chapter 6 : the painful revel

( jake arrives at the place dustin is at )

Jake : dustin ?

Dustin: what the hell you doing here cruz

Jake: I'm not here for trouble I just wanna ask a question it's about monty

Dustin: yea what about him

Jake: I need to know why you two where arguing

Dustin: that's none of your business

Jake: come on dustin just tell me

Dustin look cruz ( starts to get angry ) you don't know nothing alright

Jake: I'm then where did you go after the game

Dustin: I went home look if your trying to imply I had something to do with monty's death your crazy

Jake : how did you-

Dustin: I heard about it cruz

Jake: well ok then

Dustin: hey cruz

Jake: yea?

Dustin: you want answers ask your little girl friend

Jake: what are you talking about

Dustin: toni your girlfriend I saw her going to the dock after monty left there

Jake: are you trying to say my girlfriend is a murderer cause if you are I'll-

Dustin: relax cruz I'm just saying Maybe you should ask you girlfriend before you go around accusing people of murder

Jake: I will but I know her better than you do you

Dustin: do you do you really cruz she's gotta a lot of secrets she ain't so innocent

Jake : fine what ever

( Jake leaves the place and starts thinking about what dustin said)

Jake: toni wouldn't kill monty would she no that's crazy

( There's a flash back to after the game monty is heading to the docks to talk to jessica toni comes up to him )

Toni: monty

Monty : oh hey toni

Toni: you gotta lot of nerve you know

Monty: uh what are you talking about

Toni: you being a dick to jake for no reason

Monty: chill Toni I was jus--( Toni slaps him )

Monty: ow what the hell toni ?!

Toni : that's just a warning

Monty: alright chill I'll stop

Toni : ok I'm out of here see you

Monty : ok ( he gets in his car head's to the docks )

( Toni heads back to the parking lot )

( We see an unknown person in a red car watching monty and Toni )

(Flash back ends )

Jake: I gotta know why she was at the docks

( Jake takes his phone out and calls Toni )

Jake: hey toni can you come to my house like at six o'clock

Toni: ok sure see you then handsome bye

Jake: bye

( End of chapter six )