Primrose's Vengeance

The sudden letter from Hare baffles Chief Moss, for the letter didn't actually specify the right reasons as to why he will be absent for quite some time. He called Lilibush over to talk and list things out that could be the reason why Hare will not be going to work.

Lilibush said his reasoning but he, himself, is not sure if one of them is the proper reason for the letter. Until Lilibush realized one thing.

"Chief," Lilibush calls out, Chief Moss looks at the younger detective with concern. "I think I might know the reason why Hare asks for a sudden one week vacation," Lilibush said with seriousness fills his face.

He was pretty much concerned that Pio might've been involved in this. As if, the case of Harland Marshall kept on haunting them in return for his death.

"Don't tell me…" the Chief trails off when he sees Lilibush's face, he clenches his hands and punches the table in anger. "That bastard!" the Chief spouts, earning a few flinches from the other officers in his office.

"Where is he?" the Chief asks, Amorphous steps forward to answer the frustrated chief. "He is off-duty today, Sir," he said, flinching when Chief Moss suddenly threw his ceramic cigarette ashtray to the floor.

"Damn it!" he said in annoyance, looking at the letter once again.

"Call Pio, now!" he orders, fuming in anger as the minute's pass. Other detectives who were in the office, scramble their feet and tried to contact Pio before Chief Moss rampages into the bureau and strip off of his badge and be excused from duty.

Calls were put through but only rings of voicemails came back. One officer told the chief what is happening, but the situation only added fuel to whatever fire is inside of Chief Moss. That day had been the most hectic day that they ever had.

It was the first time that they've seen the Chief fume in anger. The same anger that Primrose felt after knowing what happened to Hare last night.

As the day passes by, an alarming call from the media startles everyone at the office. Amorphous is the one who reported the said call. "Open the television!" Chief Moss orders and when it was switched on, everything suddenly pauses.

It's like a time freeze, scared of what could there be on the television. What shocked them is that it was a video of Harland, getting harassed by Officer Pio, live on the biggest TV in the plaza of Emir City.

The bureau calls in and asks for their help to search for the person responsible, but even they don't know what they should do. Everything just happens too fast that the next thing they knew, Pio's only son is dead, and everyone had witnessed his execution.


Morning came in the old house and Law is ready to send the letter to the police when she spots Primrose in the living room, cleaning up his tools. She confusedly looks at the man as he hums a familiar song and carefully places his knives and daggers on the guitar casing.

"Are we having a secret assassination somewhere?" Law asks, chuckles when Primrose flinches by the sudden question. The man frowns at her and scoffs, "This is someone else. I am going to give them a surprise visit," he said, smiling to the lady before he went back in cleaning his tools.

Out of curiosity, Law went to N and asks about the assassination. N tilts her head to the side before she realizes what Law talks about. "Oh, that assassination," she said as she fixes something on her computer.

"You know about the big television in Plaza Mercedes, right?" N asks and then looks at Law who frowns at her while she nods. "Well, we are going to have a big show there later on. Make sure to stay tuned in your office, okay?" N said, casually talking about assassination as if it's a normal conversation.

"Are we live around the world?" Law asks, earning a gasp from the hacker. "I wish, but Primrose said that it will only be here in Emir City. Let's start small, he said," N said imitating Primrose's deep voice and his hand movements.

"Stop that, you look stupid," Law grumbles and walks out of the tech room. She went straight to the living room, only to see Primrose and Hare having their alone moment and she doesn't want to disturb that.

She knows, deep in her heart, that Hare did deserve to be served and loved. Maybe, he will find this in the arms of a serial killer.

Hare woke up alone in the bed. He reminisces what happened last time and he frowns at the thought. "I will kill him, if it's the last thing I would do," Hare whispers and clenches his fist as he grumbles, not noticing Primrose's presence, which just entered the room.

"Let me revenge you, my sweetheart," Primrose said and sits on the other side of the bed, leaning towards him with a smirk on his face. Hare looks at the man and smiles, "What will you do then?" Hare asks seductively, creeping up to his arm and touching Primrose's face.

Primrose smiles and casually told him, "I am going to stab him where it hurts," he said and then leans forward to kiss the latter. Hare snakes his arms to his neck and pulls the man towards him, deepening the kiss.

Primrose asks for an entrance and Hare allows his tongue in. Primrose smirks in between the kiss and puts his arms beside Hare as support.

After their mini make-out session in their room, Primrose carries Hare to the living room to discuss his plan on Pio's judgment. "What plan do you have in mind?" Hare said as they sat on the couch, with his legs on top of Primrose's leg.

Primrose looks at him with wary eyes and chuckles, "A show," he said, remembering every bit of memory with his last one. It did quite go well, but the last show has a lot more of just getting his audience rather than him enjoying every last bit of it.

"A show?" Hare asks as he thinks of a silly show that might pique the killer's interest. *Silly,* he thought. He is not quite sure if the word "silly" is even part of his vocabulary. "Will it be fun?" Hare asks again, pursing his mouth forward, imitating a duck.

Primrose chuckles and buries his face on Hare's neck. "You will enjoy it," Primrose said and kisses his neck, leaving marks in every inch Hare's neck, marking his territory.

Hare smiles, giggles, and moans at the same time as the killer shower with thousands of kisses. Hare bends his head over to the side to give more access to his neck and the killer just complied with his invitation.

Moments later, Nova clears her throat and looks at them with a passive face, making the two laugh in unison. "Will stop flirting and get in the schedule, please?" said Nova, while she gave them, pieces of papers that served as a script for their show. "Wait, I didn't know that I am invited," Hare said as he scans the script in front of him.

"You are," Nova said excitedly. "But under this bunny mask," she added, holding an oversized mask that could hide Hare's whole face. The mask has a fine line of red and black that has a similar form just like a kabuki mask.

The mask itself is white with a hint of light brown shadowing all around it. It's the organization's signature. This mask speaks Black Rabbit at all.

"It will be an honor wearing that, Nova," Hare said as he grabs the mask and tries putting it on. "The mask has a microphone in it and a voice changer, so no one would recognize you at all," Nova informs then, also giving Primrose his mask.

"Any other props?" Hare asks as he looks around the clumps of clothes and a tower of things that are scattered around the living room. "Another than the mask, the clothes, and Primrose's guitar casing? No, there are no more props," Nova said as she points out at things are only necessary for the show.

"Right then, everything ready?" Law asks, looking around the room while wearing her uniform. "Is that the costume?" Primrose asks, looking her up and down. "Yes, since you have the same size as Alex, you will be wearing his uniform," Law informs him, giving him the folded clothes of a black shirt, pants, and a cloak.

The shoes are also customized according to the members' liking, their boss is also wearing the same costume but not the mask. According to their tradition, only the members wear the mask of the bunny, while their leader or the boss, as they call him, is wearing a large cloak with a big hood, covering up to his eyes and a mask covering his nose to his chin.

Primrose takes the costume and they are on their way to the place where the show would occur. The moment they enter the building, Hare and Primrose went to the bathroom and wears the uniform provided.

After changing, Primrose went to get his guitar casing and places his tools on a stainless autopsy cart, and organizes them properly. As they prepare for the show, their main attraction arrives; carried by two massive and muscular guys wearing the same mask as the other members.

N and Nova start preparing the camera as it was supposed to be at the center where their attraction will be sitting.

"Places, everyone. We will be starting in few minutes," N announces while typing up different codes on her computer. "Get him ready," Nova told the other members, pointing at their main attraction.

Masks and gloves were getting put, everything is organized, and by the time everything is settled, N starts the countdown and Primrose takes a deep breath before looking fierce at the camera.

The camera starts recording and the show is on.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Final Judgment!" Primrose announces as flashes of his face went all over the screen of every phone and television all over the city.