Secret Operation

Angel Raziel Mental Institute is crowned as the best mental hospital in Aesana. It is owned by the former President of the country, Dr. Haesphae Bless. It's a perfect place for the people that have been misunderstood by the public.

Such cases like criminals that were proven to have problems with their mental state as they commit their crimes or those people who have been experiencing abuse and trauma that made them go crazy. This is the perfect hospital for those types of patients.

Dr. Haesphae Bless had a daughter under the name of Orion Bless, who had shared the same passion as her father. She took Psychology in university and graduated with flying colors. Dr. Bless has been very proud of what his daughter had achieved and will be proud as she takes over the hospital he had built for.

But he did not expect for her to be one of the members of the infamous Black Rabbit, who gave the hospital a much bigger reputation as it welcomes all of the crazy individuals that make the crime syndicate; a crime syndicate.

After Dr. Bless died and his daughter took over the hospital, it was rumored that the infamous gang took over the underground of the hospital and made it into their base. Keeping all of the information to themselves and operating in secret to easily get away from the police. Nonetheless, Dr. Haesphae Bless's reputation was over succeeds by his very own daughter and the hospital that he built became the headquarters of the crime syndicate, Black Rabbit.


The famous King Al Kabr of Udasi is known to have almost two hundred sons and daughters and none of them neither knew each other nor met each other. But one of those daughters had been the king's favorite.

She's a well-known princess amongst her brothers and sisters and also well-known to the public as the kind and polite Princess of Udasi. Her name is Princess Al Abu Kabr Navashi, and her reputation as the princess was over succeeds by her strength and leadership.

She is not the typical princess who only sits on her throne, boss around the palace, wearing tons of designer clothes, and flaunting her richness to the world. No. She is not that princess. The reason her father likes her is because of her strength and intelligence on the battlefield.

Princess Navashi is known to be the sharpshooter in Udasi. She is trained under the strict supervision of Udasi's military forces and she had shown great enthusiasm as she holds her very first shotgun.

Such a princess is never welcome in the country that's why the princess decided to leave the country and her richest as she starts a new life in Aesana by joining the infamous gang, Black Rabbit.

Her father found out about her plan of joining the crime syndicate, he decided on banning her from entering the country and strips off of her title as princess. But she is more than happy from her father's clutches and the pressure of marrying a prince from her mother.

She even changes her name so her father won't know where she is after her banishment.


Orion and Navashi had soon joined Black Rabbit and became one of the pioneer members of the organization under the alias Rairai and Nova. Rairai is assigned to lead the strategic team whenever they have a mission. She and N is the best tandem for this job that's why their boss has her full trust in them.

Black Rabbit has a fascination with Nova's unique ability to shoot from a wide range city like Emir and Éclair, so she assigned her to train new members of the organization to acquire her ability and to be part of the strength that gives life to their organization.

It was a Sunday morning when Black Rabbit asks them to infiltrate the Emir City Police Department and the National Bureau of Justice and plant bombs around the area. They accepted the mission and went on their way after wearing their disguise and prepares for the homemade bomb system that Black Rabbit asks their team to create.

They were thankful enough when N provided them the blueprints of the place and studied them along the way. Josh is the one who drives them towards the place and is also their getaway driver.

Primrose is near the office when he heard of their conversation and smiles to himself. If this plan of his would-be his greatest crime, he is more than happy to retire as a killer and live his life peacefully with Hare then he is more than happy.

The doors of the office open and reveal two not distinguish women who bow to him and walk away. The latter instinctively thinks that they were the infamous sharpshooter and strategist that made Black Rabbit, one of the gangs that can make them get away from murder without the police even knowing that they committed the crime.

They arrived at their first destination which is the National Bureau of Justice. Rairai hops off of the vehicle and gets all of the things that he needs and went straight on scanning the perimeters before planting all the bombs that were supposed to be planted outside of the building.

N sends her a message saying that they also need some bombs inside of the bureau so Rairai changes her attire into something more formal just like Law's attire every single time she has a case.

She courageously enters the bureau and greets every single person and acts as if she is a new intern. N is in her ear, guiding her throughout the nooks and cranny of the building as she arrives at the first room and she glued the bombs under the chairs and tables and quietly exit the room.

She went to the next one and did the same thing. Nova and Josh waited along the road while they were eating noodles and talking about nonsense things and listening to Rairai and N's interaction via Telecomm when they heard a very familiar voice that shocked them for the rest of the day.

Rairai is finished and was about to go out of the bureau so Nova could start her mission at Emir City Police Department when someone stops her and pulls her into a corner. She struggles to get away from the guy and was stopped when the guy suddenly spoke. She looks up to see their motherfucking friend that they all thought was dead.

"Alex?" she exclaims quietly as she looks at him as if she had seen a ghost. Well, technically since they all know and saw that Alex is dead. The man chuckles and looks at her with sparkles in the eyes. "Playing dead is so much fun when you least expected it," he said, earning a punch from Rairai who immediately tear up and sniffs them away.

"Are you done here? Should I escort you out?" he asks, earning a sudden look from Alex, who looks like he was about to punch somebody. "What is wrong?" she asks, wary of the signals that Alex kept on sending to her. "We'll talk once you are out," he said and drags her to the exit as she tries to look around if there is someone following them.

Once out and about from the bureau, they crossed the streets and Nova opens the van's door and they all went inside the vehicle. Josh steps on it as Rairai and Alex settle down the comfort of the chairs. "You guys, seriously, you almost got caught by the surveillance team, good thing I am one of them," Alex said as he looks around the people who were on the vehicle. Josh tries to concentrate on his driving as his eyes pace between the center mirror and the windshield.

"Eyes on the road, Josh. You are going to kill me again," Alex said, making Josh flinch and look at the road. "Let's talk about what the fuck happened to me after my fake death or should I say, almost death, back at the organization, yes?" he said as the others just nod and went to their next destination.

"One question though," Nova said as she munches on her food like there is no tomorrow. Alex looks at her with curiosity as she eats that donut away as if it never existed in the front of the convenience store. Alex suddenly laughs after a minute of silence and Josh and Rairai just giggles from Nova's failed comedic antics. "You never change, bitch," Alex said as they laugh at all of the memories of Alex dying and their almost forgotten mission.

They arrived at Emir City Police Department and Nova prepares everything that she needs and went on her way around the building as she started planting the bombs around the area.

She looks at the blueprints of the police station and puts N in her right ear as she changes her clothes and starts putting on the tailor-made police uniform of Hare Bellfard. She changes the surname written and started pretending as a representative of the bureau and infiltrate the police station.

She greets everyone inside the humble home of the weirdest and most stubborn police officers that only want all the glory and the justice that people deserve. She is shocked to see Amorphous, Lilibush, and Cantaloupe inside but nonetheless, she finished her job of burying the necessary bombs and leaving the precinct unharmed.

She was about to leave the place when Chief Moss suddenly grabs her by the arm and made her faced him; she widens her eyes to see the former big boss of Black Rabbit. Chief Moss asked her about Primrose' plan and when she whispered what it is, the chief of police scoffs and said in his fatherly like voice,

"That cheeky little brat."