Extra PT

After we finished eating, everyone dragged themselves at Jill's directions to the area that held the pool. Mikota complains until I pick her up, and the other girl scolded me for doing it, say she was just going to do that every time, but I still felt terrible from earlier. I dropped her at the girls changing room and then went inside the men's, but I heard some strange sound coming from one of the stalls.

I needed to change fast and silently from the sounds so not to bother the two of them. Oh yes, extra PT, alright, but I was happy for both Kyrin and Irellia. I quickly changed into trunks and left to the pool area.

When I got out there, none of the girls had made it out yet. It was probably because of my rush to get out of the changing room. I looked around, and it wasn't fancy, but it was shaped like a giant kidney bean. The most incredible thing was that I could see steam come off the water.