The line I followed led into a large cave, and I could see white shell looking thing sticking out of the sand. I looked ahead and into the cave, but I couldn't see any other fish or any life forms inside. Maybe it was just a search and find mission. That would be nice, but I could hardly believe that MainFrame would let me off so easily, I wondered not for the first time this game why MainFrame was acting like this?

I felt a pull on my tentacles and looked down to see the impatient, but the still cute small face of Grace. She was yanking on my tentacles like I was a horse and I groaned inwardly. Was this really the same composed Grace I had played my first game with? Or had she been hiding that side of herself on purpose?

'Can we go already?' -Grace. 

'We need to be careful.'

'Do you really think that we would be given a mission that we couldn't handle?' -Grace.
