Off Days and Mini Dates


Weeks had already passed since Major died. Primrose is still on the loose despite the detectives already having plenty of pieces of evidence against him. Lilibush and the others have still wanting to know the story about the misidentified dead body of Orch Sage and how come no one bothered to know if the body is indeed Orch.

Even his family didn't show up to the funeral and they never ask for it to be investigated. Major's family has stopped mourning after his funeral which Orch also attended. No one in the precinct dared to talk to him since no one actually knows if he is telling the truth or not.

As for Orch, he is more than happy that no one talked to him during the five days funeral of Major. He isn't bothered by the fact that he was discovered to be pretending as his older brother. He isn't bothered when out of nowhere, his parents called him asking him to return home.

He won't go, of course, not after what happened and now he is sitting by the couch in Primrose's apartment with his grandmother, swiping through social media thinking of what to do next when Primrose suddenly lifts his chin from the back and kisses him gently and sweetly.

Orch smiles through the kiss as he pulled him closer making the kiss deeper. Primrose smirks and leans forward as he bits Orch's lower lips asking for an entrance. Orch opens his mouth and Primrose slides his tongue in and swirls around with Orch's tongue.

The kiss lasted for a few minutes and when it stops, Orch was a gasping mess. His lips were swollen and there is a string of saliva coming out of his mouth. Primrose then kissed his forehead before he heads out. Orch looks at the grandmother with a blushing face and the grandmother just smiles. She got used to this kind of show from time to time ever since she lived with Primrose.

The first time she had seen it, she tries covering her eyes but the moans gave it away so she decided to hide in the kitchen and then she starts blasting loud music. She can still hear Orch and Primrose's laughter but she doesn't care.

Her face is all red and she doesn't want them to see it. Thinking about it just now makes her blush then she got a teasing hum from Orch; she looked away and starts preparing lunch for the three.

Lunch passes by with light stories and some laughter among them three and Primrose decide to ask Orch out for a mini date. Orch is more than excited. Even the word excited is a little of an understatement, he is more like ecstatic.

Primrose shows him his genuine smile and Orch is so happy to see that smile again and he will do everything to keep that smile on his face. It was so genuine and child-like and Orch loves it. It's like a smile that even scientists haven't discovered yet as if it's his first time to smile after a long time of abused and being used. It's like a smile that is needed to be protected at all costs.

Orch excitedly went home and start rummaging his closet the moment he steps into his room. Looking for the perfect outfit for this once in a lifetime date with Primrose, and was something he never did will happen.

When he finds the perfect outfit for their date, he smirks and starts doing his make-up, his hair is already long enough to put it in a bun yet he just let it flow over his shoulder. After dressing up, he puts in black high cut boots that complement his black tight jeans.

He grabs his phone and texts, Primrose, that he is ready. He waits for him to reply and when he receives his reply, he smiles. He went downstairs to greet Primrose who looks handsomely delicious with his style.

Primrose wears a black long sleeves turtle neck that shows the shapes of his muscular body and black tight pants that shows the curves of his legs and on top of that, he is wearing his leather black shoes that Orch gave him on his birthday and the Rolex that compliments the overall look. On the other hand, Orch wears something along the lines of feminine but edgy style. He went for a black crop top under an evergreen leather jacket.

His jean is somewhat similar to a jegging that shows his perfect proportion. Primrose smirks when he saw how beautiful Orch is and how his clothes that honors his curves. "You look stunning today, baby," Primrose compliments him as his lips land on Orch's. Orch moans as the kiss lasted for a few minutes messing up Orch's lipstick.

"You handsomely delicious yourself, Prim," Orch said as he smiles and looks up at the tall man. Primrose chuckles and leans over to give him a chaste kiss. "You can call me Alex, baby. I don't want anyone to hear that murderous name."

Primrose said as he grabs Orch by the waist and guided him to his motorbike. It was a KWSK Ninja H2R that he bought after Ms. Sorrel died. Primrose named it Ren after his brother's and for some reason, Orch is loving how the name fits the motorbike.

Their first destination is a mind museum. The architectural structure of it is quite magnificent to look at. What was inside of it is even more so. It is filled with inventions and innovative technologies that are far from the future.

It has a lot of fossils of dinosaurs and other mammals that were discovered many, many years ago. It even has a dinosaur egg that you can take pictures with as if mimicking a baby dino coming out of his shell. There is also a staircase of what looks like a piano that when you step on it, plays sounds.

There is a mini aquarium area where animals of all sizes exist, ranging from the rarest to the most common. The building is bigger from the inside and has a lot of fun areas to discover. One of Orch's favorites is the dessert museum which is located right above the mind museum. It is filled with enormous desserts that you play with and there are also there are treats at every corner.

It is like a dessert haven for those young at hearts. Primrose starts smiling and laughing when Orch tries to steal candies from a younger aged girl. There is also an edible cotton candy forest; it's like a Willy Wonka adventure in its every nooks and cranny.

After their museum date, they went to an art museum where arts are more on the 3-dimensional approaches than the traditional and much classical works of arts. The museum has a lot of amazing and humongous pieces of art that give the museum such a diverse aura to those who visit it.

Some of those arts are angel wings, mermaid tails, a walk through the jungle, the tree from the Garden of Eden that is surrounded with red apples and a giant snake, Captain Hook's favorite arm-eating crocodile from the Peter Pan stories, a giant vault that is filled with money, and many other more.

Their next destination is an upside-down museum where all of the things that you see are pretty much upside down. From the bathroom to the office to a small room, everything is upside down. Orch got a little bit dizzy just by looking at it but he is having fun. The next one is by far their most favorite because they had more fun in it.

The adrenaline rush that came over their body as if feeling all the sensation is mind-blowing. The terrifying fear of jump scares is such an awesome experience for Primrose and Orch. The Asylum even give Primrose his next approach to his next target but that could arrange some other time.

His main focus now is to get home and get other the sheets with Orch and this overly induced adrenaline rush. From the very moment they step inside of Primrose's apartment, clothes have started to fly across the room. Shoes have been trash beside the couch and the front door slams.

The sound of moans and groans can be heard all around the apartment. Primrose's grandmother has been instructed to stay with their neighbor until the next morning. Primrose carries Orch up to his bedroom and slams his back against the wall, earning a playful groan from his lover.

Orch teasingly giggles when Primrose broke the kiss and looks at the guy with his seductive eyes. "Ready for me, Master?" Orch asks as he purrs while Primrose lies his lover down on the soft silky mattress. "Always," Primrose answers deeply and kisses Orch vigorously.

Throwing profanities to the savagery of biology and destiny, Primrose circles the pads of his fingers over his Orch's rim before drill his index finger inside him. Orch jolts and Primrose immediately stills, but Orch whimpers and pushes back against him, his hips wiggling in Primrose's lap. Primrose relaxes and curls his finger, and thrusting gently.

He could take better care of Orch if he just ate him out, but Primrose senses that his lover needs something deeper and fuller than what he can offer with his tongue; the tenacity with which Orch craves more refresh in the memory of their own awareness that jerking into their hands will never be enough.

He smirks and tentatively presses in his index finger followed by his other finger, massaging and scissoring until his fingers slip in and out of Orch's hole effortlessly. "Relax, baby. I will try to be gentle."

Primrose whispers as he tries to divert Orch from the aches and pains of having three fingers inside of his hole by rubbing circles into his back with his free hand. "You want this right, baby?" he asks again. Orch whimpers then nod before answering him, "Yes, I feel so full and so good." He tried to grind on Primrose's lap to get friction against his hard bulging flesh.

A sound of approbation resounds in Primrose's torso, and he grows half-hard at the way Orch's hole swallows him back in at every outward tug of his fingers, how he's snag between meeting Primrose's thrusts and grinding against his thighs.

Primrose pours more lube one-handed and massages Orch's rim as Orch fists his hands into the sheets, his body quivering like a rigid bowstring. His ruptured moans turn into a relentless sob as Primrose works his fingers against his walls, his free hand securing Orch in place when his legs start to shake like a leaf.

Orch's hands are at the waistband of Primrose's underwear, drawing them off, and Primrose looks down at Orch as he frees his hardened flesh, and it grows even harder when Orch gets on his thighs, trembling as he lingers over him.

Protective instinct overthrow lust and Primrose grabs Orch's waist to stop him from sinking, thumbs brushing lightly over the protrudes of his hipbones. Protection, they need a condom.

"May I?" Orch gulps, eyes darting from Primrose's face to the condom. "May I put it on?"

Primrose nods as he hands him the lube. Orch then slides down the condom into Primrose's length. Orch's mouth falls into a perfect little "O" as he subsides back down over Primrose's hips, the tip sliding over his hole.

He stretches himself with both hands, and Primrose holds himself steady and watches unblinkingly as Orch descends. With a gasp, Orch shoves down, hands muddling against Primrose's abs weakly. The space between his brows is crumple up, but his jaw is relaxed, and he moans on each exhale.

They both cusses when Orch rolls his hips and Primrose glides deeper until he's half-buried inside of him. "Fuck, you're so big, Master," Orch mutters as Primrose's length slides further. Grasping Primrose's shoulders hard enough to leave prints, Orch rides him until his ass nearly is flush with Primrose's pelvis on every descending thrust.

With a haul that rips a scream from his throat, Orch slams down onto him and comes untouched, cum drizzling down his cock, thighs heaving around Primrose, fingernails pulling hard enough to draw blood. Primrose exhales loudly and hums as he kisses Orch on the lips then puts Orch beside him.

"Was I good, Master?" Orch asks sweetly as he tries to stay awake to hear his Master's response. "Yes, baby. So good, you are so good," Primrose praises as he kisses his forehead. Orch just hums before drifting to dreamland.

Primrose chuckles then cover him with thick blankets before hugging Orch tightly. He has no intention of letting the boy go if it meant for him to change and be a better man, he would. But that would be impossible since it was already too late for him to change.