Awkward Shapes

I stood at the edge of the building looking down at the city below. I had to be over thirty stories up and the building was huge. They looked like monstrous condos, but something about them felt right. 

'So Mom, what is the direction from here? What am I supposed to do in this game, besides rescue an aggressive amount of women?'

'You're going to be the resident hero the girls will be calling if they need help while out in the city, but you need to give them an anchor to this world. You know what I mean, but you don't have to sleep with them all, because some of them just won't and you know that, Kiada took her group but there are lesbians here.' -Tequila.

'Yes Mom, I will treat our girls good, and I have already been thinking about that one, and I have the list of names in my head now. I can't believe how many times I used this system and didn't know what it was!'