Behemoth's Plan

Warning! To all readers under the age of 21, please read with precaution. This chapter is filled with subtle bad intentions and a bit of harassment.


Hare has been in the precinct for a month now and everything is going smoothly as plan. He already befriended Lilibush and he is close to Cantaloupe and Amorphous. The chief treats him like his own son and he was introduced as an intern that the bureau recommended.

All of the other officers treat him well and he feels welcome whenever he walks through the office. He feels at peace and surrounded by good and trusting people. Too bad that the police has taken so much from him that the only thing he can think of now is that, this is just for show.

He walks down the hallway when he noticed an officer standing by the door of Lilibush's office, bribing him about something. Hare scrunches his nose and walks toward Cantaloupe's desk.

Cantaloupe sees the smaller man with a frown visible on his face; he walks to him and asks what is wrong. Hare shrugs and answered, "Officer Pio is there again." When Cantaloupe heard his name, he clicks his tongue and calls Amorphous.

"What happened?" Amorphous asks as he comes over to the two men. "Pio's at it again," Cantaloupe said, making a face that resembles an angry mother, who is about to scold her kid. "Jesus," Amorphous exhales as he shakes his head in return. "He will bring great injustice in his name if he didn't stop now," Amorphous muses and looks over to Lilibush's office.

"Senior," Hare calls out to them, making the two look at the boy worriedly. "When do you think he will stop? I am getting scared of him," Hare said as he looks at them with scared and worried eyes. Amorphous smiles at him and reassured him that everything is going to be alright.

Moments later, an angry Pio exits the precinct and an exhausted Lilibush enters the main office. "What happened?" Cantaloupe asks innocently. Lilibush exasperates a sigh and shakes his head. "I told him to ask chief regarding his concern and stop bothering Hare," Lilibush said as he looks over to Chief Moss's office and wonders, what does Pio have in mind?


His plan will work no matter what happened. If it worked for Harland, it will work with Hare. He will have Hare Bellfard if it's the last thing he does. Being a police officer might be everything for Pio, but the urge of his manhood is far greater than his urge to bring justice to people who long for it.

Harland is a newbie police officer, a fresh graduate, and a great man in general. He is a bit enthusiastic every time he enters the precinct. He greets every police officer he sees. Harland is his partner.

But after what happened to both of them, the affair did not stop until Harland commits suicide because of the pressure and depression he experienced while being with Pio. Now, he will make things right and treat Hare right.

He knows deep inside him that Hare is seducing him by being innocent and hard to get. He went out of the precinct to cool his head and plan what he will do to get Hare to be his partner. Even Chief Moss didn't allow him to do what he wants.

He only wants Hare to be his partner instead of someone else but the arrogant detective ignores his plea. Now, he needs to make a perfect plan to get the mesmerizing boy named, Hare Bellfard.

He paces around the parking lot as he starts to plot the things he would do to Hare, once he got his hands on him. He smirks to himself. He walks toward the vending machine and gets himself a coffee when he spots hare going towards him.

He clears his throat and stands up tall and proud. He waves back to the fellow officer as he sips his drink. The latter wave back and smiles at him,


He thought as he watches the younger lean down over the vending machine and he licks his lips.


He thought again and looks at the latter with hungry eyes, undressing him with his eyes.

Hare does not look uncomfortable with the situation and he knows that Officer Pio has a thing for him since the day he went inside the precinct. He knew that Pio is planning something for him and he has the perfect plan for it.

He might be doing something that is not according to plan, but at least Primrose will have a new victim to play with. He looks over to the detective with innocent eyes and watches him, undresses him with those perverted eyes him.

Hare stands up and brushes off any invisible dust from his butt making it jiggle a bit and smiles innocently to the detective. "I will be going now, Senior," Hare said, watching him flinches at the sudden voice and clears his throat.

"Uh, yeah. See you around," Pio stutters, earning a giggle from Hare and a tint of blush on his cheeks. The latter runs toward the entrance of the main office, leaving Pio in awe.

Pio knows the meaningful glances that Hare gives him. The innocent stares and his way of talking to him is a bit flirty. Pio is loving what is happening to them and he knows that his plan will be perfect. Hare is his prey and no one can stop him from getting him.


Night came in, engulfing the city with darkness. Pio handed his last report for the day and went to his desk when he sees Lilibush leaving his office. He leans towards the side of the doorway and sees that Hare is there waving to the detective.

Pio smirks to himself and hides in the darkness of the main office. He opens the storage room and as Hare walks through the hallway, he forcedly shoves the latter into the storage room.

"Senior, what are you doing?" Hare asks frantically, coming up with every possible thing that could happen to him tonight. "I know you know what I am doing," Pio said, smirking at the younger man as he snakes his arm around his tiny waist and grips it.

Hare gasps at the sudden sensation so he tried to struggle out of his grip. "No, no, no, sweet little bunny. You are mine now," Pio said sweetly, but even if sweetness visible in his voice, his eyes speak differently and it emits danger in them.

"Please, stop whatever you are planning!" Hare screams hoping that someone could hurt him before anything could happen. Pio shushes him by placing a piece of cloth over his mouth and ties it around the latter's head.

He flips the boy around and drags his pants down in one go. Hare squirms out of his grasps but the officer is too big and muscular that it gives no chance of escaping. Pio positioned himself from behind and forcefully pushes his flesh inside of Hare, earning a scream from the latter.

He pounded inside until hare bleeds out and when they were finished, Pio wipes away every trace of blood in the room and kisses Hare good night before going home. Hare was left there bleeding and crying for help. He calls out Primrose and when Primrose asks why he cried.

Primrose was alarmed by the sudden bursting of tears coming. He immediately went over to the police station and sees Hare crying over to the parking lot. He stops the car and hugs the latter.

"What happened to you?" Primrose asks, wiping his tears away and whispering sweet nothings to the crying latter. "Please take me home," Hare whispers in between his sobs.

"Please take me home!"

He yells, earning a flinch from Primrose but he doesn't care. Hare just wants to go home.

The ride home is silent and it's killing Primrose from the inside. He doesn't what is happening to Hare but he knows that it is not good. The moment they got to the old house, Hare opens the door and runs inside.

Primrose follows suit and went to where Hare went. In anger and frustration, Primrose pulls him over and throws him harshly on the bed. Snapping something in Hare's heart as he looks over at the calm man in front of him.

"What happened?" Primrose asks sternly, Hare gulps and as he stutters, he told Primrose what happened before he calls for his help. Primrose's eyes darken and his mind is clouded with anger and madness.

He listens to every word that Hare spouts and to the name who will be engraved with his vengeance. "His name?" the killer said darkly, Hare widens his eyes as he watches Primrose's knuckles turn white.

"Officer Pio. Pio Neerener," Hare said. The moment he heard his name, he orders N to find every single bit of information about the man. Hare grips the killer's arm tightly and asks him about his plan for Pio.

"The operation will stop for now," he said as he looks at Hare with softness in his eyes. "You will be absent for some time until that Pio dies in his own hands," he said, earning a smile from Hare then he kisses him on the lips.

The killer asks Rai-Rai to help him clean up whatever needs to be clean and he pampers Hare all night long; leaving the thoughts of hurting the guy badly until he knows that he must not mess with the people of Emir City.

For now, he is in the arms of the guy he fell in love with.