Talk Of Suspicions

We both walked out of the cafeteria and started to walk down the metallic hallway. I was thinking about taking Kyrina's had as we walked, but I decided against it. Even though she had been cute inside, I knew she had a shy personality, so I didn't want to push her. Instead, I would let her come to me.

"What's it like to be a Beastarion?"

"Hm? Well, I can feel the metal, but it doesn't really feel a lot different than before. If I shift, my body feels like it's stretching and expanding, but it doesn't hurt me. I like being a tiger, and I love the things I can do!"

Kyrina was very excited and started to lighten up, opening me to her real personality. I listened as she talked about the different things she could do with the lasers her eyes emitted. They were not just laser, but some kind of transfer beam that gathered particles and then built them the way the user wanted. It was really the ultimate form of expression for someone like an artist, which seemed to be Kyrina's passion.