Sixty-Five Percent Chance Of It Working

'Rescue a damsel? Spiny Dogfish?' -Grace.

'I know, right? And I don't have a good feeling about the electric eels. Do you have any ranged attacks?'

I had Grace in my arms as we shot forwards; not at incredible speeds, but it was about thirty times as fast as my slow paddling gate from before. Now I was able to constantly blow the water out of a jet in my mass of tentacles, but the whole image was a bit comical. Like one of those cartoon heroes that eats lots of beans to create a propulsion system not too different than my own.

'No, can we just pick a different mission?' -Grace.

'We didn't pick this one or the last one so I think we have to do it. How much Health do you have in total?'

'Fifty-four, why?' Grace.