Head On

Warning! To all readers under the age of 21, please proceed with caution while reading. This chapter has a torture scene and mature content. Thank you!


A large big beach house surrounded with gardens of different flowers and tiny statues is the home of one Pio Neerener. He mostly lives in this house throughout his childhood while his parents working in abroad.

He always has visitors almost every single day and a party every Saturday. Pio has never gone to jail because his parents always bail him out. They are rich and his flaunting it, either on the streets or in his class. A police officer had always been his dream.

Walking along the side of the streets checking the neighborhood, chilling in the office, patrolling the area, and most importantly, catching criminals. It had always been the adrenaline rush of being chased around and chases loose criminals. That is his dream.

But with his parents working abroad and making time for their son, spoiling him with luxury and riches; his attitude towards his peers is disagreeable. Pio is the best example of a rich, spoiled brat, who orders people around and gets whatever he wants in return.

So, when he graduated from college and passed on the simulation, he excitedly went home and invited every person in their neighborhood and partied all night.

It was quite a feast at the Neerener house; he even remembered that he invited his poor little cousin, Alexys Hespere. He knew nothing about the boy, except the fact that he is a cousin, but he became a big part of his life, especially on his sexuality.

Pio is gay, all-throughout, but despite his sexuality, he himself is not proud of that. He is not okay with being gay so, he tries to toughen it up, but the urge of having sex with the same gender has pushed all of his walls and boundaries to crumble down to pieces and just accept his true nature.

Alexys is one of those people, who bring him out of his comfort zone. It is safe to say that Alexys is the reason why he became someone like this.

He thought that people won't accept him for who he really is, but that change when he entered the Emir City Police Department. He felt welcomed and overjoyed that none of the other police officers care, whether he is gay or not.

As long as he does his duty nicely and proudly, they will accept him for who he truly is. That's what he thought would always be the case, but that acceptance becomes more like a heavy-weight of the police department's shoulder when Pio starts hitting on their new recruit officer, Harland Marshall.

The police department tried its best to hide the relationship between two police officers while the other one is married to a famous celebrity in Éclair. But that doesn't stop the media from gossiping about the affair, leading that to Harland's suicide and Pio's marriage to crumble down.

But what is more shocking is that Pio doesn't have much care about his marriage falling down into the abyss. He much cares about Harland's suicide and the reputation he upholds. The media is quite aware of that, but that didn't stop them from writing headlines of scandals and exquisite and juicy news about the affair.

The news dies down after the bureau interferes, leaving the case closed and unbothered.

It has been years since Harland Marshall died and Pio's marriage ends, leaving his only son in the care of his poor loving wife. His life had never been free but he does miss his cousin, Alexys, who had been missing after his parents died.

No one really knows where the boy is. It has been years since the suicide, yet Pio hasn't moved on with the guilt and the sadness he felt when Harland died. The police officer almost went crazy just by thinking about it.

He was suspended from duty for two whole months and had to do community service. It was a hard two months to come home by, not having the love of your life, waiting for you to come home; showering you with hugs and kisses, or making love to you all night long. He missed them all.

It's different now; the media is no longer attacking him about the affair. But the person behind the video that is being shown on the big television screen at Plaza Mercedes, the main plaza of Emir City, known for its different delicacies and flower shops. T

here, showing on the big screen, is the video of him and Harland having sex, inside of the conference room located at the main office of the bureau. Pio scrambles to his feet and calls the office, but none of them is answering, even Chief Moss is out of line. He panicked and went to call on his wife to check his son is okay.

Later on, his wife answered with a crying tone and he knows that his boy got involved in this chaos that he started. That's when he looks at the screen, widens his eyes out, watching as the host or the show master welcoming people who are watching in their homes and on the streets of the city.

"Welcome to the Final Judgment!" the master yells through the screen while hiding his face with a bunny mask. The mask is very familiar with Pio since he holds a case before that has the same mask involved in it.

It's the signature mask of a crime organization known as Black Rabbit; a very dangerous syndicate and the bureau's number one in their lists of most wanted criminals of all time. Their boss known as Black Rabbit, who is the most dangerous criminal that roams the area of Emir City, next to his name, is Primrose.

He is not quite sure as to why the organization involved his son but he had a feeling that it might be Primrose behind that mask. He watches it, the show that criminals would've enjoyed, but this could be a disaster for both him and his wife and all the people involved in this case.

He felt as if he just entered the danger zone without knowing about it, and now, he can no longer escape this hell hole.

The master surrounds the man sitting on the center before lifting it up, for the people to see who is behind it. There, sitting on the bolted chair is a body of a young man in his 20s, both of his mouth and covered and his hands are tied up behind him.

His face looks really familiar to Pio, and when the show master removes his blindfold, Pio screams at the top of his lungs. It's his boy; his sweet little boy. The show master grips the boy's chin and forces him to face the camera as it zooms to his teary-eyed face.

His eyes scream in fear and terror, calling for his father's aid, but even his father can't do anything but watch him die in sadness and regret.

One by one, members of the organization strip him off of his clothes until he is fully naked, in front of every spectator watching the scene unfold. A loud banging on the door scared the hell out of Pio, but to his surprise, it was his wife crying in fear for her son.

"What the hell is happening?" she asks in between her sobs as she watches her son getting beaten on television. "What did you do this time?" she added, now, crying loudly as the show master draw his knife and carved out letters of "JUSTICE" in their boy's chest, while blood slowly drips down his entire torso down to his groin.

The showman harshly grabs the boy's flesh and tugs it towards the camera while the killer laughs at the sudden screams from the boy.

"Listen to his screams! To his pleas! To his cries for mercy! Listen well, officers! As I show you my final judgment, for the ones who messed with the people of Emir City!" the show master announces as he pours a clear substance that turns out to be acid as it sizzles the freshly carved wounds of Pio's son.

He squirms around as he tries to get himself out of the bolted chair and run for his life. But as he struggles, the clear liquid just spreads throughout his body, making his body wet evenly. The next thing that the show master did is take a black dagger, with his name carved in cursive, as it shines through the camera, making people know who might be him.

The whispers of Primrose's name surround the plaza with great justice and pleasure to watch his shows. It has been years since his last show, they all missed him. But not everyone, the police are now trying to find where he is and save the boy before it's too late.

But everything seems to stop when the police heard his name. "Detective Major Alvit," Primrose said, as he twirls around the black dagger and paces around Pio's son. "Ring any bell?" he says, directing the question to the police that is watching the show at this moment.

"I tortured him like this while Orch and my grandmother watch," he said, admitting to killing the detective. The bureau tried to record the video, but something is preventing them from doing so.

"If I had known that Officer Pio had a son, I might've put him under my wing and protected him at all cost, after that humiliation that you did against Harland Marshall," he said in a teasing manner, lifting his mask a little bit before lifting the boy's chin and kisses him on the lips.

The boy gasps before melting into the kiss, earning a few gasps and whispers of gossips from the audience. "Gay, just like his father," Primrose said after breaking the kiss and harshly let go of the boy's chin.

Primrose chuckles then he places his mask again as he paces around the room, unsure of what to do next. The killer has two choices; one it to torture him more just like Major, or kill him just like how he killed Major.

One strike is all he needs, anyway. Primrose chooses the second option. It was fast and he is getting bored, anyway. He just wants this to end so he could cuddle and shower Hare with kisses and eventually, have sex with the person he likes. He puts the dagger back to the tray; he then opens his guitar casing and pulled out a long, thin, black sword, resembling a katana.

He places that sword in the boy's throat and asks one member of the organization, pulls the boy's hair and in one strike, Pio's son is dead. His death had been witnessed by many people and the humiliation that Pio had shown under the name of justice.

This death had been a symbol of revolution to the people who had witnessed the execution of an innocent man that even justice and mercy can't save him. A symbol of fear and alarm that they might be next.