Wrong Judgment

It has been days since they caught Orch Sage and Mrs. Prime, and either of the two had never spoken a single word, frustrating the investigators and Chief Moss, and pressuring them to reveal no information or whatsoever to the media.

Nobody had any idea as to why they won't talk but whatever the reason is, they need to do something to make them talk especially Orch. This frustration also took a toll on Mrs. Prime's health, she had been sick for two days now and the doctor suggests stop prying her with answers or she will die before they even catch Primrose.

One more thing that the doctor has noticed to Mrs. Prime is that her tongue had been cut out and her throat has a suture mark at the top of the trachea, where the larynx is located, having in conclusion that Primrose might've requested to surgically removed her voice.

They try to bring an ASL teacher to communicate with her but she found out that the old lady doesn't understand any signs. They asked Orch about and he said that Primrose created a different sign for him and her to communicate, knowing that now, Chief Moss almost cries himself to sleep since the media is already pressuring him to reveal any new information about Primrose.

Days of frustration and days of pressure but now, Cantaloupe thought of a way to make Orch talk. He went to the pharmacy and asks for something before going back to the precinct.

Fifteen minutes on the clock before it hits twelve that indicates the prisoners' lunchtime, he asks one of the guards of the jail to inject the unknown substance to Orch, then wakes him up for lunchtime. After lunch, they ask Orch to do another interrogation and hope that Cantaloupe's idea would work.

"Hello, Mr. Sage," Cantaloupe greets as he enters the room. He is holding a notebook and a clipboard with coupon bonds. "How are you, Detective?" Orch asks sweetly as he beats him in the eyes as if flirting with him. Cantaloupe just smiles and sits down in front of him, hoping that the serum would work since they really have to have every bit of information about Primrose.

"We are very sorry that we asked you for an interrogation again," Cantaloupe said and prepares his pen as he looks deeper into Orch's eyes. "Oh, it's okay, Detective. I know you mean well," Orch said as he starts leaning forward on the table, looking Cantaloupe under his lashes.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Amorphous, Lilibush, and Chief Moss are watching the exchange between Cantaloupe and Orch. Amorphous is gagging for a little bit, seeing the way Orch is trying to flirt on the much older Detective and as for the other two, they were praying that Orch would reveal something crucial to go up against Primrose.

"So, shall we start?" Cantaloupe asks as he excitedly starts the interrogation. Orch just nods and is laid back as he waits for the first question. "How many known victims that Primrose killed by far?" Asks Cantaloupe, Orch flinches a little but it still visible in the eyes of a seasonal detective like Cantaloupe.

The young lad clears his throat before answering, "14," he said. His voice came out a bit trembling as if he is scared of spilling out too much to the detective. But that's the point of the serum; it brings out the hidden truth that people are usually scared of revealing.

"Can you name all of them?" Cantaloupe asks to hope that he will reveal most of them but still, he is not hoping all. "Sure," Orch said as he starts counting down the known victims of Primrose from the first one to the latest, which is Major.

"Galanthus Ione, the owner of a patisserie bakery near Ms. Sorrel's flower shop," he said as he puts on one finger and that's when Cantaloupe starts writing.

"Next one is Florent Crisanta, he is the gardener of Mr. Callaghan, who just recently died of a heart attack. Then, Alder Scott, son and the next owner of Scott Cream Industries.

Florian Fflur, who is a former commander at the Marine. Jonquil Kamal, a sous chef in Grandmal Restaurant. Zalie Sigal is a pedia doctor in World's Children Hospital in Éclair.

Ianthe Garance, Chief Moss's son and Prunella Rhodes lover who also died three days ago. Major Alvit, a detective here at your station, and a former fling of mine," Orch said with a smile on his face. He only named seven bodies but that is enough for Cantaloupe.

He is much more relieved that the boy addresses Major's name since he knows that he is part of that crime. "For the woman," Orch suddenly said as he prepares seven fingers up as if playing [Put a finger down, Primrose's victims' edition].

"Calix Edelweiss, Mr. Callaghan's daughter who he thought died of pneumonia. Amara Aboli, Ianthe's ex-girlfriend who pissed Primrose off one day and the next day, he killed her, she is a bit of a bitch so I understand Primrose's frustration with her," he said so casually.

"Picotee Rada, Primrose's ex-girl who saw how he killed Hana Larkspur; I think that is the first time someone witnessed the crime other than Mrs. Prime. Jacinta Liliosa, the one who died in an alleyway, the night Primrose adopted Mrs. Prime," he said putting four fingers down already and looking at Cantaloupe if he is keeping up to him.

"Next is, Lilita Millaray, I think she is an aunt of one of your detectives or something, I can't fully remember who," he said as he looks at the other side of the room.

Meanwhile, inside of the said room, are shocked expressions of two detectives and the chief of police. They didn't know that Primrose is the one, who killed Amorphous's aunt, who they thought died of accidental asphyxiation.

With the given information, Amorphous' blood starts to boil in anger that Chief Moss asks Lilibush to bring him to the rooftop to calm his nerves down. His precious aunt, who took good care of little Amorphous has died in the hands of a cold-blooded serial killer, and he does everything in his power to bring justice to her.

Back to the interrogation room, Orch is still counting down victims after victims and when he finished naming all fourteen victims, Cantaloupe asking him his second question. "How Primrose does kill his victims?" He asks, still hoping that the serum hasn't run out of his system.

"Oh, by stabbing them multiple times with whatever item they have in their bag, in exception to Major's death, of course." He said before looking at the gaping detective. When Cantaloupe notices his mouth is too agape, he clears his throat and proceeds to ask his next question. "Can I ask Primrose's real name?" He asks.

Orch just looks at him and sighs, "I am a very sorry detective. But I only know him by Primrose and nothing more," he said frowning at the detective. He looks like he is about to cry. Cantaloupe asks his final question before the latter cries and has tantrums inside of the room.

"This will be the last question, and after that, you will be sent back to your room, okay?" Cantaloupe said in a tone that is similar to a mother putting her kids to sleep. Orch just nods and perk up knowing that it's the last question.

"Okay, last one, where do you think Primrose now?"

Then all of a sudden, the room went silent. Orch froze up after he heard the question and Cantaloupe do not know what is happening, neither Chief Moss nor the other detectives that Lilibush asked to be in his place as he brings Amorphous up to the rooftop.

"Orch?" Cantaloupe said looking at the latter's shocked expression. In Orch's mind, he is contemplating whether to say an answer or not. Knowing Primrose, he bet that the guy already knows what is happening inside of the precinct right at this moment, so if he said a place or a person that is close to Primrose, he would be killed by those people.

He still wants to live and be with Primrose peacefully. He looks at Cantaloupe with panicking eyes and gulps. Cantaloupe is looking at him intently, waiting for his answer. "I am sorry. I don't know," Orch answered. Looking at his expression, Cantaloupe knows he is lying.

His hands are fidgeting and sweat drops are forming on his forehead, Orch is nervous and they don't know why. "I know that you know where Primrose is. Just tell us one location, okay?" Cantaloupe pushed a little more.

But that push didn't bring him any answer but instead it brought him a more panicking Orch. The latter suddenly stands up, and starts pacing around the room, muttering in a whisper,

"I can't. They will kill me. I don't want to die. She will know. She will know if I told you anything." He said as he feels his heart could burst out of his chest.

Cantaloupe tries to calm the latter down but it didn't work. Moments later, Orch went into a full-blown panic mode. They even called for reinforcement from the morgue to ask if there is any drug available in there to calm him down.

Good thing, the pathologists have some sedatives. After the sedatives took effect, they brought him back to his cell. Cantaloupe released a heavy sigh then went back to his desk. Upon entering the office, they heard a sudden gunshot from far and alerted everyone inside.

A police officer burst inside the office saying that someone shot Orch in the head, killing him in an instant. Cantaloupe and the others took a minute of processing sudden information before running back to Orch's cell.

There he is, lying dead on the floor with his blood flowing down on the cold ground. Another potential witness is dead, an alarming conclusion that Primrose might not be the man they can kill or put behind bars with just some information and pieces of evidence. They need much solid proof and a lot of convincing to convict such a high-profiled serial killer.