I owe my Love to You

Amorphous Leon is best known for his cum laude award back in the police academy after excelling in all of his class with perfects 1s. He even got a scholarship from a prestigious group of people who serves the criminal justice system but the young achiever did not take the offer. His family is very supportive of what he had achieved in his life and was happy to be with him as he achieved more.

His father is a small business owner in downtown Emir, where his mother is a laundry lady who works with the different clients every day. His sister is going to a public school near the boundary between Éclair and Emir and was also achieving greater results than her other classmates. Both siblings are smart and artsy with their crafts and responsible for everything that is happening with their lives.

The Leon household is known for its kindness and politeness. They were also known for being good Samaritans and that's the reason why their oldest, Amorphous, became a police officer. Such a happy family should've had a happy ending, but Amorphous' family met their tragic end.

It was a great night at the university when Amorphous decided to go home after their graduation after-party at one of his teacher's house. He was so happy that he finally would become the police officer he wanted to be. He has been a big fan of the police task force because, for him, they were heroes. They protect the innocent and bring justice to the people they served, and he wanted to be that person.

As he enters their dark and looming house, he noticed that the lights were off and the house looks a bit sad. He just feels sad when he entered their loving and humble home. He calls out to his mom, usually she answers in her cheerful tone and lovingly soft voice, but at that moment, Amorphous did hear such a thing. He held his phone and looks for the main light to see what was going on in the house. At the back of his head, he is hoping that his family just prepared a mini surprise for his graduation.

What the young man did not expect, the moment he switches on the light is the thing he will never forget. There, sprawled on the cold ground is her little sister, aged 10 years old, her legs are up high and her thighs were bleeding.

Amorphous looked away from her sister who was also stabbed multiple times on the chest and was r*ped endlessly by a sickening pedophile.

He looks to her side and sees her mother looking straight at him as she was hanging from the ceiling and she is holding his father's head. He cries at what he saw and fumbled up his phone to call the emergency hotline.

Soon, a few police cars came to the scene with the detective in charge and pull the young Amorphous out of the house and calm him down. He is still in his uniform and the police immediately noticed who he is.

They sympathized with the young man but none of their empathy could grab Amorphous' conscience of justice out of his vengeful mind. The police tried to solve the case of his family but they also failed the aspiring policeman.

Out of revenge and justice for his family, he asked for a crime syndicate's help in return for his service for many years. Moss nods at him that time and Black Rabbit solved the crime for him.

Since then, Amorphous had stopped believing that they are good police officers that exist because it is an officer who killed his whole family. After Black Rabbit's trial of justice to the murderer, Amorphous joined the organization and was finally found a new family.

By the end of his deal with the organization, Moss offers him a job at the Emir Police Department, and the young and still aspiring police officer couldn't agree more.


Amorphous is looking into a vast space when Lilibush snaps his fingers to him to wake him up. He blinks owlishly and looks at the older detective who is looking at him with dead eyes and a blank expression.

"Help out, will you?"

Lilibush said as he waltzes back to where he came from and drags Amorphous towards the small space filled with different kinds of decorations ranging from hearts to Christmas carol to a galaxy filled with a bunch of moons and stars, all in blitz and glamour. Amorphous looks at the scene with cringe and creepiness.

"Why are we doing this again?"

He asked, his voice is filled with disgust and he feels stupid by just standing on a white wall that has a lot of strings of decorations of hearts and the wordings looks so romantic. Amorphous hates being romantic. He doesn't even know why his wife said yes to him when he asked her for marriage. He is not even a very romantic guy.

"Stop being a bitter person and just fucking decorate already."

Lilibush said as he throws him plastic decorations in many colors. He sighs for the umpteenth time. They were at the basement of the main headquarters of Black Rabbit, decorating for a grand event for their best partners in crime. He doesn't even know why he is invited. He looks around the room as he sets the petals onto the ground in the shape of a heart.

"We should put an arrow in here, too."

He said in humor, but the joke didn't reach Lilibush's state of mind so the young man was met with silence and the sounds of crickets. Amorphous shrugs it off but was caught off guard when he heard their big Boss's voice from the doorway.

"This looks awfully disturbing."

She said as she snarkily passes through the wall of decorated flowers, hearts, moons, and stars with disgust on her face and cringes on her eyes. Amorphous chuckles at the small antics of unflattering words as she looks at everything they are doing.

"I hope that dumb kid would be happy after this. I also hope that he would say his greatest crime so this thing could be over before I lose my patients and set that National Bureau of Justice into ashes."

She said as she gritted her teeth. Her words are full of hate and vengeance since she is also a victim of the cruel justice System that surrounds the country, Aesana.

Lilibush chuckles as he tries to put the string of various sizes of hearts on the wall and looks at their Boss who is having fun commenting how this shit show should be perfect because there are no second chances.

Hours of decorating had passed and everything is set, Primrose asks Hare to go to the basement to help him pick something up. Hare was confused at first because they were all dressed up nicely but they asked Primrose to pick something at their dirty basement.

He is on his way to the dirty basement when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, Amorphous and Lilibush show up with a blindfold on their hands and immediately blindfold Hare before carrying him to the basement where the surprise is.

Hare struggles to get out of their grasp but when they let go of him, hare immediately removes the blindfold and was surprised to see Primrose wearing a beautiful tuxedo with a gold bowtie and a shy smile. Hare blushes as he looks around the room and in front of him. He even looks at the wall to see their names painted beautifully with a huge heart in the middle.

"What is going on?"

Hare asks Primrose, who is only looking at him in the wilderness and loving eyes. The killer clears his throat and looks at the older man in front of him. Primrose inhales loudly and speaks, "I've never loved someone like this before since I don't actually know what love is. I have never experienced it during my childhood days. But you showed me that it does exist and it exists in you," Primrose expresses.

Hare just looks at the guy, he once just followed everywhere as the tabloids spread the awareness to the killer of the night under the alias "Primrose". But here he is now, staring at the same man who is spouting things that he never thought he could.

An unlovable child is what people called the only living Hespere child. But now, he found love in him and he is more than happy. He was snapped back to reality and when he noticed that the younger man stands up and went to his side. Bends his one knee as he holds up a red velvety box and opens it.

It shows a beautiful blue sapphire stone encased in a spiky silver crown-like structure and was surrounded with diamonds. It was a ring; the same ring that they saw on their first date at an expensive diamond store. He is ecstatic and looks at Primrose with tears in his eyes.

"Hare Bellfard, will you be part of my happily ever after?"

Hare couldn't believe it but he said yes. He had wanted to say yes if he had ever asked. It's like a dream come true from the latter. Primrose shows him his beautiful smile and kisses him on the lips as slides on the ring on Hare's ring finger.