Dead Justice

Justice had never been fair to anyone. Those people with money would serve justice on a golden platter. But those people who don't have money would need to beg for justice to be served. It has always been like that since centuries or even millennial ago.

Here he is, sitting by his office, smoking a cigarette when Amorphous enters his office. "Chief," the young lad greets and then bows at their chief. "I have grave news," he said, handing a folder and gives it to the chief, who is expressionless for quite some time.

The chief already knows about the news since Ethan already told him about it. But he pretends that he doesn't know anything at all since all of the other officers just knew now.

Officer Pio Neerener is dead. He committed suicide five hours after the show. Chief Moss sighed and takes the folder from Amorphous's hand. He opened it and saw the report about Pio's death. He sighs once again before putting down his cigarette on his ashtray.

He sat down on his chair and asks Amorphous to sit, too. He looks at the young lad and asks, "Do you think Pio's son deserves justice?" Amorphous was flabbergasted by the question and looks at the chief in confusion. When he realized what the chief is talking about, he leans forward and smirks, "Nope, not at all."

The chief chuckles and taps the young officer's shoulder and asks, "Since when?" Amorphous leans back and smiles, "Since I started, Sir," he said, earning an amused hum from the chief. "That is quite a very good acting, young lad," Chief Moss said with a smile on his face, now knowing that he is not the only one in this office.

Amorphous smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his head before looking back at the chief. Amorphous wants to ask since when the chief becomes part of this when he realized his girlfriend's warning to never ask such a sensitive topic.

He only stares at the older detective who has an amused look plastered on his face. Amorphous never thought that the chief is part of something so big that no one would ever that he is. His trains of thoughts were cut when Cantaloupe entered the office with a paper in hand.

"Chief, you have a letter," Cantaloupe said as he enters the office. Chief Moss looks at the older detective and smiles. He takes the letter and opened it in front of them. The letter only contains a few letters that spelled like,


"Game plan?" Cantaloupe asks, looking at the two in confusion. "Might have been a prank?" Amorphous answered, also confused about the situation. That's when Cantaloupe realizes the meaning behind the words written on the piece of paper.

"Rabbit," he said, earning a shocked look from both detectives present at the office. "Wait," Chief Moss said looking at Cantaloupe, who has a big smile plastered on his face. Cantaloupe gasps like a child and calls out for Lilibush.

Lilibush went inside and Cantaloupe locks the door. The older detective looks at the chief and Amorphous with a confused look. Cantaloupe whispers to him and he looks at the other two with wide eyes.

"Heh, would you look at that," Lilibush said and rolls his sleeves to show an engraved tattoo on his wrist. The tattoo has a lot of numbers and letters in it. It looks like a barcode or a QR scan code that could lead to something important.

Chief Moss looks at the two as he stutters on what to say to them. He never knew that these three could be part of something big. He knows that it had been a long time since he entered the headquarters.

Rabbit never told him that three of her men are all under his supervision. He shakes his head and chuckles loudly.

*That kid,*

He thought, smiling at them with a big grin.

"Under which pioneer are you all?" he asks, an important question only the former boss always asks. "Wait a damn minute," Amorphous said, "Why are you asking something like that, Chief?" he added, earning two nods from the bunch. Chief Moss smiles and removes his jacket.

The three detectives watch him strip off his uniform and show them his BR tattoo, giving them the shock of their lives. "What!?" Cantaloupe screams, while the other two gawked when they saw the tattoo. Moss didn't expect that they are the three members of Black Rabbit that became police officers as stated in the BR's report. Lilibush leans back to the wall for support since he doesn't know what is going on anymore.

Amorphous sits back down and Cantaloupe is still in shock. Chief Moss wears his uniform again, having a big grin on his. "Now," Moss said as he sat on his desk. "Let's go back to business," he said, looking at the three who also have smirks on their faces.


The bright sun wakes up Primrose from his slumber; he looks over to see Hare sleeping beside him peacefully. It has been days since the show ends. It has been peaceful for quite some time. He leans forward and kisses Hare's forehead.

Hare moans at the gesture and smiles a little bit. Primrose chuckles and gets out of bed. He stretches first before grabbing his robe to cover himself up then he went straight to the bathroom.

He hums a familiar tune while taking his shower. He reminisces the time when Orch is still by his side then he shakes his head. Orch is nothing to him. Just a fun time, a boy toy, for him, Orch is just nothing but a mere distraction.

He finishes his bath and walks out of the bathroom to only witness Hare dressing up. He stops and leans over the door and watches the elder having a hard time fitting wearing his pants. They were too tight for his ass but he still wants to wear them. He shakes his head and walks towards Hare.

"Need any help?" Primrose asks out of nowhere, making Hare jumps away and looks at the killer. "You scared me," Hare whispers to himself and looks at the killer with wide eyes. Hare clears his throat and stares at Primrose. He looks at him from top to bottom and blushes when he sees his abs and the proportion of his body.

Primrose is damn sexy. Fit, buff, and muscular, his body screams manly while his face screams dominance. But he loves his eyes the most, Primrose's eyes hold the rarest gemstone. They shine bright when the sun rays hit them in the day and twinkles under the bright moonlight at night.

He stares too much that it made Primrose looks away. When Hare realized what is happening, he looks away. His ears were red and his face is even redder.

Primrose just chuckles and ruffles his hair. "Good morning, baby. Need any help?" Primrose asks, Hare shakes his head and looks down before greeting the killer. "Good morning, Alexys," he said shying away from the killer and wearing his pants immediately.

Then, they all came down to the living room only to be greeted by a woman with platinum silver hair and a black mask that covers almost half of her face. She bows at them and proceeds to Law. Law saw her and bows at her, making the two ask their selves if they just saw the new boss of Black Rabbit.

They looked in their direction before walking down to the hallway and into the kitchen. Primrose immediately went to cooking while Hare just watches him move around the room. He smiles at how cute Primrose is but his mind still wonders at the events these past few days.

He always remembers the time that he was just fantasizing Primrose to be his, and now, here he is. Right in front of him, cooking breakfast for the both of them, smiling endlessly to the man, he longed for.


"He is dead," Law informs her, the woman nods in return and looks over to the kitchen. "Is that him?" she asks, still looking in the direction of the kitchen. "Yep, that's him. Primrose," Law answered, looking at the female in front of her warily.

Law had never seen her interested to anyone before. After Alex died, she had been wary of everyone around her including the members. "What his relation to Hare Bellfard?" she asks, in her tiny voice changer that masks her real voice. Law thought for a while before answering.

"Well, they fuck, if that's what you looking for as an answer," she said, earning a death stare from the female in front of her. "Probably, thanks for answering, I guess," she said before walking towards the kitchen. She looks inside the room and watches them flirt endlessly. She has a smile on her face and went back to Law.

"When is this greatest crime going to be held?" she said as she walks towards Law with a blank expression. "And how many members are you going to use?" she asks again, this time, she is facing Law as her eyes light up with danger in them.

"Not that many, I will inform you as soon as possible," Law said then she smiles at the younger woman. The woman nods and looks at the board that is filled with murder cases of Primrose from the past. She smiles to herself and whispered,

"This will be fun."