Galaxsor Techknowledge

[Day 1/1825 in Limbo- Eye Of God A.I. World]

Julia was laughing now, and it was a sweet and beautiful sound, but I was still confused about what was so funny. I was really surprised to see her act so human, but that was the point of all of this, to make the A.I. no different than us. Still, there was something I was missing here and it was hilarious, according to Julia. 

When she calmed down she had somehow got a lot closer to me, and now she was wiping her face on my bare chest. I was not sure what to do here; my arms were begging me to let them circle around. Something was there, a feeling, a memory, but then it was gone. It was like I was trying to think about…

"I am not her, but you don't feel this way about her. What you feel can only be felt here, in the Eye Of God."

"What am I feeling? No, wait."