White Christmas

Orch is now in front of the mysterious man's class, and his face is filled with devastation and hate but he is doing this because of his so in-love best friend who couldn't stop gushing about this wonderful and beautiful guy where he, himself, is also beautiful. He leans near the windowpane as he waits for this man to get out of class so he could talk to him. Alexys even asks him to acquire his number, which he hates, the most.

Orch is gagging over this illusion of his best friend when the man approaches him. "Hi," he said, making the young man stops from gawking over nothing. He looks at him from head to toe and he does admit, this man is indeed beautiful. He could be more beautiful than him, as he denies more often. "What can I do for you?" the man asks again, making him smile awkwardly and clears his throat. "Ah, yeah…uhmm…" Orch said, stuttering his words and not knowing what to say. He doesn't even know what to call him because he doesn't know his name.

This dilemma of him stops when someone called him over. "Hare!" that person called. The man looks at him and he smiles. Orch was enchanted by the guy. He looks loving and caring to others. He was about to approach the person who called him over when Orch grabs his arm. "You are Hare, right?" Orch immediately said, making the guy look at him with curiosity. "Yes?" he said, unsure of what the man in front of him wants.

"I have a friend who wants to meet you. If you are not busy after class, can you please go to the rooftop? He is there, waiting for you," Orch said, not waiting for the man to answer as he walks away from the class with a heavy heart. He can't believe he just did that. He could've just walked away and told his best friend that he likes him and date him, instead of hurting himself like this.

Ren, his twin brother, saw him walking past their classroom with teary eyes. He sighs and follows his brother who is going to the boy's comfort room. Orch pours his heart out when he was in the bathroom. He even tries to lock the door but his brother won't let him. He let Ren inside and cried.

"I told you to stop simping to that stupid ass oblivious motherfucker, already!" Ren said, making Orch cries even louder as his heart breaks into thousands or even in millions of pieces. "Do you think I haven't tried?!" Orch exclaims, making Ren flinch by the height of his voice. The bathroom door suddenly bursts open revealing Alexys with his worried face. When he sees Orch crying, he immediately hugs him and comforts him. Ren watches the scene with a passive face and rolls his eyes. This is bullshit, he thought, looking away from the two and hopes that the day will end already.


Hare is curious as to who the guy from earlier is. He is quite a beauty but nothing could compare to the guy he met the first time at the park. So masculine and dominant…just like the guy he wants to be with all my life. Someone who could romance him while keeping it rough, the type of guy who could protect and love him. That's the guy he met at the park. He was having the best time of his life since his parents are now divorced and his dad wouldn't want to settle for a slut like his mother.

He went to the park to celebrate and sing his heart out. He was having the best time of his life when he saw the man with the raven hair and his sad golden eyes. He asks himself why someone would hurt such beautiful eyes. His eyes twinkle as the tears fall from his beautiful porcelain skin. He was mesmerized by his beauty and wants to talk to him. He smiles and was about to go to him when the man suddenly stands up and left. He frowns but maybe the man needs some space so he just lets him and continues celebrating the divorce.

School starts the next day and he went to uni a little too early. He decided to go to the rooftop and feel the cold winter breeze of January. He climbs up to the ladder and up to the mini building where the rooftop door is. He pulls his earphone out and puts them on while he scrolls down on his phone in search of good music to sing. He sings a couple of songs when he noticed that someone is looking at him from below. He looks down from where he is.

He gasped inwardly when he sees that it was the man he saw from the park. His golden eyes looking into him lovingly and he felt as if his heart beats faster than usual. The man looks away when he noticed that the blueberry head stares at him back and walks towards the railings of the rooftop. He smiles inwardly when he sees the slight pink tints on his cheeks. Hare is in-love and no one can stop him from getting this beautiful man in front of him.

Hare heard the rumors as soon as he enters the class. Alexys got played by Zinnia, again, is what they say. He just finds out who Alexys is and who the bitch that broke his mending heart is. He was pissed for the whole day and he knows that his friends noticed it, too. They asked him who pissed him off and when they knew who it was, they become pissed also.

Hare is having his internal monologue of what to do to Zinnia for breaking Alexys heart when he noticed that someone is glaring at him from the outside and sees that it was Orch Sage. He knows who he is but never talked to the latter. He gazed at him while looking like having his internal crisis over something. This got Hare curious and went over to where Orch is.

What he did not expect is the sudden invitation to the rooftop that "his friend" orchestrated. This got him more intrigued by what is happening but before he can answer, Orch already walked away leaving him with confusion. But nevertheless, he will definitely be going to that rooftop.


Alexys is frantic after he asks for Orch to tell Hare, the guy from the park and the one who he accidentally met again on the rooftop, to meet him on the same rooftop from earlier. He just finds out that he is from Zinnia's ex-best friend who she accidentally pissed one time now; she is no longer friends with her bitchy ass. She said that Hare's father is a powerful man and he could kill anyone and get away from it because of his father's influence. He got scared at first but this friend said that Hare is far from his father's reputation. She is kind and a happy man, leaving the tiny bit of details of Hare's bad reputation for Alexys to know them along the way.

Alexys is still frantic even after that talk with the ex-best friend of Zinnia whose name is Law. He paces around the hallway near the male's bathroom when he heard a familiar voice screaming. He bursts to open the door and sees Orch crying in his brother's arm. He immediately went to him like the good friend he is and comforts him.

He could feel Ren's madness beside him but he can't point out to whom he is mad. The rest of the day has been comforting Orch who mostly got panic attacks in between breaks. But Alexys personally feels another person looking at them with jealousy. He just hopes that it is not Zinnia and her revengeful personality.

Alexys is beyond excited when he goes to the rooftop. He has been excited about meeting Hare but he was a bit sad after his talk with Orch earlier. He noticed the flirtatious attempts of Orch before but he thought that's just how he is. He knows that he is oblivious to his feelings but he has never seen his friend someone like that. He said his sorry towards Orch and the latter just smile and he said that he understands.

He is on his way to the rooftop when he sees someone familiar that is flirting with Orch right now and it made him smile.

*Finally, he is making a move*

He thought and immediately went to the rooftop for he doesn't want to make Hare wait for him any longer. He heaves a sigh and exhales it as he calms his nervousness from what is about to happen. But before he opens the rooftop door someone pulled him to the side as his body slammed the floor. He felt someone tops him and looks above when he sees the incoming kiss from a blueberry haired guy.

He sucks his breath and let himself be kissed by this person. The kiss starts from being force and ends sweetly as it cuts off by the two of them pants from the sudden packs of the adrenaline rush of nervousness. Alexys opens his eyes and reveals a blushing Hare on top of him. His heart suddenly short-circuited and eventually stops. His mind went blank as he reaches to Hare's face and caressed his smooth skin. Hare purrs through the touch and Alexys puts his hand on the back of Hare's head and slowly pulls him towards his face as he leans forward and gives him a kiss again.

This time it is sweet and not as rough as earlier. The kiss is cut as Alexys stares at his purple eyes and smiles,

"Want to be mine?"

He said cockily, making the elder giggles as he nods.

"Of course, my Primrose."

He said and smiles before kissing him again.