Birth of a New Killer

It's the early morning of Saturday and Hare just woke up from his deep slumber. He looks to his side and sees that Primrose is still there, they didn't do anything last night but for Hare it was the most memorable night of his life, cuddling with Primrose is indeed memorable.

He stretches on the bed then slides off the bed and proceeds to go to the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast. It's still too early to wake Primrose up so he used the time to cook pancakes and make coffee for them both.

He does not know if Primrose likes strawberry pancakes but he cooks them anyway. About an hour later, he felt big arms wrap around his waist and tugs him back before kissing his neck. Soft music can be heard around the old house.

Primrose, then, starts to sway with the music as they enjoy the warmth of each other. Hare is taken aback by the sudden gestures, but he is not complaining. He wants to be good for Primrose so he won't do such things that will make him mad.

Once the pancakes are cooked, they started eating. Their breakfast is filled with light talks and a quiet atmosphere, almost too cozy for Primrose's liking. "Let me wash the dishes," Primrose offers, Hare is a bit hesitant but the looks on his face are almost pleading as if telling Hare that he doesn't have a choice but to comply.

The young latter sighs and nods to Primrose as approval. Primrose smiles at him and proceeds to the sink while Hare went to the living room to look at his board of victims again, leaving Primrose in the kitchen.

Primrose hums a tune he never hummed before. He found himself stopping in the middle of washing the dishes when he remembers such a familiar tune.

It was a Christmas song. He had heard the same song before he just can't remember when or where. After he finished washing the dishes, he receives a message from an unknown number.


To: Primrose

From: Unknown Number (914-xxx-xxx)

Subject: Message


Orch did it!


Primrose smiles then pocketed his phone, not bothering to reply since everything is according to plan. Good thing, Arum works as a pharmacist, and her drugstore is located near the police station where Cantaloupe bought the serum.

It's also a good thing that Ammi works as a police intern inside of Emir City Police Department. Being friends with this type of people gives Primrose a bit of an advantage to hide and stay anonymous but what happened to Major, which is also his gravest mistake, hiding is the only option unless he thought of another way of killing.

He doesn't want to be associated with the mafia since it was a bit risky and stupid for him. Proposing something to the mafia to get their participation is something not worth risking for. He walks out of the kitchen and into the living room where he sees Hare standing in front of a whiteboard filled with pictures and newspaper.

For him, Hare is the most unpredictable human he ever met. He might not know when or how he will attack, which is also the most wonderful gift someone could've had. Thinking about it now, Primrose thought of a way on how to eliminate

Orch after he almost spills everything about him. It might not be his fault, but his vulnerability to take a toll on him. 'All according to plan,' Primrose thought as he walks to where Hare is.

"Orch spills the tea to the police," Primrose suddenly voiced out, making Hare flinch a little bit by the sudden voice that cuts his train of thoughts. He looks at Primrose with a blank expression then went back to look at the papers in front of him.

"What do you want me to do, my Lord?" Hare asks, making Primrose smile to the fullest, mimicking a kid in the park playing happily. "Kill him for me," Primrose orders, looking at the latter to see his reaction. His blank appearance didn't actually give the natural expression of shock and fear, which made the killer's heart jumps in glee.

Hare is not scared to get his hands dirty and Primrose is loving every second of it. "Do you have a plan for me, my Lord?" Hare, then, asks before looking at the killer with piercing eyes. Primrose smiles and points out to a certain someone who is labeled as [Victim # 1].


Long curly hair, thick brows, brown eyes, luscious lips, and a sharp jawline are what describe Soma Viola; a perfect prince charming to many but a sweet guy to the people who know him personally. His life in poverty gave him the tough demeanor of confidence and a tough personality. He was known as the Johnny Depp of Éclair and he is in everyone's thoughts and dreams. Some even fantasize about the young lad.

Always following him around, and like his sweet self, he stops caring about such things once he got used to it. What other doesn't know is that he is a devil in sheep clothing. He even admitted that to one of his fans before but they thought that he was joking. Apparently, he is not. Soma Viola's life of poverty is an illusion, he just came up with it one morning while taking a walk in his large garden. He is not poor; he is rather rich and obscure.

Nobody knows him, which is not a good thing for someone rich and living in Éclair. So he thought of an idea to live in poverty and make himself famous until he becomes rich. It was a good illusion and he almost fooled everyone; almost.

He met this young boy when he was having his daily jog on his private property. He doesn't know how the boy enters such property but the moment he saw him; he knows that the boy didn't come there just to ask for a picture or an autograph from the one and only Soma Viola. He approaches the boy and asks what he can do for him.

"Give me a place to live or I will tell people who you really are. A greedy rich motherfucker who longs to be famous so he pretends to be poor when he just yells snarky comments whenever he goes to the Trench," the boy proposes. Soma Viola just laughs but when he looks at the boy again, he knows that he is not joking.

So he just went along with him. "Fine. Come with me," Soma said then walks towards his large mansion followed by the young boy he met earlier. He told the boy where he needs to go and shows his room. After the boy got settled, he went back to his own room and angrily closes the door, earning a few flinch from his servants.

They never had seen their master this angry except when he is bored, which is occasionally. That's their first meeting. That's the first time Soma Viola meets Primrose.

Five years later, at age 21, Primrose killed Soma Viola after he asked Primrose to kill him as his first crime. Primrose obliged and shot the head of Mr. Viola and buried his body in a place that he only knows.


"One shot," Primrose said as he lands his hand on Hare's shoulder, giving him his last warning before his first kill. "Make sure, you don't miss," Primrose said before kissing his forehead. Hare nods and positions himself on the ground, aiming the automatic Barret .50 Cal assault rifle towards the slightly opened window of the prison.

He looks through the scope making sure that he is in the right position. Once done, he waits until Orch is back from his narrow cage before unleashing the demon. He waited and waited and when Orch came, he readied himself. Once settled, he put his index finger to the trigger and takes the shot.

Primrose heard the gun's noise and smiles to himself, 'Nicely done,' he thought to himself. He went back to where Hare is and looked through his binoculars to see if Orch is indeed dead. As per quo, Orch is dead, making this Hare's first official crime.

After that kill, they went back home and Primrose gave Hare an hour to think of his alias just like his.

As the clock ticks by, Primrose decides to take a shower to remove all the sticky sweat that he feels throughout his body. While showering, he still hums that one familiar Christmas song, when all of a sudden, the bathroom door opens and Hare went inside.

"What can I do for you, dog?" Primrose asks and looks over his shoulder. He watches as the silhouette undresses himself and Primrose just smirks. 'Fresh meat,' Primrose thought, and hopes that he is indeed fresh meat, but he doesn't actually care if he isn't.

But the feeling of tightness triggers his dominant side. Hare enters the shower after undressing himself and looked at the God, who he worshiped even in his dreams, stands before him. He looks at him under his lashes and Primrose smirks.

The killer turns off the shower and orders Hare to kneel. The latter follows him and kneels in front of him as if asking for something from this God he believes in. Primrose went closer to him and orders

"Suck." Hare stared at the hardening flesh in front of him. It is, in fact, by far, one of the nicest dicks he had ever seen. It was hard, standing upright between Primrose's glorious thighs that Hare could only dream of before, and it was big.

Like, fucking huge. Hare's thick lashes closed over his brown eyes and he started to suck on the shaft in earnest. He didn't think he had ever yearned anything as much as he had Primrose's cock in his mouth.

But he was grateful for such an opportunity. He was enjoying what he was doing and Primrose did too but the killer is getting tired of the usually sucking that he harshly yanked Hare by his hair and told him to turn around.

As Hare positioned himself, Primrose slammed his cock in one go, earning a loud yelp from the latter. It was painful, and Hare feels his hole is getting ripped but he doesn't care at all. As long as Primrose enjoys it, he is happy.

Hare's head drooped down, and his mouth fell open, a string of spit hanging from his parted lips. Primrose continues to thrust inside him with full force and Hare has been screaming loudly because of pleasure and pain.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Hare felt the coiled untangled inside his stomach and warmth spread to his crotch, shooting up his cock until he came all over the floor. Primrose came inside of him afterward. Hare's whole body suddenly collapsed which Primrose perfectly catches.

He cleans the latter thoroughly and dries him completely. Afterward, they both settled in bed and Primrose joins Hare in dreamland.