
'This diary belongs to

Corvina Dankworth'

A petite woman read the words of the diary as she let herself rest on their kitchen's barstool after unpacking many of their belongings. As far as she knows, she doesn't know nor have ever been acquainted with someone named, Corvina Dankworth.

"Hon, what is it?", her husband called when he noticed her holding what it seemed like an old book, before walking towards her.

The soft touch on her waist pulled her attention to the man that's now hugging her from behind.

"Is this yours?", she asked.

The man stared at the diary. When he read the name, something familiar clicked inside him. He absentmindedly gets a hold of it and intensely stared at the name.

"Corvina.." he whispered.

"It's familiar," she said.

"I know."

"Should we read it?"

"I don't think so. A diary is an important and the most personal belonging, and it's something that no human being would want anyone snooping on. It would be a bad idea to read someone else's deep thoughts written on a piece of paper, besides, where did you get this?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, it suddenly fell from the box I was carrying."

Her husband shook his head before sighing in exhaustion. The man walked towards the living room and his wife followed. Both had a tiring day, yet, they couldn't just sit around letting the house uncleaned and leave it filled with dust and unorganized interior.

"I'm gonna cook us some lunch. I'll be putting the diary here on this table and it should be the same as where I left it, if I caught you reading it, I'll punish you in a way you won't be able to go to your work nor even stand. Got it?", he jokingly threatened his wife.

The woman giggled knowingly as she shakes her head. His wife chose to sit down on the sofa, and as she watched her husband walked inside the kitchen, the girl couldn't restrain the smirk slowly plastered on her beautiful heart shaped face. Her hands moved towards the diary. She slowly lifted it up to her lap before turning the page.

The woman is naturally naughty and hard-headed when it comes to following demands and rules. She doesn't like anyone telling her what to do, even if reading someone else's diary. Unless if it's her boss that she works for.

"Whomever finds this boring diary, please read until the end and contact Emily Dankworth," she reads the first line.

Her eyebrows furrowed at first but then nodded knowingly. She realises that there are people who are not like her. Doesn't want anyone snooping around that isn't their business, in short privacy freak. This Corvina girl proved her wrong.

She continued reading the diary as her curiosity and confusion grew stronger and stronger the second passes by.

Whomever you are, welcome to my world! Though this is weird because I am somewhat comfortable and not mad or anything if someone reads my diary, however, nevermind! I just want to get on with what I want to say— write rather, lol!

Anyway, the thoughts I want to write sadly disappeared. I have to redo what I did before this for me to remember it again, this is how my mind remembers things. How my mind reacts and process is weird, I don't know if I'm the only one that's like this but, this is how I am.

I aways go back to where I lost it so that I can remember everything for me to move forward.


I was awesome in that part, huh? I hope whomever reads this would be amazed by me, I hope it's mom so that she may be proud of me even if it's the only phrase I can be smart at. Lmao, I failed the First Quarterly exams, again. It sucks!

Imagine, I'm already a fourth year high school but I still fail in everything. My gosh, it's embarrassing! But I can do nothing about it, I'm waaay too lazy. Hay. Is this how everything works when released to the world? You'll be too lazy to live?

Am I the only one being like this in the world? Because if no is the answer of others, why can they even be great and have good performance if they are also lazy like me? Their grades and exam results are even higher than mine. They can still answer the questions that's been given to them when I'm there, watching them, always wondering how are they able to focus and concentrate on one specific point whereas I couldn't even do that no matter how hard I try.

I get their point of just studying, I do that too, but how could they make themselves concentrate even if their surroundings are too much to handle? I mean, too loud for a student to be able to handle the volume of misery?

Hay. Sometimes, if I don't have any idea on what to write on the paper, I just write anything that comes to my mind and after that, I'd be dumbfounded. And if I am dumbfounded, I'd rest my head on the arm of my chair and continue to, mentally, stare at nothingness while my eyes are closed.

I sometimes ask myself of what really is life?

Is it actually essential in making us as human beings? 'Cause if the answer is yes, how about love? People say, when you love, it only proves that we're all human beings. Then why does it feel like Life is taking the essential half of Love in terms of becoming human?

I always hear that common phrase.

"We're all human beings"

We love.

We live.

We die.

But sometimes, I can't feel humanity. They're becoming unbecoming humans. Always using that phrase for their petty excuses.

Life should be meaningful, full of, well, life and joy, but why are we suffering?