I Fucking Dare You

I opened my eyes as I was being shaken, and Grace yelling into my mind to wake up, but something was different...I felt different. 

'Are you okay?!' -Grace.

I could hear the panic and fear in her, so I patted her on the head to reassure Grace that I was...okay, I just patted her on the head...with a webbed hand not all that different from a wraith hand. 

What the shit was going on here?

That was when I noticed a blinking icon, but I held off on opening it.

'I am okay, more than okay it seems since I can pat your head.'

The relief was evident on Grace's face and she came and cuddled into my arms after I pushed myself back up against the wall. She was like a small child in my arms, so that meant I was full-grown man-size now. I wasn't sure If that meant that I would stay the same size or if it would mean that I would be forced into some massive grotesque…