Harem System Group Max Achieved

Salburst created a bubble around me and floated us back to the leviathan and into a section under the belly of the metal snake. I floated up into an open space without water and once inside the door below us closed; Salburst released his bubble and I walked to the now opening door, stepping through and heading up a small flight of stairs, then through the now opening door. 

Once on the next level I turned and walked back to the bedroom where I was supposed to be doing dirty things Squirt, but here we were. No point in getting bent out of shape about this, it wasn't like it was her fault, lucky the game was almost over so there was no need for another one of those interactions. After I laid Fiori down, I headed back out and up to the front of our massive mecha sea snake, where the girls were waiting for me.

"So, one more to go. Any luck with finding Tsu?"