Infamous Black Rabbit

Bright light coming from the sun infiltrates the inside of the old house, waking up the serial killer from his slumber. Primrose arises and groans by the sudden brightness in his eyes. He curses under his breath and sits up the bed.

He saw Hare's arm lurking around his waist and he smiles. Last night is the best sex he had ever experience. It's filled with emotions and undying love. He never cared about everything and he is always rough when having sex with Orch but he never felt this way with him.

Sex with Orch does not have emotions or love. It's just pure lust and vulnerability.

He turns to his side and watches the guy who just made him feel more human than ever. He sighs quietly and smiles to himself. 'Everything will be fine,' he guesses. He stretches first before going to the bathroom and washes up. After his routine, he heard Hare's phone ringing and decides to answer the call.

"Hello?" Primrose answered, never caring to look if who is the caller.

[Hey, Bellfard.] The caller answered, Primrose, frowns when he realized that this is Hare's phone and not his. He chuckles to himself before answering again.

"What do you want?" he said, as he paces around the room while ruffling his wet hair.

[Rude. Did you just wake up?] The voice is very distinguished and subtle. But the accent gives it a very feminine male voice, just like Orch's.

"Nah, you just called too early," Primrose answered while combing his hair. He then notices that Hare is already awake and he is just rolling along with the sheets, finding the coldest spot possible. Primrose smirks and ruffles his hair.

[And what happened with your voice? Why is it too low?] the caller asks while munching chips as she speaks.

"I had something big in my mouth last night. I got a sore throat," Primrose answered as he chuckles along the way. Hare heard the conversation and attempts to grab the phone away from Primrose but he catches his arm and grips it hard.

Hare struggles to get his arm from Primrose's grip but the killer takes the other one and puts them high above his head. He put the call in speaker mode and gets in between Hare's legs. Hare is still naked from last night's activity.

Primrose pushes his knee up until it touches Hare's scrotum, earning a sudden moan from him. Primrose chuckles and draws his other hand over Hare's nipples and massages them lightly. Hare squirms as he was being teased and forgetting about the phone call.

Primrose, then, kisses him on the lips, locking their lips together, and explores each other's mouth. A breathy moan escapes from Hare's lips as he felt Primrose's cold hand touches his cock. Primrose strokes it as he looks at Hare's flushed face.

He removes the bed sheet that is covering his body and lowers his head. Hare gasps as he felt hotness in his cock and looks down. His eyes widen when he saw Primrose going down on his cock. He braces himself as he felt the burning sensation around his shaft.

Their little teasing was cut when the caller suddenly clears her throat.

[You do realize that I am still here and I don't want to hear your sexcapades. So, please, fucking stop!] She yells before they heard slamming over the phone.

"Fine, the fuck you want anyway?" Primrose asks as he wipes the strings of saliva that came out from his mouth and giving the last lick on Hare's tip. He went to get the towel and helps Hare to get to the bathroom.

The caller didn't talk for a while so Primrose takes it as an opportunity to carry Hare to the bathroom. He then went back to see if the caller left or not. Apparently, she hasn't left.

"Hey, what do you need?" Primrose asks impatiently. The caller grumbles before the killer hears typing.

[I found a way to infiltrate the police. It's easy, fast, and can be done by one person.]

She said, Primrose already has the idea but he is pretending as Hare so he asked what could that idea be.

[Pretend as Police Officer Crist]

She said.

[We will send you uniform tomorrow by lunch, make sure you are the one to get it and not the serial killer]

She added then hangs up.

Primrose grumpily looked at the phone when he saw the familiar wallpaper. He scoffs and throws it away on the bed. He went back to the bathroom to only find the door locked. He smirks and just walks away. He went to the kitchen and prepares them breakfast. While cooking, he suddenly thought of Mrs. Prime.

He is not really worried about her because he made her not talk but the lady is diagnosed with severe dementia, and it has been days since the infiltration to his apartment happened. She hasn't drunk any of her medicine; he even bet that the police don't know about her dementia.

So, he calls Law to send her some medicines. She agrees immediately except for one condition. That condition is to put my name as the sender. He agrees and ends the call. He then sighs and went back to cooking breakfast.

As he finishes, he felt Hare's presence and greets him. "Good morning," he said in his deep tone. Hare blushes a little bit; trying to hide his red face as he remembers what happened last night but Primrose saw it and smirks.

"Are you getting shy now, sweetheart?" Primrose asks as he places the food on the table. Hare looks downward and exhales a shaky breath. Primrose chuckles lightly and went to him. He cuffs his chin and said, "Don't be shy, baby. You deserve the nicknames like these. Now, let's go and eat. We need nutrition."

He said and pulls out a chair for Hare before he sits down in front of him. They ate quietly and talks a little but for Hare, it's more than enough.


"Should I write a letter or just send it to him?" a female voice asks as she types away on her computer. "Write your codename then hit send," another voice answered. The first one just shrugs and said what she was instructed. She types away on her computer and sends it to Hare Bellfard.

"There, done," she said as she lay back to her chair and munches more chips. "Is Bellfard the one answered?" the second voice asks as she stares at her. "Nope, I think it's Primrose who answered," she said then looks at the person beside her.

"Do you think he will harm us if he knew what we are up to?" she asks, but before the tech girl answers, one of their pioneer members answers the question.

"No, he won't," she answered, both of them looks at her way and yells, "Law!" then they wave at her. "Hey, N, how's cyber hacking?" she asks and approaches the tech girl, who is called N. "Same, same," she said and leans forward towards her computer. "Hey, Sofia," she greets and ruffles the girl's hair.

"Bless is looking for you, by the way," she said and watches the kid scrambled to her feet and went out of the room. "So, about the plan," N starts and looks at Law as she sits down beside her. "What about it?" Law asks, looking at her intently.

"Do you think it will work?" N asks, not that she is not trusted with Hare's acting skills, but she is worried that it will fail since it is the police they are dealing with. "It will because if it doesn't Primrose will kill us all," Law said sternly, earning a little shiver from N. She, then, shrugs and hopes for the best.


"Law?" Hare asks Primrose as he looks at the caller ID before he gives it to Primrose to answer. "Yeah, she is a friend, why?" Primrose said before declining the incoming call. Hare's sudden expression pushes Primrose to be soft as he can be to him; as if Hare is an expensive glass vase that is too fragile to touch or it will collapse any time soon.

"Wow, I didn't know you are friends with one of the members of Black Rabbit," Hare said, now amazed by Primrose's connections.

"Their boss is a cousin of mine, she is the reason why I am still free after the 46 and counting victims that I have under my name," Hare answered as they walk towards the living room to talk about this plan. "I am, too. The woman you talked to earlier is N, the group's cyber hacker," he said as he sits down in front of his board.

"Is she a friend of yours, too?" Primrose asks and then sits beside him. "Yep," he simply answered. Primrose hums in agreement and nods along the way.

"So, about the plan…" Hare trails off and Primrose looks at him intently. Hare just stares at him; communicating with his eyes and Primrose just chuckles.

"It will work, trust me," he answered and kisses Hare softly.