A Choice

After saying my goodbyes to the nine girls, they all disappeared in rays of light. I had mixed feelings about seeing them all go and I had made a promise to Iona that I would bring her back into the game as soon as I could. I was left with Aquina and Mom, but now Aquina was starting to disappear.

"Wait! I want to give you these last two points!"

"No! You need them and the other girls will too; remember Sandra and the other ones will be there. You will have to be a pervert with one of them now unless you find me first…"

She left the last part finished as she disappeared from my sight. Aquina's last words left on a trailing off note that made me hope I did find her first. Damn! I should have...shoulda, coulda, woulda, done. Well, time to dive into the next new world!