
Unexpected Revenge

Seeing your family destroy each other is like a wake-up call for young Lilibush. He just came home after a long day of training at the police academy when he sees a luxury car parked in front of their gates.

He stopped for a minute and looked around and maybe asked their neighbor if they knew anything about the car when he saw his mother walking out of their house with makeup, wearing see-through clothes and high heels.

He looked at her with confusion as he sees his father in the corner as fat tears drop like rainfall. He went over to calm his father as they both watched his mother get inside the car, waves them goodbye, and the car rolls down the road.

Young Lilibush was stunned by the sudden turn of events that is happening to his family. He brought his father inside their humble- well, destroyed- home to rest as he fixes the things that her greedy, slutty, and money-seeker of a mother thrash.

He sighs as he watches his poor father who is now penniless cry his heart out towards the mother he never actually loved. He calmed his father and made him food but his dad did not eat and just went upstairs to his room and cry even more.

Seeing his hardworking father like this made his heart hurt. He never expects something like this will happen to them. He wipes away any tears that were starting to form from his eyes since his mother doesn't need all the sympathy from them.

Days, months, and years had passed since he and his father started working again to gain money for his study at the police academy when his mother came back and ask for more money than she can bet at the casino. He thought that his father would let her have the money that she needed but he didn't expect his father to be selfish and calls the police when she trespasses the property.

She got mad and called her new boy toy's lawyer and filed a lawsuit against his father. They don't money for a luxurious lawyer so his father asked a public attorney to help them with the case. Those shitty public attorneys decline their request for assistance when they knew that Lilibush's father doesn't have money to pay them extra.

Lilibush's father was devastated. He can't let her win the stupid case. He went home with a sour look and said sorry to Lilibush. The young and aspiring police officer had a call one night from his friend Cantaloupe, who is a year older than him about a lawyer that he knows that can help them win the case against his mother.

He was more than happy to know about that but he is worried that the lawyer might ask for a big sum of money, which they don't have.

Cantaloupe reassured him that this lawyer won't ask for any payment of any kind just give her the case and she will defend them. Lilibush agreed and told his father about the exciting news. His father was delighted and asked if they can meet up with the lawyer in person.

Cantaloupe asked the lawyer and she said yes, that's the day when Lilibush met Alexandria Law, known as the most notorious lawyer in Aesana.

Lilibush and his father didn't expect his mom's lawyer to drop the case once he finds out who is their lawyer. But Law didn't allow that and the judge proceeds with the case at hand. The trial lasts for a day, known as the shortest trial in the history of Aesana.

His mother was fined fifty million sepos that were divided into three since the people who were receiving are Law, Lilibush, and his father.

They might lose plenty from his mother but he knows that he did not lose any connections between him and his father. A year after the trial, his father died because of fatigue from working so hard for his family.

His mother went to jail after getting caught smuggling drugs outside Aesana and was sentenced to thirty years in prison. She was fifty-two years old the day she was prosecuted.

Lilibush is more than happy that she got what she deserves and he doesn't feel any remorse towards her. The young and aspiring police officer graduated from the police academy and join the Éclair police department but was met with random circumstances of failing as a new police officer when he met Moss Garance, the man who asked him to join an organization that can protect him throughout his journey as a police officer.

Lilibush liked the offer and takes it. From that day and until the day he passed the police examination, he became a member of the infamous crime syndicate, Black Rabbit. He also finds out that Law works under the organization and Cantaloupe was also a member of the syndicate.

He is more than happy to know that he will have another family he looked up to. He knows his father is so proud of him and his achievements.

He even finds the right woman for a guy like him when he went on a mission requested by the organization and accidentally stumbled upon this beautiful woman from Éclair. She got lost along her way and Lilibush offered his service to get her home.

She fell for this two-faced man but did not care when she finds out who he is. For her, Lilibush is still the Good Samaritan that she met on that fateful day.

They got married and had two kids; a girl and a boy. They have been together for almost 7 years now, and Lilibush becomes the happiest man.


A call from the office baffled all of the detectives that are currently working at the precinct. The call came from the main office of the National Bureau of Justice saying that their chief is under fire for having a relationship with the members of a crime syndicate known as Black Rabbit. Lilibush sighs as he heard the news and looked over to Amorphous who is shaking his head.

They asked for his presence including Lilibush, Amorphous, and Cantaloupe who is much closer to him. Cantaloupe heaves a heavy sigh as he stares at Dew, the person who called them over as per request from the bureau.

"They might do the same just like what you did to Orch Sage when he went here for questioning. You guys need to be careful, that's all," he said before walking away from the three who were having a major dilemma of not going or going to the bureau. Amorphous sighs and takes his phone from his pocket to dial Law in case something will happen to them.

The young lass agreed with the case and Amorphous' condition but the detectives did not agree with her telling the big boss about Chief Moss's sudden investigation because they know that she will get mad.

"I can't go with you then," Law answered that made them panic and said yes to her condition. She had a smug look all long since she knows that these three humongous pea-brain men are nothing against the organization's big boss. Lilibush sighs and looks at the other two before walking towards his car and trailed by the others.

The car ride is quiet and none of them wants to speak up about anything that can happen today. Amorphous got a notification that made them pulled over to the side of the street as he read the message from the bureau.

"Chief Moss is being prosecuted for being part of the elaborated scheme of killing Pio's son in public then killed him afterward. The trial will be done today as Chief Moss will have a public attorney and can't use his own attorney."

Amorphous said as he sweats profusely knowing that something bad will happened if they did their chief bad.

"What are we going to do? They're gonna kill him," Cantaloupe said as he grabs Amorphous's phone from his and looks at the message himself. Lilibush takes his phone out and dials the only person he knows that can make the bureau pay in case something might happen to their chief.

"Who are you calling?" Amorphous asks, looking at the way Lilibush furrows his brow. The older detective looked at him straight in the eyes and said her name, making Amorphous flinch when he heard the name. "You can't be serious," Cantaloupe asks, but before Lilibush even answers, they heard an explosion not so far from where they are.

Amorphous flinches and they all immediately went outside to see when it came from. A large black smoke was seen a few kilometers away from where they are. They ran to the source and gasps when they saw that the National Bureau of Justice is engulfed with fire.

People are screaming and trying to get away from the building when Lilibush sees one familiar figure at the corner of a convenience store, smoking his cigarette as he watches the bureau burned down to ashes.

He gasps when the man looked at him with a smile on his face. He immediately runs over to him and hugs him tightly. "Aren't you dead?!" Lilibush exclaims as he draws the man back to see his full face. "Dumbass! I miss you!" he yells, making the other detectives who are with him to run to him and sees who he is speaking with. They gasped when they saw who it was.

"Alex!" they both exclaims.