Behemoth Falls Down

"Thank you for watching! We hope that this little event could fathom your urge for justice!" Primrose said before the camera turns off and the show ended. He lifts his mask off and looks at Hare, who has a frown on his face.

Primrose chuckles and spits out a lump of saliva in his mouth. Hare smiles and walks towards Primrose.

"You didn't have to kiss him," said Hare, caressing Primrose's torso before haunches over to Primrose, reaching his lips. Their lips touch for a moment before Hare pulls away. Primrose's lips form a thin line and immediately grabs Hare from his waist and pulls him harshly towards him; making the latter bumps unto his chest.

Hare releases a small sound of distress before looking at Primrose, who has a glint of lust in his eyes.

Hare squirms a little, trying to let him free from Primrose's clutches when the killer held his butt and lifts him up. By instinct, Hare snakes his legs around Primrose for support. "What are you doing?" Hare asks while he stares at Primrose's hungry eyes.

He blushes and looks away from him. Primrose chuckles lightly and starts walking. Just like a baby, cradled by his mother, Hare places his head on Primrose's neck and snuggles.

After some time, Hare suddenly felt something soft on his back. He opens his eyes and sees that he is back at the house and Primrose is taking his shower. The latter blinks and blushes as memories of those hungry eyes come running back to his mind.

He ducks his head in between his knees and giggles lightly. Up until now, he still can't believe that Primrose is willing to kill whoever hurts him. He smiles to himself when he felt giant hands, ruffling his hair. He looks up and he saw the man he loves.

"Had a good night's sleep?" Primrose asks, sitting on the side of the bed, facing Hare who is blushing intensely. "You are blushing, everything all right?" Primrose asks, leaning towards the latter, who blushes redder than before.

"P-Put some clothes on, p-please," Hare stutters as he covers his face with his hands. Primrose chuckles and removes the towel that is around his waist.

Hare curiously looks over to Primrose with one eye open, to be only shocked that Primrose is fully naked. In front of him, Primrose is wearing his birthday suit.

Hare looks away, ears and face blushing profusely. "What's wrong, baby?" Primrose asks seductively, leaning intentionally to the blushing man.

"You've seen this many times before, how come you are still shy?" Primrose asks, grasping his chin and forcefully pulls it to make the man face him.

"Open your eyes, baby. Feast this body since it belongs to you," Primrose said, teasing him with forbidden words and hidden meanings.

"W-What are you saying?" Hare stutters as he tries to push Primrose away. "Don't you want me?" Primrose asks innocently. Hare looks at the man in front of him and licks his lips. He leans forward and kisses the killer.

Primrose is taken aback at first but returns the kiss. At first, the kiss is sweet, filled with love and exotic emotions, and then it turns into something rough, filled with lusts, tongue fights, and dominance.

Hare groans as Primrose bites his lower lips and tugs them away from him. He opens his eyes and was met by a predator's dazzling eyes.


This is what Hare's lips produced when he realized that he is being shoved against the wall, headbanged, and soft cries as he was being smacked unto the wall by the killer. Primrose is pinning him between his own body and the wall, their hips align and panting softly.

Hare yelps at the possessive bite placed high on his neck, right under his ear for everyone to see.

"P-Primrose…" Hare hisses and shivers from the deep growls that leave crow's lips, his chest rumbling. "It's Alexys, baby. Call me Alexys," Primrose said. Hare's thoughts are interrupted by a gnashing of hips and the sudden grip right where his ass turned into the thigh.

Hare wants to scream from the uncomfortable pressure from his pants against his slow hardening shaft, he could tell by the low growls from Primrose that it was the same with the bulge that pressed against Hare's ass.

He whined softly, shivering at the feeling of the killer using his free hand to rip, quite literally, his shirt off. "You're mine, Hare," Primrose said, pulling and yanking the latter's hair, earning a moan from him.

Hare was awfully sensitive, Primrose concluded, eyes lit with pure amusement. Hot breath fanned against Hare's neck and he tightened the grip he had on Primrose's shoulder as they stumbled into their bedroom and fell onto the bed.

Primrose is thinking if he should use the things he bought before or not. He scoffs to himself as he reaches under the bed for a box. Hare looks at the killer as he opens the box. Hare was flushed; his skin was light pink.

This will be the first time he is using them, but the excitement of seeing Hare begging and pleading for him to fuck him straight is the sight he wants to see.

Primrose licks his lips in concentration, snatching the bonds they would be- he would be using on Hare. He tied Hare's hands together then into the bed above him. Thinking if he should tie Hare's legs above his head also, leaving him fully exposed to hungry Caribbean blue eyes.

Hare is incredibly flexible. He could be pushed to over full split, legs spread and hips rose leaving nothing to Primrose's imagination.

*It was a blessing*, Primrose thought.

Primrose, for now, kept Hare's legs locked against his waist. He was hard, looked so achingly hard resting against his belly making Primrose's mouth water. But what made him snap was the beautiful expression of wanting, that was on Hare's face, hazy eyes and almost drooling.

Pushing his legs apart Primrose leaned down, lapping at the blueberry's entrance, eyes locking with dark brown eyes, poking and prodding with his tongue until he could push his tongue inside the blueberry's hole, curling the muscle gently.

"Eyes on me, Hare."

The blueberry almost shrieked when the killer calls him by his given name, hips on edge and shaking as he tugs on the bonds, pleading sliding past swollen lips.

"Alexys...Alexys please...please!"

He licked his lips, eagerly twitches his hips as lubed fingers nudge against the wet hole, hungry eyes burning into Hare as he arched his back, neck pushing forward and all too eagerly, Primrose's lips attaching to the skin, leaving plenty of marks, lighter in color, but still marks pocked his skin and chest, his belly and thighs.

"You are not allowed to come till I tell you, understand?" Praises left the killer's lips as he got a nod from hare in return. He wouldn't blindfold Hare; he liked watching him tear up with pending pleasure as he snapped his hips into him.

Hare kept his hips from yanking when a tongue peeked out from his lips and slid against the slit of Primrose's hard flesh, eyes darkened with lust making the killer smirk with excitement.

Primrose places his hands on the headboard and leans forward a bit, pushing his flesh in the elder's mouth more, groaning softly while the other's sucking, jerking his hips a bit and pulling back a bit when the blueberry gagged.

Hare knows, he knows how thick and heavy Primrose is on his tongue and in his mouth, but he also knows how big and thick Primrose is...inside of him. Hips jerking a bit at the head that slowly pushed in, Hare took a breath.

Hare's eyes shot open at the quick thrust, pushing Primrose in the rest of the way; a scream ripping from his throat followed by the feeling of their lips colliding, covering the scream just a little.

Hare's head spins with the pleasure, the world shifting in front of his eyes, accompanied with the slight twinkle of stars in his eyes, flashes of hot white covered his eyes a few times as he tugged on the restraints, begs to leave sinful from his lips, sinful pleas and sinful moans sliding through the killer's ears and implanting itself in Primrose's mind, to live there and let him swim in the sounds when he was alone when Hare wasn't there to help relieve him.

"Alexys, please let me cum," he sobs softly, grabbing at Primrose's shoulder once his hands were released, nails raking down his back leaving claw-like marks on the tight skin.

Hare yelped as he was flipped onto his stomach, a sharp slap to his ass with a deep command to keep his hips up made him tense as Primrose's hand pressed against his upper back, pinning his chest and head against the bed, watching the needed tears slide down Hare's face as he snapped his hips back in, jerking the elder's back against his flesh and he snapped his hips forward, listening to the blueberry cry out.

Hare panted and arched his back as Primrose gave a particularly hard thrust, his hand entangled in blueberry hair and tugged hard, and it was followed but a loud moan when warmth coated his insides in long ribbons and spurts, Hare tightening around him and milking Primrose with all he had.


Today's show gave an example to Pio.

*Never mess with someone you don't know about.*

He gets it. He does. What he doesn't get is what does his son had to do with it? They could've just catches him and tortured him instead of his son. After that show, his wife went back home crying, asking their lawyer to finalized their divorce. His mind is all over the place and he can't think straight.

Does he deserve this? Does he? He went to his room, locked it all the way through. Close down the windows and put a black silhouette through them. Switch the lights off, and sits at the corner of the said room.

After that, the whole house went silent. No tipper tappers can be heard, crickets and fireflies are the only things you could hear. But the house of the Neerener is no longer alive as before.

Chief Moss looks at the TV screen in shock. Everyone is in a state of shock after what they just had witnessed. It's a live execution. Something they never would imagine could happen. Never in their career that they've seen such a killer that could do such a thing. But now, here he is, and his name is Primrose.

Everyone went back to their desk and silence filled the whole office. Officers from the bureau went inside the office in search of Officer Pio but he was not around. They tried asking the others but none of them can answer.

They went straight to Chief Moss who is contemplating his actions towards the case. When the head of the bureau barges inside of his office, he looked at him with guilt and irritation.

"Where is Officer Pio?" he asked, his voice is in a bit of a hurry with a hint of frustration in it. "Where is Pio?" he asked again, this time a little bit louder and angrier as time passes by.

Instead of answering, he takes a paper and writes Pio's address before giving it to him. The officer takes it and walks away from the office, leaving the older officer in peace.

Chief Moss knows that they can't arrest him. He knows that the show gave Pio a shock of his life. He knows that whatever is happening now is what is needed to be done. He did great. He knows that he is the perfect candidate. Chief Moss covers his face between his arms and smirks to himself before saying,

"What will happen next?"