Revelation and the Truth

The sound of sirens from afar gave a fright to his soul. He tries to surrender but his instincts tell him to run far away from this filthy place. His phone vibrates non-stop for a whole hour now and he doesn't have the strength to reach out for it and answers whoever is calling him.

He stayed under the covers for a solid minute before taking up all of his courage and answers the phone. What he did not expect is a call from a stranger who he met at the club before. "Ren?" he said. His voice is filled with concern and worry.

"I hope you are doing okay. I heard that someone got shot near the dumpsite on Black Trench. You live near there, right?" he asks. Orch stays muted at the whole conversation. He doesn't want to talk. He doesn't want the stranger to hear his voice.

He doesn't want the stranger to know who he is. He is not Ren and will never be Ren. He is nothing like Ren. He is not smart and talented as Ren Sage. He is not as beautiful and elegant as Ren Sage. He is not the person his parents hoped him to be.

He is nothing but trash and a disappointment to the Sage family. As the call ended, the guy hangs up and he sighs. 'There's shooting on Black Trench. I wonder who that could be.' He thought as he paced around the room not knowing what to do.

Hours had already passed and his brother hasn't been home. He was worried, yes, because his brother is still part of the family. After all the years of hiding and escaping his parents' clutches, his brother helped to survive so he owed him his life.

He starts biting his nails and stomping his feet. This is making him go insane. Why his brother hasn't answered his calls?

He decided to turn on the TV to find if there is something on the news. What struck him is that his brother's face was plastered on the TV screen. His brother is dead. Orch's heart was pounding loudly in his ears as he increases the volume of the TV.

Ren was killed by the organization he wrongly messed up with. He killed his brother and he doesn't know about it. He swallowed a dry lump from the back of his throat and wipes away the sweat forming on his forehead.

He drops the remote down and colliding with the ground with a thud as he covers his mouth and cries out loud. He is dead. His brother is dead. They killed him thinking that he is him. His cries get louder and louder. Now that he realizes that his whole world just crumbles down.

The reason why he is still alive is now gone. He should've been the one dead and not him. His whimpers could be heard from afar. He cries and cries until the scrutinizing pain is gone and hopefully he could forgive himself for his brother's death.

The investigators at that time did their best to try and find out which organization killed his brother but deep in his heart, he knows them very well. Some of them are even skeptical that it was a big gang organization that killed Ren Sage.

What shocks them the most is that when they check the cameras on the scene, they did not catch anything. As if Ren Sage just vanished into thin air.

Years had passed since his brother's death; people began spreading rumors about Ren Sage being a bad brother or bad-mouthing his family. He couldn't care less. He just wants his brother back and nothing more.

The last thing he could remember is the first time he felt when he found out the news about his brother. It was guilt and regret. The guilt that he felt is not because he felt guilty about what happened to him but because it involved his innocent brother. The regret well, it is because he met his brother again. With all of the grief and regret that he felt, he met Primrose.

The only person who cares about him and not about his past and won't judge him about it either. He sighs as he stares at the shocked detectives in front of him. "Cat got your tongue?" he asks while he stretches. Lilibush sat back down and as for Amorphous and Chief Moss, they are still in shock that Orch Sage is still alive.

"How did you not die? I am pretty sure that you are the one who was killed." Lilibush mutters. Orch gave them a breathy laugh as if the detective just told him a joke. "Are you serious? Maybe because I have a twin brother and maybe because we are identical," Orch said as he wipes his tears away.

"Aren't you the detective? Aren't you supposed to be the one solving this instead of me?" Ren asks once again before standing up. "Dear detective, since you don't have a proper warrant to interrogate me, I will be on my way. Thank you for your time." He said and walks out of the room. He went to the morgue where Major is laid down.

He is familiar with the routes in the precinct since it was the same precinct where his brother was laid. He waited until the crying lady stops and went out. He smiles sadly at her as she cries for more. "I am such a bad person. I should've been there for him when he needed me the most," she cries as Ren held his arms to support her.

She has the same pain that he felt when his brother died. "Major! Major, my nephew!" Major's aunt cried out as she was being held by Orch still blaming herself for his death. It was already dark outside of the precinct yet she still did not want to go home because of Major. Orch offers her a place to stay before going back to Éclair.

She was grateful enough for his help and for loving the boy even after death. Orch just smiles and assists her on their way back. It hurts seeing people that loved you like this. But it hurts more knowing that this might affect their daily lives. The constant reminder of leaving them behind is something you don't want to experience.

Even though Orch was there for Major's aunt, he was still little help to the grief-stricken her and Major's family. The moment they got to an apartment prepared by Orch since the moment he found out that he is Major's aunt, she just sat there on his couch not knowing what to do.

She grabs her phone and dials a number before starts to pace around the room. Orch has seen it all before, she was trying to tell him to walk away or she wants to talk to the person on the other line alone. As if on cue, the moment she said hello, he went to the kitchen and stayed there until their conversation stops. Orch immediately grabs his phone and texted Primrose.


To: Master

From: Dog

Time: 8:32 PM


Master, they found him. His aunt is the one who claimed as his family. I think she is from Eclair or somewhere. But anyway, she is at my house. Do you want me to do something for her?

~Beloved, Orch~


Primrose was having his dinner at his usual spot when he received the message. 'A relative? I thought he was an orphan,' he thought to himself before replying to his beloved pet.


To: Dog

From: Master

Time: 8:45 PM


Good job convincing her to stay with you, love. I am so proud of you for doing that. I prefer for you not to touch her since I don't want your hands to get filthy by people who don't appreciate our pleas. So, I suggest just open your windows, duck, and cover while I do the trick of silencing her. Also, clean it up for me afterward, okay?

~Loving you always, Master~


Orch's phone pinged and smiles at the text he receives. As instructed, he opened the windows where he at, ducks, and cover his ears.

Moments later, he heard a phut sound that echoed from afar then the apartment suddenly went silent. His phone pinged again, another message from Primrose saying that he can now start cleaning up the dead body.

As for the apartment, he needs to put the sign back before someone notices that he trespassed. After cleaning everything and putting the lady's body on the tub where people could see, he took a shower then dresses up making sure that no one would recognize him once he is out. He puts on a hoodie and a cap then he went on his way.

He locks the door of the apartment and puts back the sign. Before he even went down the stairs, someone calls up to him and asks what he is doing to the empty apartment. He smiles at the man and said that he was just checking it out and nothing much.

The man believes him and went away. Orch releases a soft sigh then went back home. Major is dead and so was his identity as Ren Sage. Looks like he will go back on being called Orch Sage, the prostitute. He looks up to the sky then smiles, I hope his brother is happy somewhere up there because he is having so much fun down here with the guy who was once called a monster.