Chapter eight

i walk out of the castle to the big ocean outside. its still dark outside and the air feels like ice in my lungs. i walk to the water and put my hands in. my eyes turn blue. i slowly fall more and more into the water then i fall into the water.

the water surrounds me and i smile and swim around. i breath in and feel my lungs fill with water then the water go out i laugh and swim back up. Edward is standing over me.

"ah! Edward im sorry i didn't know you got up so soon."

"why are you out here so early." he sounds kind of mad. i sink down into the water and still have my eyes out.

"its..feels good... and you one can came out here" i sink down into the water more.

"next time wake me up and tell me."

"yes sir.." i get out of the water and look down as i walk back into the castle. he grabs my hand.

"wait, look im sorry. i dont want you to get hurt again, but i will make you something go get clean then come to my room."

"okay" i walk to my room and get in the shower i wash off and put on my cloths then i walk up to his room and knock on the door. he opens it and i see a pool of water i run over it and see it goes all the way out and down into the ocean.

"woah" i say shocked.

"you like it?" he asks

"like it, i love it! its amazing how did you do this!" i look at him super happy

"magic" he chuckles i jump up into his arms and hug him. he hugs me back and smiles happily.

"can i stay in there all the time?" i ask

"sometimes all the time."

"thank you Edward." i kiss his cheek and dive into the water.