Sudden Surprise

Days had passed and Hare came back from his one-week vacation. Everything had been crazy inside the precinct and piles of papers from the media and the bureau has been in each detective's desk.

Hare came in early and was greeted by other police officers who were rushing to get their task done before noon. He greets Chief Moss with a huge smile on his face and the chief smiles back, ruffling the latter's hair as he chuckles alongside him.

Cantaloupe and the others saw the interaction and fondness starts creeping up to their faces. Just like a father, they were proud and happy that Hare is alive and well.

After the devastating and controversial news about Pio, Hare had been sleeping well at night. The nightmares are still there but Primrose is beside him so he feels safe. He went to Lilibush's office and peeks through the door before waving him good morning.

The older detective waves back as he talks to whoever is on the other line. Hare sits comfortably on his chair and starts piling up all of his missed paper works. He rolls up his sleeves, forgot to hide his mark, he starts working.

Lilibush greets the younger intern and continues to talk to Amorphous who is working outside. "Another work of Primrose," Amorphous said on the other line, making Lilibush smiles at the information.

"Care to tell the details?" Lilibush asks as he sits down at the corner of his desk. "Victim is unrecognizable, no prints, no DNA, nothing. The victim has been dead for days and no one knows about her.

And also, his signature, a bloomed flower of red and white," Amorphous detailed as Lilibush hums along with the information.

He had always been a fan of Primrose's work. The mystery and thriller that each victim symbolizes. The hidden meanings behind every flower that is present on the scene. Every little detail to complete such a piece of art, Lilibush had seen it all.

Even though Primrose had never shown compassion to his victims and always living them unrecognizable, his works have been the perfect cat and mouse game to every overachiever police officers.

Such officers are like Pio, Major, the greedy old man that becomes their chief before Moss, and the people that work for the bureau.

He chuckles as he talked to Amorphous who is grumbling aggressively as the forensic team packs their things up and heading back to the precinct. Lilibush ends the call and looks at the latter who is working hard after his one-week vacation.

He walks towards him but stopped when he noticed a similar mark on his wrist. It's the same mark that Lilibush had when he was still part of the crime syndicate, Black Rabbit. He looks intensely at the mark and was about to ask Hare about it when Cantaloupe enters the office.

"Lilibush!" he exclaims, Lilibush immediately turns to him too fast that he almost felt a whiplash. "Woah there, buddy," Cantaloupe peeps amusingly, looking at the stunned detective who is still having a dilemma of belief and reason.

"Are you okay, Lilibush?" Cantaloupe asks but instead of answering him, he immediately went to Hare, drags him to the interrogation room, and asks him to sit down.

Hare follows the instruction and sits down with confusion smothered all over his face. Cantaloupe went over to check what is going on and locked the door.

Everyone present in the office saw the commotion and asking themselves, what is going on. Chief Moss also saw the commotion and went over to the interrogation room but it was already locked. So, he went inside the other room that is linked to the interrogation room.

There, he saw, sitting down at the table are Lilibush and Cantaloupe, and Hare at the other side. He turns off the microphone of the other room to prevent them from hearing him.

Lilibush looks at Hare intensely then leans back. "Now, tell me," Lilibush starts, looking at the younger, making him squirm little by little. "When did you become a member of Black Rabbit?" Lilibush asks, earning gasps from all the people present in the room.

Amorphous, who just got back from the crime scene and went straight to the interrogation room after hearing what had happened, gasps at the sudden question. "W-What?" Hare stutters, trying not to break down in front of them and hoping that Primrose would save him just like what he did when Pio ravished him.

But he knows that none of that will happen because if he did come, everyone would just arrest him and convict him for the death penalty.

"Your arm tattoo," Lilibush said, pointing at the exposed arm tattoo of the logo of the infamous Black Rabbit. Hare looks at his arm and immediately hides the tattoo away from everyone's eyes. Cantaloupe is shocked when he saw the tattoo before Hare managed to hide it.

He can't believe his eyes as he looks at the youngster who is having his own existential crisis. "W-Will you arrest me be-because I-I am part of-of Black Ra-Rabbit?" Hare managed to stutter, earning a devilish smile from Lilibush that even Chief Moss shivers when he saw it.

"Would you want to be arrested?" Lilibush asks, making Hare looks at him with his wide hazelnut eyes. He doesn't know what to say anymore. If he got arrested, Primrose would probably kill him just like what he did with Orch.

He stares blankly at them as they give meaningful looks at him. He squirms lightly when Cantaloupe suddenly laughs. Hare looks at him curiously then Lilibush rolls his sleeves and shows Hare the same tattoo on his arm.

Hare looks at it with wide eyes and he gasps. He looks at them in disbelief and looks at the other side of the room. "Chief Moss and Amorphous, too," Lilibush said then point at Cantaloupe's arm, the same tattoo is plastered there. Hare just looks at them and sits back down after the tremendous fright of his life.

He never thought that the other members of Black Rabbit could be a part of the police. Chief Moss enters the room with a big grin on his face and Hare thinks he is in trouble. "So, tell us," he starts, walking towards Hare who stands up in a hurry and tries to walk away from them; as far as possible.

"Is Primrose part of the organization?"


Sunday is a bright sunny day. Primrose woke up with a smile on his face as he watches Hare sleeps comfortably on his bed. He never wakes up early before but now, he doesn't care. He wants to see Hare before the older one wakes up. He hums a familiar tune as he brushes his long veiny fingers on Hare's hair.

*One look at you, my whole life falls in line*

He started to sing as if his life depends on it. This is the first time he sings ever since Orch died. He missed the feeling of vibrations in his throat as he sings on a very high note. He missed this peace.

*I prayed for you before I call you mine*

Pray. He never prayed anything before. He rather does things in his own way rather than waiting for a miracle that is not going to happen. But this love that he is feeling for Hare will be his greatest prayer. For it to reciprocate will be a miracle for him.

*Oh, I can't believe it's true sometimes, oh I can't believe it's true*

Love, the last time he felt that was when his grandmother adopted him after his parents died. Well, after he killed them. But after his grandmother died, none of his relatives took him. So, he became an orphan. He managed to escape the orphanage because the owner molests children there.

When he reported that to the police, no one believed him. That's when he realized those police officers are just a bunch of ruthless-pathetic-money whore-bastards.

*I get to love you, it's the best thing that I'll ever do*

Hare is the best thing that had happened to him. Being with him Hare changes a lot of Primrose's perspective on life. Before, his choices only vary between belief and reason. Now, he needs to consider Hare's feelings before making a decision. He needs to know that Hare will be okay with his plans. Hare made a big impact on his life and he wouldn't want to change that fact.

*I get to love you, it's a promise I'm making to you*

Promises are meant to be broken, he knows that. He clearly knows that. But he also knows that deep inside him, if his promises on Hare will ever be broken, he will be broken as well. He doesn't want to hurt Hare. It will be his biggest crime if he did.

Hare groans and slowly opens his eyes. "Your voice sounds so beautiful," he said while rubbing his eyes and looking at the killer who also has a smile on his face. "Only for you," Primrose said, kissing Hare on his lips and burying him underneath his skin. Hare breaks the kiss and stares lovingly and Primrose's deep blue eyes.

"I love you," Hare accidentally blurted out, catching Primrose off guard. His eyes widen when the realization hits him covers his face. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I don't know what came over me," Hare said, not looking at the killer and dying of embarrassment. He heard Primrose's laughter and felt as if the killer is removing his hands over his face.

"Stop hiding your face, love," Primrose said sweetly, earning a pair of hazelnut eyes staring at him. "Have some confidence with your feelings, too," the killer said, positioning his elbow for support as he leans towards Hare, brushing their lips slowly. "Because I love you too, Hare Bellfard," Primrose said as he slowly kisses the elder who still can't believe what is happening; except for the fact that the killer reciprocated his pathetic feelings.