Missing Childhood

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~WARNING~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~SOME SCENES HAVE TRIGGER WARNING~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



His childhood is a bit different from what he remembers. It was sad and filled with depressing stuff. He has no one to turn to. No friends or even relatives to listen to his cries. His soul is filled with sorrow and pain from the abuse he had experienced from his father, a drunkard who goes home to beat him up.

His mother is not much of a different person from his father. She doesn't beat him but she just doesn't care about him. Food is always an issue whenever they are around. They always ask him to go get a job to provide food for them but that would be impossible especially for a six years old kid.

His muffled cries ring around the house but no one cared to check upon him. In his opinion, family reunions are bullshit. The first time he attended their reunion, he doesn't want to go back again. His cousin's never talked to him, his best friend won't even ask him how dare he does, and his sister ignores him to the point that he just wants to die at that moment.

There in the corner is a little child filled with a dark purple bruise with a crooked smile planning the revenge to his parents in his own hands.

The first time he has done it was back in grade school, he is around nine years old at that time. His plan is perfect. It was just him and his mom at the house. It was a Tuesday night, a fact that he uses to kill his mom that he hates so much.

A fact that gives him the advantage to take her life in an instant and a fact that almost got him caught off guard by her drunken mother. She was watching her favorite drama series on cable as she sips on her favorite wine glass that is stained with her bright red lipstick.

He went from behind and swings the bat as loudly as possible and it hit her mom's head, cracking his mom's head. The revenge is way too easy, that he even force his mom to sign the divorce paper for her father that is away because of a business trip.

He drags her into the basement hiding her behind the tools that his father uses when he punishes him. He cleaned upstairs until it was spotless then proceeds as nothing happened. A week has past and the rotten smell in the basement is getting out of hand that his father decides to check where the smell is coming from.

He rummages through his tools in the basement, then he saw his dead wife rotting near the basement's old entrance. He called his son to call the emergency hotline to report about his dead mother.

The police came in and out of the house while interviewing the husband. Other detectives on that scene are curious about the kid's side of the story but were halted by the father. But as part of the investigation, they push the father aside and asked his son's story. He did admit that he is the one who killed her, but he placed the blame on his father.

He even gives them the evidence that the father would do such a thing; the divorce paper. He lied to them about his father getting angry about the divorce and he even gave them the information for a much worse crime he could commit.

They asked the father for interrogation then took the kid to be placed in a juvenile rehabilitation facility after seeing the dark bruises on his body. Before escorting his son to the police car, his father saw a sickening smile plastered on his boy's face, then he changed it to a sad one.

His father watches his son being taken with his eyes wide open, unbeknownst to him that the father himself is the one who caused this mess.

His first month at the juvenile facility was unproductive. There is nothing much going on except for the frequent visits from the chief of police back then. They still ask about the toxic relationship between me and my parents and he kept on answering them the same things he had told them from the start.

The staffs from the facility are kind enough to tell the detectives to stop questioning a kid who undergoes trauma such as these but some won't budge. He even met one reporter asking for his story for the local news.

He ended up not talking for the whole interview. He dislikes talking to people like him but eventually after a whole six months of convincing, he told them his story that garnered the attention of all parents with kids his age in Éclair.

He became a media frenzy for years and when it is time for him to enter school, the police provide him protection in case something happened to him. By the time he graduated high school, he was offered a scholarship to the police academy and the one who he registered as guardian is the female nurse who helped him cope up with everything that had happened to him.

He accepts and worked hard to bring justice to their town. He will be known as the kid who saves the people of Emir City; Detective Major Alvit.


His first crime scene was the lady in the alleyway. His second one was Ms. Sorrel and the lists kept on going on and on and on and on until this very moment where he is now the victim of a brutal crime.

Major groans as he wakes up from his deep slumber. His hands are untied and his mouth felt numb. He can no longer feel his legs and his body could batter down any minute. He tries to move when he felt something sticky behind him.

He curiously touches it then looks at what could it be. He draws the sticky substance from his behind and was stunned when he saw it. The liquid is a bit pinkish, a combination that he is familiar with.

A combination that he never forgot from his past but he can't remember the last time he saw it. He felt shivers down his spine. He tries to sit up when the door suddenly opens revealing a tall dark-haired guy carrying a silver tray filled with food.

"Good morning," he greeted as he placed the tray of food near Major and looks into his eyes. Ocean blue eyes stared straight into his soul living him naked in front of the unknown man. The man brought his hands to Major's face and caresses it like it is some kind of an expensive vase.

"From now on, you are mine and mine alone," he said in a deep voice as he quivers in fear. The man stood up and went out of the room. Major brought his knees together and hugs them to sob. The pain and sorrow kept on coming back.

He never actually forgets them but he never felt them for a long time. The last time was when his dad threw him to the wall out of anger and that was fifteen years ago.

The door opens once again making Major looked up. "Are you done eating?" The man asks. Major nodded as a response not trusting his words. "You are quieter than I thought you would be," the man said as he sat down beside the bed.

"I thought you will be unruly and futile," he added as he placed his hand to Major's face again and kisses him sweetly. Major melts on the kiss, then he tries to kiss back. The man deepened the kiss until he pushed Major on the bed then kisses him roughly this time.

They made out for several hours before the man thinks it's time for Major to sleep again. He went back to the living room to see if Ren is still there when Major's phone vibrates.

'150 missed calls from Chief Moss, 75 unread text messages from Lilibush, Cantaloupe, Amorphous, and Ms. Calla, and 20 unread emails from the police station,' it says on the screen. He smirks as he flops on the couch and opens one of the messages sent by Lilibush.


To: Major

From: Det. Lilibush

Time: 08:45 am


Where the fuck are you, kid? The chief is becoming more restless. We even talk to your landlady. She said that you just got home before the morning strikes now you are gone. Text me when you see this and please tell me where you are.


He smiles at the text and thought, 'The next time you see him will be a big surprise.' He read a few more messages before cooking lunch for all three of them.

His grandma will be here any minute now and probably will ask about Major but he doesn't care. He has him now, the key to his biggest crime.