White Lies

"Let's break up."

He sighs once again as he walks through the coldness of the night. Another day to be broken-hearted, he scoffs at the sudden thoughts of Zinnia is the right girl for him. He shakes his head as he passes through a dark alleyway into his apartment. On his way to his apartment, he suddenly thought of going to the park to reminisce the past with Zinnia and his mistakes of falling for that bitch.

As walks and walks, he hums their favorite song that they dance at the senior prom night. He sits down on one of the swings and looks far away from the flickering lights of the city. As his heartaches and his mind flooded with curses and regrets. He cries. He pours his heart out as he listens to the song of the crickets and the quietness of the night. He cries. He pours all of the regret and every heartbreak he felt throughout his lifetime.

He cries and cries and cries until his heart is tired and his tears won't fall anymore. He stops. He wipes his tears away and exhales quietly when he sees another man standing under the lamppost and staring into the vast space of the hilltop. He watches him as the man turns around and locks eyes with him. His heart stops and his mind went blank. He sees a young man with black hair and deep purple eyes, in front of him. He smiles at him brightly with his teeth showing. He tilts his head to him as he observes him like a hawk with his hazelnut eyes.

The young man is beautiful and enchanting. His disheveled hair makes his eyes pop and his feminine looks create an illusion of him as a woman. He is drawn to him. He never someone like this before. It was as if he sees his future in those purple orbs. He steps forward trying to see if the man would walk away from him. The man didn't. It was like on purpose as if the man planned on drawing onto him and makes him fall all over again.

Alexys stops. He needs to stop his heart from falling again. He shakes his head and looks away from the enchanting man. He stands up from the swing and put his hands in his pocket and walks away from the park. His hands are freezing since it is almost Christmas and the snow is not helping his heartaches. He got to his apartment and immediately went to his room and sobs for another hour. His roommate, Orch, watches the guy with disheveled hair and puffy red eyes walk to his room as he washes the dishes.

Orch sighs and continues washing the dishes as he avoids the tingling feeling that he has for Alexys. He and Alexys have been friends since high school and the latter never looks at him with love and fondness unless it is necessary. He fell for Alexys the first he met him. The guy is sweet and caring but he is oblivious to Orch's love. He never treats him other than as a friend.

He sighs for the umpteenth time as he finishes the chores and dries his hands before going into Alexys' room and comforts his friend. Because that's what friends do. He comforts the latter until he fell asleep and carries him to bed. He removes his jacket and other clothes and made him wear his comfortable clothes before he draws the bedsheet towards him then left him so he could get some rest after his obvious breakup with the bitch.

Orch went to his room and takes out his phone and texted some of his friends about the news. They just rolled their eyes because they know that it will happen sooner or later. Orch even warned Alexys about the breakup and Zinnia's reputation but the latter never cared about it. He was too in love with the bitch to even care about her reputation. Orch is a bit pissed about the relationship but what can he do? His best friend is so much in love with her that he almost gagged from the sweetness.

He sighs at the broken relationship and readied himself for what's yet to come the next day. Their breakup will be the talk of the down, for sure. He went straight to bed and wishes that tomorrow will not be as bad as he thinks it will be. He smiles before going to dreamland.

The next day starts badly for Alexys. The moment he steps foot on his university's gate, people start talking about him and his break up with Zinnia. He hates it but he can't do anything about it. Orch and his brother try to cheer him up but nothing works. Now, Alexys is on the rooftop, forcing himself not to cry because of what is happening in his life right now.

He was about to listen to some music when he heard someone singing above him. His voice is marvelous and enchanting; hypnotizing him with just his voice. Out of curiosity, he looks up and is stun by what he sees. It is the same man who gave him a sparkling smile last night when he was at the park after his break up with Zinnia. He stares at him in awe and when he realizes that he is staring too much, Alexys shakes his head and walks toward the railings and puts his earphones when a hand suddenly grabs them.

Thinking that it could one of Zinnia's friends, he turns around and sees the man singing earlier. His sweet smile is still plastered on his face and his blueberry hair compliments his skin tone and his purple eyes. Alexys felt as if his world stops, the moment he laid his eyes on him.

Last night, he couldn't see him clearly even under the lamppost of the park, but now, he is sure that this man in front of him is definitely an angel from heaven. The smiling man then speaks, making Alexys' broken-heart beats once again. His voice is like honey and chocolate in combination. It doesn't make sense and won't taste delicious but he feels like it does. His voice is soothing and calming, perfect for listening while the snow falls hard on the pavement of every broken-hearted person.

His voice is perfectly tuned and enchanting to hear. Alexys wants more. He wants to hear it again. He wants to hear his name leave those luscious lips of him. Alexys wants him to be his.


Alexys went back to his dorm with a smile plastered on his face. Humming happy tunes and giggling on his own. He sounds like a lunatic on high but he doesn't care about it. His day starts awful but after his talk with the smiling man, he couldn't ask for a better day. He knows that his heart is still broken but he can't help to fall for this man so he wants more.

He went to his room and starts thinking of what he should do to get his attention him and maybe asks him for a date. He starts brainstorming forgetting to cook dinner for Orch and him, he realizes it when Orch texted him that he will be home in five. He scrambles to the kitchen and starts making dinner. He hums a happy song and when he hears the door clicks, he excitedly welcomes him. Orch smiles at him and asks why he is so happy and if something happened to him throughout the day.

Orch is at a loss. He doesn't know what is happening to his friend and he doesn't know why either. They are now eating dinner and Alexys still have this big smile plastered on his face. Orch is so intrigued so he asks him.

"Okay, seriously," Orch said, making Alexys looks at him with a flustered smile. The younger can't hide his smile and he won't hide it. "Did something good happen to you? Your smile is from ear to ear," Orch said, giggling at the man who blushes like a full-bloomed rose. "I met someone today," Alexys said, making Orch looked at him in shock. Alexys just smile and continue eating his dinner.

After the dinner, Orch immediately went inside of his room, not bothering to talk to Alexys after the thing that he heard. Orch is devastated. He doesn't know who the guy that made Alexys like this is but he doesn't care to know either. He just wants to cry himself to sleep and maybe forget about these lovesick feelings that he has for his friend. He no longer knows if this love is healthy for him and his little heart.

The next morning, Alexys made Orch re-think the friendship that they as he asks something that made Orch's heart breaks into millions of tiny pieces of shattered glass. Orch is no longer devastated at this time. He is jealous of the mysterious man.