A New Pet?

"Police! Put your hands up!"

A man yelled from the busted door that Primrose immediately scrambles to reformat his laptop after sending everything to his friend. He was glad that the files were managed to be sent to her before the police came through the door.

Orch jumps from his lap and to the old lady in the other room and protects her at all cost. As for Primrose, the adrenaline rush of having caught made him decide to jump off from the balcony of his room, which is on the third floor of the apartment building, landing on his feet, and almost breaking his leg.

He yelps at the pain causing the police to hear his voice and resulting in a painful chase that he had never experienced. He ran and ran until he reached an alleyway. He breathes for a minute before taking his phone out to contact his friend but before he even presses the dial tone, someone grabbed his arm and leads him into the darkness of the alleyway and away from the police.

Primrose can't see the face of this sudden savior because it was too dark in the alleyway and the man or woman is wearing black, making hard it hard for Primrose to recognize the person. They ran for about five minutes and when they stopped, Primrose found himself in an old house filled with vines and grimes.

Primrose grimaces a little before entering the house.

"Where are we?" Primrose asks as they enter the house. The guy gestures to him to sit down by the couch that has a white cloth. Primrose sat down as he tries not to puke or be disrespectful to the guy who just saved his life.

"Hey, thank you for saving me. But can I know who you are?" Primrose asks as he tries to relax under the mysterious eyes of the guy in front of him. The kabuki mask that the guy is wearing is making him scarier.

Primrose is never a patient man.

He hates waiting so much. He stands up and starts approaching the guy. He removes the kabuki mask and throws it to the ground before lifting the guy's face. "I ask your name," he said sternly, using his big voice making the guy squirms and look away. He grabs his chin firmly and forces him to look at Primrose.

"Don't make me ask again or I will give you a new name," he said as if he is giving him a warning. The guy visibly gulps before nodding. "Hare. My name is Hare Bellfard," the guy said before looking away as if saying his name is an embarrassment.

"Bellfard?" Primrose curiously asks as if the name sounds very familiar to him. "Where did I hear that name before?" Primrose asks as he removes his hand on Hare's chin then walks away from the guy.

"Our family is involved in the death of Ren Sage," he mutters quietly but Primrose still heard it. "What do you mean involved?" Primrose asks as he sits down on the covered couch. "This place," the guy said before looking at the burnt down fireplace.

"This place was owned by the Sage family. It was abandoned after Ren Sage starts a mini fire to scare off his parents when they threaten to kill Orch when they learned that he was somewhat involved with the powerful gang; The Den," the guy said as he looks at it intently before looking on the floor with piercing eyes.

"My mom heard the commotion and tried to stop Ren from doing so; convincing him that instead of threatening his parents, he should just find and help his brother or convince him to leave the gang," he said trying to suppress his tears, hoping that they won't fall.

"When Mr. and Mrs. Sage heard about what my mom did, they hired people to kill my whole family. I still don't know the reason why they need to do that, but they did. My mom and dad died while trying to save us. I was at work when I find out the news, they were here at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Sage invited my family over for a tea party but instead of that, they set this house on fire," he said while tears start forming in his eyes.

"I ran as fast as I could in hopes of saving my parents from the fire but when I got here, they were long gone and my siblings are already at the hospital. They were severely burned and two of them almost died.

Out of anger, I lashed out to everyone who is trying to help us. Thinking that they would do the same if I took the help that they are offering," he said trembling as the tears start to roll down his pale cheeks. He looks at Primrose to see if he is listening, he never thought that Primrose will believe him and cry with him.

He burst into tears and cries away. He wipes his tears and tries to compose himself again, trying to remember every single thing that had happened on that fateful night. "You asked earlier how I got involved in Ren Sage's death, right." He asks Primrose before walking towards him and stops in front of the killer. He leans over his ear and whispers,

"I am the one who asks the mafia to do it. So it was not a mistake, I did intend to kill Ren Sage and not Orch."

At that, Primrose's eyes widen and look at the guy as he stood in front of him. It was his plan all along. The death of Ren Sage is what he intends to do, making Orch and his family suffer is what he wants them to feel.

The taste of missing your loved one is the punishment that he imposes on them. A perfect crime is what he calls it. Staying anonymous and innocent in the face of justice is such a perfect crime. He wants that.

Primrose wants that type of anonymity for his greatest crime. He needs to convince this guy to help him to accomplish such a crime. He needs his connections with the mafia. He desperately needs that. Primrose stands up and places his hand on the guy's cheek.

"Orch had been a great help to me when he flirted with the detective, making him an easy target for torture and manipulation. But you," Primrose said stopping in the middle of his sentence, letting the tension get to his nerves.

"You have a connection, you can do anything, and you have everything in the palm of your hands. You can grasp anything that you want. The perfect pet that I need for my greatest crime, the only thing to do now is convincing you to be my pet, Hare Bellfard." Primrose said as he wipes the tears that dried to his silky pale skin.

Hare smiles and looks up to the taller male. "You don't need to convince or bribe me with anything, Primrose. I will be your pet as long as you need. If you want that greatest crime of yours, use me," the guy offers to make Primrose smile sardonically.

"Call me with a different name all you want. Make me yours, my Lord. I will worship you if you want me to," he said as he lowers his body to the ground then kisses Primrose's dirty shoes. Primrose smirks to himself before pulling the guy up and wipes his lips with his thumb.

"Never do that again, dog," Primrose said and kisses him roughly as he grips his waist leaving a bruise as a symbol of him becoming his pet.

Ending that day filled with new plans to stay anonymous and innocent in the face of the police and a new pet that Primrose could play while plotting his next move. Primrose never expects to have a new pet since he is pre-occupied with his plans of saving Orch since he knew too much about his crimes.

He looks at Hare as he walks to the kitchen and prepares them dinner. Primrose hums to himself as he licks his bottom lips and smirks to himself.

Will it be okay to kill Orch since he has a new pet now?

He thinks to himself as he tries to convince himself to let go of the pet he had for so long and hoping that Hare could feel the gap when Orch is dead. He grimaces thinking how he would eliminate Orch. He doesn't even know what strength that this new pet of him has. The only thing he knows is the connection.

He sighs as he strides towards where Hare is and watches him prepare dinner. The latter looks at Primrose with a smile and invited him to dinner. The killer just nods and eats.

The dinner is quiet, just how Primrose likes. The deafening silence made his heart hurts for no apparent reason. He shrugs the pain away and continues eating as he looks at the beautiful man in front of him.

What the fuck?