chapter 7: getting answers

( it's 6:00 and jake is waiting for toni to arrive )

jake: I gotta know why she was at the docks after the game

what's the matter baby bro said a female voice

jake: huh of nothing kamila just thinking about something

kamila: hey I heard what happened to monty

jake: yea I'm still just trying to wrap my head around it

kamila: hey no worries I know you two weren't exactly friends but if you ever needed some one to to talk to I'm here ok

jake: thanks it's wired we hated each other but know that he is gone I feel sad

kamila: don't worry it's all natural everything we'll be fine

jake: thanks

( suddenly the door bell rings jake sister gets up and answers the door )

kamila oh hey toni

toni : hey kamila is jake here

kamila: yea one sec jake toni is here

jake ok thanks hey Toni

toni : hey handsome

kamila: have fun you two but not to much fun winks at jake

Jake: that's not funny come on toni

( jake and Toni head up stairs to jakes room )

toni: so what did you wanna to tell me?

Jake: I just wanted to ask you about the home coming game

toni: oh what about it

jake: so you remember the big fight that broke out between us and other school

toni: yea it was crazy right ?

jake: yea it really was

toni: are you ok you look scared

jake: ok I gonna tell you something ok but you can't tell anyone ok

toni: ok

jake: you know how they said they found monty's body in the ocean by the docs

toni: yea

jake: well I was in the principal's office and his assistant came and said they found monty's body by docs it looked like he had gotten into a fight before he died

toni: oh wow that's crazy wait you don't think someone murdered monty do you ?

jake: yes no maybe I'm not sure it just seems fishy to me

toni: why ?

jake: they said he drowned in doc's

Toni: yea and ?

jake: he was a good swimmer he was on the water polo team before he joined foot ball he could have drowned so easily

toni: oh my God that's crazy but why would someone want to murder monty I mean he was an ass but that's no reason to murder someone

Jake: there was alot of people that he hurt

toni: you right you don't think someone we know could have killed him ?

jake : no of course not which beings me to my next question

toni: ok I'm listening

jake: did you talk to monty after the game ?

toni: I might have why?

jake: I went to go talk to dustin and he told me he saw you talking to monty and then he saw you go to the docs

toni: oh I see ..

jake: I'm not saying to where involved with monty's death I just want to know what happened

toni: ok I was upset about monty picking on you so I slap him and the I went back to my car and I did go to the doc's I had no idea he was going there

jake: ok did you see anything

toni: just jessica

jake: jessica ? what was she doing there ?

toni I'm not sure she didn't say

jake: did you see monty

toni: no

jake: ok hey I'm sorry if I made seem like I was accusing you of murder

toni : it's ok I know you trust me you do trust me right

jake: of course I do .

toni : cool

jake: ok I'm gonna go to jessica's house ok

toni ok

( the two kiss )

toni : oh jake there is something you should know

jake: yea what is it

toni I saw amber there as well

jake: yeah I know she said she was upset with monty

toni: jake..

jake: yea what's wrong ?

toni: she said she was gonna make him pay for what he did to her ...

jake: oh dang that is crazy ok I'll talk to her too ok

toni ok bye

jake: bye

toni exits jakes room and goes out the door

( flash back to toni at the docs she sees amber )

toni: hey amber

amber: oh hi toni

toni: you ok

amber: yea just here clearing my head

toni: sorry about you and monty

amber : oh don't worry about it

toni: if you ever need anything I'm here ok

amber: thanks toni jake is so lucky to have some one like you in his life

toni: oh thank amber

amber: your welcome and don't worry about me I'm gonna make monty pay for what he did to me

toni: ok what dose that mean

amber: oh nothing anyways see you

toni: ok see ya

amber toni wait

toni yea

amber: if your not busy this weekend you wanna get together for a girls night ?

toni: ok I'll let you know ok

amber: ok it's just I don't wanna be alone during all this

toni : oh wanna ride we can hangout tonight if you want

amber: oh actually jake is coming over tonight where gonna do some studying together

toni: oh...

amber: oh shit I hope that's ok i mean I can tell him not to come

toni : oh no it's fine I was just about to text him anyways

amber: ok I'm sure he was gonna tell you

toni: it's fine amber it's all good

amber: ok so I'll see you this weekend ?

toni: sure

amber : bye

toni : bye

( amber gets back in her car and drives away )

flash back ends

Toni ( takes out her phone )

on phone a text message conversation

toni : hey you ok

amber: yes I'm all better now thanks for asking

toni: cool I'm glad you ok

amber yea let's just say monty won't be bothering me or jake ever again

toni: ok I'm not following what dose that mean ?

amber: oh nothing anyways see you this weekend ok

toni: ok bye

toni ( thinking to herself ) : oh amber please tell me you didn't do what I think you did

end of chapter seven .