Eye Of God

[Day 1/1825 in Limbo- Eye Of God A.I. World]

"Fancy seeing...feeling you hear. I thought I was going to be going through some memories?"

I was floating in nothingness, but I could still feel Julia. Jit's hand had pushed me out of my body, and that was a new experience. Though I was back here again, there must be some kind of connection.

"You will be, but I will be your guide. There are things you need to see and others that aren't as important, but still will help you understand your people more," Julia explained to me.

"Okay, then what is this place you keep bringing me to?"

"This is one of the A.I. worlds called the Eye Of God. I control it and all the memories that you experience in the game, but now that you are no longer in Reborn, I can interact with you on a more personal level."