Grief and Rave

It has been weeks since Major went missing. The clues that were behind are still unsolved. The ones taking responsibility for this mess were Lilibush and Chief Moss. Major's relatives even call the police to ask if they find anything or any clues regarding his disappearance. But instead of grief they mostly feel guilt.

They haven't been on good terms with Major ever since he was a kid. The death of his parents pushed them to the edge of not caring or even talking to the kid. They let the police put him in a juvenile facility instead of living with them.

Yes, they are at fault on that accounts but they could only wish that if they can turn back time, they would take care of the little kid. His auntie has been going in and out of the precinct to check if they have something for Major.

Christmas is near and they want to have a proper Christmas with Major. A few shakes and sad faces are what to welcome her all the time. She is getting frustrated as each day passes. Even Lilibush is taking the effect of blaming himself because he didn't take good care of his junior.

Cantaloupe is having a dilemma of wanting to solve the crime or just cry all night until it was solved on its own. Amorphous is having a hard time accepting that they might not find Major alive. As for the Chief, he still hopes that they will find him. It might not be alive but at least they found him.

Another day at the stressful office, papers have been flying everywhere and the frantic faces to find the missing detective has been the biggest problem. Other crimes were being taken care of by other police officers.

It might be out of context for the bureau to take part in this crime but the chief convinced them that Major's case is the nearest case possible to identify their mystery killer. The bureau gave their assistance to the precinct and Chief Moss thanks them for it.

He even promised that the moment they find the killer, he won't go anywhere. The bureau smiles at that and gave them a nod. Lilibush, Cantaloupe, Amorphous, and the recruit of detectives together with Chief are having a scrutinizing meeting.

"These are the only clues you found?" Alice asks, she is one of the recruits that the bureau hand-picked to help with the crime. Chief Moss nods and looks at the recruit with careful eyes. "This shit is easy, how come you haven't found the killer?"

She asks as he shakes her head and went on to solve the piece of the clue. Chief Moss shakes his head, thinking that the kid is too over herself that she forgets the true purpose of this meeting.

Lilibush and Cantaloupe share a look with Amorphous and they just chuckle. They went on with analyzing the clues when Amorphous thought of an idea in solving the clue that they had found.

These past few days, clues of Major's disappearance have been dropping like flies ranging from physical clues to DNA samples. The clues might sound overwhelming, but they aren't. They have few clues to even find the guy.

It has been an hour before Alice looks over to her friends from the bureau and to the chief of police. As if Chief Moss feels her gaze, he looks at her then softly smiles. Alice looks away and went back in solving the clue.

Moments later, Amorphous grabs the piece of the clue in her hand. She gave him a look of confusion then stares at his phone that was placed upward on the table, showing a picture of a keyboard.

"What are you doing?" She asks with curiosity. She never has seen such techniques when solving a murder crime. She always goes by the book and she never misses one crime unsolved. "Solving it, of course," Amorphous said then smiles at her before going back to his idea.

With the help of the triangular shapes facing 90 degrees to the right, he grabs a piece of paper from Cantaloupe's notebook earning him a "hey" from the fellow detective.

"Jesus, I can't believe I am doing this," Amorphous muttered as he looks at the picture then at the letters written on paper. "T, when you read it twice as fast it will be U," he said as he writes down the letters one by one. "S, when you read it twice as fast it will F," he said again.

He mutters the letter representations until he formed a sentence. "U-F-O-U-N-D-M-E," the paper said. At first, he thought it was another dead end but when he realizes that he has seen these words before. He abruptly stands up and fixes his things.

Chief Moss looks at him with skepticism and asks, "What is going on?" Amorphous just looks at him as if telling him to just follow because he might know where Major is. Getting the clues in his eyes, the two other detectives and Chief Moss immediately grab their things and walks out of the conference room. The new recruits follow them to suit and they briskly mounted the police car and follows Amorphous.

They arrived and parked at Granson's café. Once settled Amorphous runs to the abandoned building at the back where they caught Keya Gul tied up and cries. He could still remember the room because that's where Major saw the 'U-F-O-U-N-D-M-E' thing before.

The others run with him as fast as they can and when they found Amorphous, he was already on the floor crying. "What's wrong?" Cantaloupe asks. Amorphous just points at something and when Cantaloupe looks at it. He gasps and tears start running down his face.

Chief Moss and the others were confused, so they look at it for themselves. What they saw is pretty gruesome. Amorphous points out something that is hanging by a string that turns out to be the mutilated head of Major and underneath is his decomposing body.

The rotten smell that is coming from it gave out the conclusion that the killer uses acid to decompose it faster than the normal process. Chief Moss calls for back up wobbly and trying not to cry at the sight in front of him.

Even the recruits cried at the sight of the dead body of Major. They were okay, found his dead body in a good condition but never like this. Whoever did this will pay, are they what all thought. As the team of police officers and the forensic team surround the area, the people of Emir City went over to the place to see what was going on.

One of those people is Ren Sage. He was walking along the roads to Granson's café when he sees a crowd approaching the building. He curiously walks over to see what's the fuss is all about when they pulled out a disgusting smell coming from the body that is being transported to the van.

His eyes widened when he knew who it was. He immediately calls Major's aunt that he met while fixing his turf at the flower shop. Minutes later, they both arrived at the precinct and his aunt went straight to the police.

"Where is Major?" She screams at the office. Lilibush is shocked when he heard the voice. "Where is my nephew?" She asks again while crying in Ren's arms. Lilibush went to the commotion when he sees Ren holding Major's aunt in his arms.

Lilibush tries to calm her down but she won't budge. "We are still trying to fix him, Madam. Please calm down," Lilibush said in a calming voice trying to convince her that Major is okay. "I know he is not okay, Ren said so," she said in a stern voice.

Lilibush looks over to Ren, who is also crying. "How did you know?" Lilibush suddenly asks. "I was walking along the streets of Granson's café when I saw a commotion from the abandoned building at the back. Out of curiosity, I went over and see Major's body being dragged out of the building. I didn't see everything, but I did see the bracelet that I gave him on one of our dates," Ren said as he pours down and cries.

Lilibush confusingly looks at him, deciding whether to believe the guy or arrests him for lying. He chose to believe him instead yet his guts kept on telling him to run far away from that person. Lilibush inhales a heavy sigh and calls Cantaloupe to say that a relative of Major has come over. Cantaloupe nods and takes Major's aunt to see it.

Ren was about to go when Lilibush stops him and asks if he could question him as the last person to see Major. Ren nods and reassures Major's aunt that everything will be okay before following Lilibush to the interrogation room. Amorphous heard the conversation between Lilibush and Ren so he immediately asks Chief Moss to go follow him to the interrogation room. Chief Moss nods and follows the frantic detective.

"Have a seat," Lilibush said as he gestures Ren to sit down. Ren follows suit and wipes his tears away. Lilibush, not buying the act, went straight to the point. "Who killed Major?" he asks in a stern voice.

Ren looks up to him knowing that the detective is not buying his act so; he wipes his tears away and looks at him relentlessly. Lilibush was a bit shock when Ren looks at him as if Major was nothing to him. Ren inhales and the next question shock all of the people listening to their conversation.

"Who is Ren, detective?" Lilibush looks at him with uncertainty. "This is not the time to play, Ren. Who is the fucker that killed Major?" Lilibush exclaims slamming both of his hands on the table. Ren did not flinch at the contact.

He leans forward with a threatening look and a seductive grin on his face. "You know, it is very rude to call people wrong names." He said then went back to his seat. Lilibush not getting the idea, storms out of the room when Ren said the name he didn't want to hear.

"Orch. My name is Orch Sage." Lilibush looks at him astonished. Even Amorphous and Chief Moss were stunned when they heard the name. Ren stands up and looks over to the other side of the mirror.

"Miss me, Chief?" he said.