First Initiation

>>>>>> FLASHBACK <<<<<<<<

"Rabbit! You need to come down here now! Leave everything to Nova and Bless! Save Alex now!" yelled Law from the walkie-talkie with a trace of worry in her voice. "Roger, I'm coming cover. Tell Alex to wait for me and do not engage," Rabbit said and she ran out of the building to search for Ethan's coordinates. "He is near you, near the exit of Highway 45," N answered through the earphones that they wore earlier.

"Thanks. I am running as fast as I can. Talk to you later," Rabbit said as she runs and runs until she heard a gunshot about fifty meters away from her. She followed the sound but when she arrived, the only thing she saw is Alex's body lying lifelessly on the cold ground, his body covered in his own blood.

She yelled his name with tears in her eyes. She tried to wake him up then send a signal for help to the others. Thirty minutes later, the whole squad came with the police in tow but they only saw is her trembling bodies and Alex's dead body on the side of the road under the tunnel.

The whole operation was cut down while the Rabbit, Law, Bless, Nova, and N were excused from duty.

~Approximately 8 hours earlier~

"Hey, we got a new assignment," Ethan said while waving the folder in his hand to get the others' attention. "Oh, great!" Nova said as enthusiastic as ever. They all sat down near Alex and listen to everything he says.

"N, you fin where he is through his cellphone records, GPS, and everything that can be searched through the net," he instructed, N nods at the instruction and prepares everything she needs. "Nova, take Bless and Rabbit with you at his house, engage when he fires," Alex instructed as he flips the papers on hand.

"Law, you take care of the trial and get it ready the moment the killer is caught. I will put Josh on the field, contact me through him. Are we all clear?" Alex said as he ended the meeting with a few nods as an answer.

Before long, he started with the information gathered from their killer. After the said meeting, they all packed everything that is needed for the operation before going to the scene. Law and N were the only ones left at the office.

N hacked to every CCTV camera available around the area and the suburbs. While Law contacts every mercenary on the look-out for their killer.

After everything had been prepared, they all went to their respective assignments while Alex brought Josh to Highway 45. "Hey, what's up?" Josh greets him with a smile on his face. Alex smiled back and waves to the younger man.

"Well, one of the police officers in our department told the chief that the people I hired were all from the underground scheme and most likely were criminals," Alex started, rubbing the back of his head and smiling sheepishly at Josh.

Josh widens his eyes and curses under his breath. He knew now that Alex is in trouble and he might get suspended by that officer. Josh started to think of whom could that officer be and he can only think of one person, and that is Pio Neerener; the bastard who killed Harland Marshall. He gritted his teeth and Alex patted him on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Josh," Alex reassured him. Josh relaxes and nods at the older detective. "Now, we should wait," Alex said with a smile as bright as the sun on that particular day; unknown to the current event that marked the revenge of the infamous Black Rabbit.

>>>>>>>>> AFTER ALEX's DEATH <<<<<<<<<<

Years had already passed since Alex's death, and none of the members of Black Rabbit haven't moved on from his passing. He is dearly missed by his friends at the police station and at the same time at the organization. Rabbit is still mad at the current chief of police at Emir City when they closed Alex's case with no further investigation.

After they were excused from duty, the moment they went back, Josh assisted N in getting every bit of information regarding the case of Alex and to retrieve the missing CCTV footage from the crime scene.

Apparently, Josh overheard from the chief that there is a missing CCTV footage locating at the highway the moment Alex died. But instead of retrieving it, the chief instructed Pio to forget about the footage and keep it as a secret to others.

Josh told it to the other members of Black Rabbit and eventually told it to Rabbit that made the leader mad. She declared such vengeance to the chief of police and to all of its subordinates.

Moss Garance is the former head boss of Black Rabbit at the time of Alex's death. He is having an initiation issue after Pio failed his. He frowns at the sudden failure when he found out that Pio is working with the chief that he hates the most.

The greedy old man who flirts with younger women and fuck them unwantedly. He sighs at the disgusting thought and leans back to his chair.

He needs to find a new member who is as smart as Alex and could infiltrate the police station while using the members of Black Rabbit, someone who has a smart tongue and a good instinct for the assassination. He sighs for the umpteenth time when Rabbit entered his office.

"What brings you here, lass?" Moss asks his voice is with a hint of a father-like tone as he greets the latter when she enters. "I found you a new candidate as Alex's replacement," she said, sitting in front of the chief who has an amusement plastered on his face.

"Intriguing. Do tell," Moss said, waiting for the latter to speak about her "perfect candidate". Rabbit leans forward and took something from her bag. It was a folder and placed it on his desk before going back to the chair.

Moss opened the folder and was shocked to see a familiar face. "Hespere?" Moss asks, nodding his head as he continues to flip on the pages and read the other information about the candidate.

"How do you plan on asking him to be part of the organization?" Moss asks Rabbit, looking at her under his lashes. Rabbit smiles and he knew what she is planning. ���When?" he asks, leaning backward to his chair, staring straight into Rabbit's eyes.

"On your term," Rabbit said before standing up and leaving the office. Moss sighs and stares at the retreating figure of the leader. He is already thinking of a new successor to his place. He is considering giving it to Law but the lawyer refused the offer and suggested Rabbit do it.

Moss smiles and called his subordinates that he is ready to pass his position to Rabbit.


"Where are you going now, boss?" one member asks as he helps the former boss in removing his disguise. "Emir City is the next target," he simply answered. The member nods and putting the disguise on the shelf.

The former boss, Moss Garance, is reminiscing the time when he personally met the new candidate as Alex's replacement. He smiles at the thought of another game before he leaves the organization.

"This is going to be fun," he muttered as such memories play in his mind.


*Primrose's POV, dated year 20XX*

Have you ever watched Ted Bundy's criminal confessions to all the girls that he killed? Have you ever experienced being bullied yet you try to stay unbothered? Have you tried to look down from the school's rooftop and threw your bag over just to see if how fast will it land? Have you considered yourself living and make each moment counts?

I thought as he walks along the busy streets of Éclair. I have tried every single thing before. But life won't just give me a break and decides to throw me stupid, unuseful things as my "friends" watched me crumbles down to the cold ground.

I hate how my life turns out after my grandmother died, the only person who cares about me. All of these unfortunate events kept coming and coming and coming until I have enough. My feet carried me from our apartment to the rooftop and before I even jump, a voice caught my attention.

"Are you going to jump?" I turned around and I saw this beautiful young lady, staring straight at me. She smiled sweetly as her hair flows with the breeze. She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at me.

"Are you going to jump?" she asked once again. I gasped inwardly; even her voice is as sweet as honey dripping from a beehive found in a magical forest. I gulped as I look at her and then she giggles.

At that moment, I promised to myself that I, Alexys Hespere, will make her giggle or laugh like there is no tomorrow.

Emilia Joaquin is her name. The lady who made thinks twice about jumping from that rooftop in that old apartment building in downtown Éclair. She became my best friend and also my girlfriend. I was so happy to finally have someone who will love and care for me.

I made every memory of us together as we walked through this unknown path of loneliness and longing.

Things began to change when she gives me cold shoulders or ignore me for weeks. I sometimes tend to know what was going on in this miraculous relationship but sometimes I just wished I didn't.

One night, I came home from work at the local café exhausted, I opened the door as quietly as possible trying not to wake her up from her slumber but I was greeted with loud moans and groans from someone in our bedroom.

I tiptoed all the way from the front door to the bedroom door and that's where I saw the whole truth about life.

I saw the very girl underneath this big buff man and she was moaning and screaming his name with pleasure. I was shaking and I stumbled backward hitting the cold hard wall as I look at them. Tears start to fall heavy from my eyes as they look at me with guilt and embarrassment.

I ran out of the apartment hearing her calls my name and ran away from the awful place once I called home. I cried as I ran away from the very place that gave me hope and taught me how to love once again.

I huff a few breaths before settling down on the pavement near the bridge where we used to relax and watched the twinkling stars at night. I cry and cry and cry until there are no tears left to cry.

I wiped my face as I look at the railing of the bridge, thinking to myself, "If I jumped from the bridge and drown, will someone stopped and save me?" I shook my head and stood up, holding on to the railings and lifting myself up. I looked down and closed my eyes and suddenly I felt strong arms around me as I hear this old voice.

"Woah. Woah there, kiddo. What are you doing?" he asked. I looked at him with tears in my eyes, "Jumping! Now let me go, please!" I yelled. He sighed then spoke, "Kids these days, don't know how precious like is." He grabbed my waist tightly as he wrestled me to make me get off of the railings and hit the cold hard ground.

He huffs a few breaths before saying, "Listen here, kid. Life is precious. Learn to cherish every moment living in a loan world like this one before ending in a fearful yet happy death around the people who used to and will love you. Learn to fight for what is right to those people blinded by fame and money. Learn to stand up for yourself in a world filled with hatred, loneliness, and anger."

"Learn to see the beauty of this world as you observe cheaters, liars, and maniacs. Life is precious as it is unfair. Make better decisions and you'll see why it is worth living for." I looked at his huge bunny eyes and search for insincerity but found none. He smiled at me and helped me to stand up,

"Do you have a place to stay?" he asked.

"You look like an orphan to me." He said as he continues to remove dirt on my clothes, fixed my shirt and my messy hair. "Would you like to come home with me? I sure missed having a son for a while now." He said with a smile plastered on his face.

"Why?" I blurted out. "Cause you look like you are worth it." He simply said.

>>>>> OUT OF PRIMROSE'S POV <<<<<<

The killer didn't know that the man he met that day is the current Chief of police of Emir City Police Department, Moss Garance. Since the day he met the man, Primrose began to struggle for this new life that was given to him. Unbeknownst to the real purpose as to why he was saved.

Now, it is time for the big finale. Primrose's greatest crime is the last piece of the puzzle for him to pass such initiation.