Chapter seven

i wake up in his arms. it's so warm i dont want to move. i open my eyes and look up at him. he still has his eyes clossed. i gently put my hand on his face. i get up take a shower and change into new cloths. i walk back up to his room and put his cup next to him. i brush my hand in his hair. he opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"morning sunshine"

"morning my prince. you have a big day ahead you need to get dressed. there are other princes coming to see you and console." i say looking at my clip bored.

"what if i just want to lay here with you?" Edward asks

"you cant stupid head, come on up, up, up." i push him up and into the bathroom. i walk down to the thrown room and set it up and make it look all nice Edward walks down.

"this looks nice." he says i walk over and brush his suit.

"so do you." i look up at him and smile.

"here i got you this dress you will stand next to me like all the other princes maids." i nod grab the dress and walk to my room. i put on the black dress with gold seams and a gold slit down my chest. i walk back to Edward and blush.

"dont you think this dress is...a bit much?" i ask he turns around and looks at me. his eyes widen and his mouth drops slightly.

"you, you look gorgeous." he says airily i smile and hear trumpets. Edward sits down and i walk and stand next to him.

slowly each prince and there maid come in bowing and then sit down.i notice the maids whisper to each other pointing at me. i dont really mind till one laughs. i start to feel embarresed but i stay put. the meating starts and we all start to introducing our self's. its gets to me and Edwad. Edward stands up.

"i am king darkbon the 9th" he sits and looks at me.

"i-i...i am a-April vantic" i say with a shacky voice.

"ok A-Aprail." a girls says and they all laugh. i look down and my face feels hot.

"why are you wearing that dress did your parents really hate you that much!" they all laugh harder tears fill my eyes. my eyes turn blue and glow me and Edward slam our hands on the table and yell.


everyone goes quiet and i walk out. i walk down to my room and rip off the dress. i put on my maid outfit and lay on my bed. my eyes go back and tears trickle down my face. i curl into a tight ball like a dog. i hear a know on my door.

"Hey, open up April" i hear Edwards muffled voice say.

"no" i say holding my pillow.

"come on please, i need to talk to you."

"go away Edward." i say he opens the door anyway and walks in. he lays next to me and wraps his arms around me.

"i'm sorry puppy." he brushes his hand in my hair.

"also what happened back there, when your eyes turned blue?" he asks

"im not sure, thats never happened befor. but when they started to laugh." my eyes turn blue "i got so mad and so sad i couldn't help but want to drown them." my eyes glow and water comes from my hands. "they should PAY!" i yell and a water bubble goes around me. its full of water yes but i can still breath. the bubble pops and the water goes back into me. i look at Edward with my eyes wide.

"wow" he says shocked

"i dont know what just happened but that was AWESOME!" i jump up and look at my hands. Edward gets up and grabs my hands.

"we can't tell anyone about this. just like how no one knows i'm a vampire and no one knows my real name. this kingdom is the only people who know i'm a vampire." Edward says

"but what if i hurt someone... or worse what if i hurt you" i pull my hands away and look down.

"you wouldn't, your too cute for that huh puppy" he says hugging me. i smile up at him and blush hard.

"your right i wouldn't" i lay my head on his chest and close my eyes. he picks me up and walks up to his room. he puts me on the bed and i'm asleep in his arms. he lays next to me and falls asleep.