground. He moves his body to see if he could remove the things that tie his hands but he soon realizes that he is tied with chains. He tries to scream but his screams are muffled since his mouth was taped. He felt his head starts to ache so he stops moving and focuses on trying to see where he is and where he was.

The last thing he remembers is lying in his soft bed after getting an alarming text from his landlady. He checks his whole apartment to see if someone entered there and rummage his things but nothing extraordinary happened.

He was about to close his eyes when he heard footsteps coming his way. He looked up and widens his eyes when he saw who it was. 'Ren?' He thought. He looks at the man in front of him from head to toe. He is wearing something explicit and some red heels. 'What is he doing in here?' Major thought since his mouth is sealed tightly with black tape.

"Are you enjoying yourself, detective?" Ren asks in a very seductive yet stern voice. Major shook his head as an answer but that only made him dizzy. "Don't do that or you will lose consciousness even before Master sees you," Ren said that made Major looks at him again. 'Master? Who could that be?' Major asks himself.

Ren sat down in front of Major and starts to undo his belt. 'What is he trying to do?' Ren then unzips his pants then took his horny flesh out. "You are a hard, detective. I wonder what you are thinking right now," Ren said and start sucking the detective.

He continues to pleasure the detective until he cums. Ren gulps the liquid then removes his underwear showing his body to him. Major blushes intensely and looked away. "Oh don't be shy, detective. You have seen this before, remember?" Ren said as he positions himself on top of Major and blew his mind.

Major starts to pants and groans with pleasure. Their sudden fun ends when Ren stops and hops off of him. Major got curious so he tried to look, but someone pulled his hair back He hisses from the impact and closes his eyes.

"Having fun with my baby, detective?" A deep baritone voice dangerously said to him. Major opens his eyes to see who the man is when he sees a masked guy with blue eyes. Major gulps subconsciously.

'He looks dangerous,' Major thought to himself. In his mind, he was thinking of a way out of this mess but when he saw the man, he knows that he can't escape unless he dies. Major groans loudly when all of a sudden, the mysterious man grabbed his hardened member and squeezed it tightly.

Major squirms from the touch wishing that the man would just kill him. The man rips the tape to hear Major's screams properly for he is enjoying what he is seeing right now. The man then proceeds to drag his guitar casing and took a metal bat out.

He swings it heavily into the air scaring the shit out of Major. 'I've never been scared like this before,' Major thought as he watches the man swinging the man with full force. He looks over to Ren as he smiles at the man in front of them. Major clears his throat to get their attention and it did work.

Now, he has both of their attention but the words got stuck in his throat. Unwilling to talk, Major just looks away but that was his big mistake. Out of anger and frustration, the man swings the bat hitting Major's knee caps. He swings again but this time he hits Major's legs.

Major screams in pain and the man swings again hitting the same spot until his legs bleed out. Then Ren releases Major's hands then let him drop to the cold ground. Major writhes in pain as the man watches that his new-guinea pig is making so much progress than the others. The progress that no one will see coming. The progress that will make him very happy and proud.