He has been watching his every move and his ways to kill his victims. He has been searching for the right moment to strike and pretends to be him. He wanted to help yet he is not sure when or how. He was there when Ms. Sorrel died.

He was there when the kid on the merry-go-round died. He was there when Keya Gul died. He was more than happy to see him having fun with every kill he does. He saw how intricate the details are that they've become satisfying to him.

He even made a video compilation of everything that he had witnessed. "Primrose," he moans his name every time he masturbates. "Primrose," he groans as he reached the climax. "Primrose," he whispers as he wipes his sweat on his forehead and cleans himself. "That was intense," he said to himself as he walks down the hallway to the kitchen and prepares something to eat.

His apartment is the perfect size for him. Not too small and not too big, that it was almost lonely because it's just him who lives there. But it will be more fun and exciting if Primrose, the guy of his dreams, will live there with him.

He has been following Primrose for a year now; revisiting the place where his last crime had taken place or going there to see if he is around. He has been in a very bad mood ever since the day he saw Primrose with that Sage-whore.

He won't call him bitch because he is not a bitch. And the look of softness in Primrose's face makes him angrier as the day ends. He went home with a grumpy face and a pissed mind. He wants Primrose all to his own and he is getting desperate every time he thinks of him. He switches on the TV to see what was on the news.

"…BREAKING NEWS: Chief Moss of the Emir City Police Department said that they already have enough evidence to evict this mysterious killer who roams the city's streets at night. He also asks the bureau's help regarding the investigation. After the death of Detective Major Alvit, the police station has been racing against time to catch the killer…"

He grips the mug that he was holding as he listens to the information on the news. He won't let the police catch him. He needs to think of something to avert their attention away from Primrose. He immediately went to his computer to hack into the police system again, to see if how much evidence that the police have already.

After hours of searching, he came with a plan of helping Primrose escape from the police. He gathers up everything that is needed for this escape and went to the place that he only knows exist. He smiles to himself and waits for the right moment even if it will take him forever to wait.

He sits down on a stool and took his phone and re-watches the news from earlier. "You won't catch him," he mutters to himself. "I will make sure of it," he said as he reviews the news intently. Rewatching it as much as he can to take the full detail of their investigation regarding Primrose. As he takes down every note to add in his notes of Primrose's past crimes.


"Primrose!" Orch yells from the other side of the apartment where he saw the news about catching Primrose. "Yeah?" the latter answers Orch, who was having panic after what he just heard. "We have a big problem," Orch said as he approaches Primrose who is having fun playing on his phone.

Primrose looks at him and smiles, "They can't catch me with trash evidence, baby." He said and looks back at his phone. Orch was relieved that Primrose could have a back-up plan but he was not sure what it was.

"What are you planning?" Orch asks him. Something's not right. How come Primrose is relaxed after what the police just announced? "Nothing, really," the man answers and puts his phone away. He looks at Orch with a relaxed face.

"Stop worrying," he reassures him before pulling Orch down so he could kiss him. "You worry too much about me, Orch. Relax a little," he said as he leans back to his chair when he suddenly receives a message. "Who is that?" Orch asks as he sat down on Primrose's lap. "Law," he simply answered. Hearing the name makes Orch's arm hairs raised.

"What does she want?" Orch asks looking at the man who has a smirk on his face. "Mr. Callaghan is dead," Primrose announces which gave Orch a shock of his life. But he tries to calm himself down since he knows that panicking won't do anything great to him.

"Since when?" Orch asks Primrose then faces the latter. "Two days ago," he answers calmly as he continues to scroll down to his phone. He is not aware of the fact that Orch is more than panicking right now after knowing Mr. Callaghan's death.

Mr. Callaghan might not be the best person to work with but he is the best person to ask for advice about life or if shits happened. He has been with Mr. Callaghan way before he met Primrose and either one of the rumors about the old man is true.

Mr. Callaghan is more like a normal man minus his lavish lifestyle and luxury parties. He is more like a father to him and to everyone else. He was indulged by this richness before but nothing beats the simple game, he and Mr. Callaghan played. He was deep in his thoughts and didn't realize that he was crying. Primrose rubs his back trying to soothe him after learning about Mr. Callaghan's death.

"It's okay, you're safe," Primrose said as he placed his phone back on the counter then fully hugged Orch. Orch lets out his pitiful cries that can be heard from afar. As if he is crying for two people who he lost in life; one for his brother and one for Mr. Callaghan.


"Cantaloupe, are you ready?" Lilibush asks as he places his gun in his back pocket. "Yeah," Cantaloupe answers before they bust out Primrose's known apartment. The sound from the busted door alarms everyone in the shared apartment including their neighbors.

Orch immediately runs to Ms. Prime's aid and Primrose hides every single detail that could lead to his demise. "Police! Put your hands up!" Amorphous exclaims as they roam around the place. Primrose did no longer thinks twice; he jumps from his balcony, almost breaking his leg, and runs for his life, leaving Ms. Prime and Orch in the hands of the police.

Cantaloupe tries to grab him before he jumps but he was too late. He asked assistance from the people below to catch him. The others proceed to get the others who live at the apartment. They only found Orch and Ms. Prime and no Primrose insight.

They even brought a tech expert to hack into his computers to get any possible information regarding the killings. They put his things in boxes and were going to be examining them back in the precinct.

They immediately put cuffs on Orch and pushed him out of the apartment and into the police vehicle. As for Ms. Prime who still doesn't know what is happening, they carefully ask her to enter the police car. She did and just sat there quietly; too quiet for everyone's taste.

Later on that day, Lilibush receives a frustrating call from the bureau that they lost Primrose. He curses at them on the back of his head before thanking them for their effort. Lilibush sighs and went back to the interrogation room where Ms. Prime is sitting and not talking to them.

They've been here for two hours and the lady hasn't been talking since then. They should've taken Orch's warning earlier about Ms. Prime. "Ms. Prime, please. We just need you to answer a few questions and you will be out," Amorphous pleads to the old lady but she still isn't answering.

Breaking his hopes down, he stands up from his seat and walks out of the room. He went straight to the other room where Chief Moss and Lilibush were. "There's no use on forcing her, Chief. I don't think she will talk even if catch Primrose."

Amorphous said as he flops down on the available seat inside of the observation room. Chief Moss sighs and asks Lilibush about the chase with the bureau but his answer made him more angry and dizzy. Their only hope now is Orch Sage who is, by the way, sitting inside in a mini cell with other small-time prisoners, who happened to know him, too.

"Did he managed to escape?" one asks in a whisper but when Orch did not answer, he cowers down and prays for Primrose's safety. Orch is hoping for that, too. But he wasn't sure anymore.