Deadly Trap

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~WARNING~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




The night was quiet and peaceful; the only thing that broke that silence is the tiny whispers of crickets not far from where they are. The building is dark and empty, making it more scary and eerie. The darkness of the night is the right aesthetic for this plan and Primrose is loving every bit of it.

However, the silence was never an option as he hit his legs until he broke every bone as soon as possible. The sound of shrieking screams has been heard throughout the darkest part of the building.

There banded to a bolted wooden chair the certain detective, who was not long ago making out with his capture, coughing out blood and jerk as he strained against the restraints.

"Stop, please! I can't take it anymore," he pleaded with a painful snarl. The killer's victim was crying as he pleaded to have mercy grants upon him.

It has been a week since he was kidnapped and he hasn't heard any news about his disappearance. It wasn't long for him to figure out that the Ren Sage he fell in love with was not the person he thought he was.

It wasn't long enough when he notices the similar features of the grandmother who found the body of Ms. Sorrel by the bridge is the same woman who nestled him under the strict supervision of his captor.

It wasn't long enough for him to know that the man who captured him is the mysterious killer known as Primrose.

He had stopped trying to count the days that he had been tortured in this hell hole. It was hard to focus on anything that is happening to him since the torture is proven to be non-stop. Twitching and heaving from excruciating pain, he finds it hard to feel any part of his body except for tingling numbness.

His arms were bootless, his back is glued to the chair as trying to balance himself out, and his chest is ripped to shred dripping blood from the dispensed abrasions.

Two other people are watching him getting tortured. He groaned and flinches when he felt the cold hands of his captor. "Are you having fun, detective?" He asks as he hits him one more time with the metal bat. As the torture kept on coming, Major's thoughts were a mess.

'How the hell did his simple investigation come to this?' He thought to himself. 'Is this what karma feels like?' He asks himself. He felt another excruciating pain when the metal bat lands in his groins. He could hear a tiny whisper, 'What the fuck?' Somewhere, in this building.

Major let out a shout and struggles to break free as Primrose approaches him, "Let go of me, you sick fuck!" Major challenged, but it fell on deaf ears. Primrose removes his blindfold so hard that he felt his lashes ripped out of his eyes.

Major blinks in pain and looks at Primrose as he bends down then he started slowly bending his hand back, the fact that he is doing this racking slow is the worst part. "Stop! Please, it hurts!"


It feels like his demeanor is starting to crumble down to pieces making him more vulnerable as minutes passed.


He didn't know that trusting too much could give him something as horrifying as this. He inhales at the next thing that completely breaks him all.


Major let out another horrifying scream as the nauseating pain from his hand darts throughout his body. But it didn't stop there, one by one he broke each of his fingers and he was in so much pain that he couldn't think straight.

He thought there was nothing worse than that, yet again he is wrong, Primrose proceeds to break his forearms. Major was cussing out obscenities, while tears gushing down his face. Everything hurts, but he can't complain.

Sobs of torment from his broken legs cascade out of him. Primrose knelt beside his creasing figure as he twirled around a new weapon of torture; a black knife with his name carved on it. "Have mercy, please!" He whimpers as he watches him unbuttons his shirt.

"Mercy? You haven't earned it," Primrose answers as the tip of the knife thrust the delicate tissue of his torso. In Major's head, this is all just a dream. Nothing but a dream. But as the pain grew bigger and bolder, he snaps out of his thought and realized that this was all real.

Major pleaded again but his pleas become cries as the knife began to steadily chisel the words "JUSTICE" written across his chest as blood streams down his body. He bawled and broke inside, he earned this, he should appreciate this, and he hoped for his mother to forgive him.

He hoped that Lilibush, Amorphous, Cantaloupe, and Chief Moss would not forget about the tiny little kid who committed homicide when he was a little tot.

That one sickening tiny tot that everyone hates and won't care about. He cries his pains out as he hears them calling out his name with provocative nicknames at the end of it. He was sick of this. He just wants this to finish.

Major wasn't sure when his pain became entertainment for others. He can hear them laugh and call him names. He wasn't even sure if those he hears are real. If he would be watching this, he would be nauseated. He kept on pleading for his life but he doesn't know if someone could hear his excuses.

There laid out his severed and on the brink of death condition. He spits out blood towards Primrose hexing his existence. He coughs out his breath as he looks at the man who thought would just ravish him till his lungs gave up. "You are such a sick motherfucker. I wish you rot in hell," Major muttered through his bloody lips.

"I can't believe that you still call yourself human," he added as he coughs out more blood and his bones scream in pain. "Who gave you the idea that I am?" Primrose asks firmly.

"I am fully aware of my actions and my long list of criminal records but who will seize me, if you are dead?" Primrose was now crouching down near his guitar casing.

"Who will identify me as the mystery killer if you are the only one who knows what I look like?" The man grabs a few canisters and turns back to him, "You are their prime witness. It's only fair for me to kill you before they arrest me."

All the while he talks Major shakes his head, weeping out regrets and beseeching to be shown mercy. His heart pounded loudly as he grapples to retrieve any sense of himself. He didn't want to die. He is not ready to die.

He can't die now. He will be missed and her aunt would probably get all of his richness and start living in luxury as if she did something to help him when he was a kid.

"I think you are ready to meet our dearest Creator," Primrose declares in a plainly venomous tone. Major starts to squawk and falters when the clear liquid made contact with his exposed and fresh wounds.

It smells like a barbeque or something that has the scent of burning flesh. Major is screaming and shaking his head, begging the killer for mercy, pleading him to not take his life, asking him to have justice inside his heart. But the moment that Major looks at those dark and sickening ocean blue eyes, he knows that this is it.

Before he takes his last screams in pain, he whispers to his own ears, "I am justice."

Major screams out in pain as Primrose's laughter echoes inside the building. All that Major could fathom is the burning pain for what feels like perpetuity, which he wishes would last a minute.

"I had a great time playing with you, detective," Primrose said dangerously, looking at the dying detective and the stagnant of his scent as he grabs a long sword that is encased in a thin black cloth.

He draws the sword and place underneath Major's chin. His sickening smile is plastered on his face as starts positioning himself and in one stroke. Major is dead.

The screaming came to a shrieking halt and his head rolls down on the craggy cold ground. Ren picks it up and washed it until the blood drains out then string it up to dry. Their night was just like any other night.

They went to sleep as if nothing had happened even the grandmother who watches the slow process of assassination hasn't said a word and will not say a word for she is thankful to Primrose for giving her another chance to experience life ever since they met in that dark alleyway.