Iona Want To Frustrate You

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed but the place didn't feel the same. Serina had been back in my life only briefly and now she was gone again, just like that. I got up, and then put my clothes back on; I needed to do something, go for a walk, something.

I headed back out into my connected living space and noticed that there was a phone on the table. That must be the hotline, it would be my ticket in the game to keep the girls safe. I went and checked the fridge, and it was empty like it was brand new.

'How do I make money in this game, Mom?'

'You don't, you must rely on the woman for everything. Helping them will help you, the women who you save know that they have to replay superheroes for saving them. So will help out with food, while others will repay you in other ways. Don't worry as long as you take care of the girls, they will take care of you.' -Tequila.