The Beginning 1

"Are you ready?" my mother asked me sweetly, a three years old me nod my head and giggled in excitement,

Were currently here at our towns beautiful water falls,

My mom really really love her town because of its beautiful nature and breathtaking places,

The rain is not so strong but not so weak its calm, this place is more beautiful while raining.

"Okay then get ready..." my father announces,

"Ichi..." my mother counts,

"Ni..." my father counts,

"Sannn....." my mother counts,

"Ikou!!!" my father shouts then we run happily into the water falls, my father is carrying me in his broad arms my mother splash the water on us, we hapilly play in the waterfalls, splashing water to each other, you can hear our laughter because of our happiness playing with each other enjoying each other's presence.......

Twelve Years after....

I am Aki Sakura 15 years old I am currently studying at Tokyo University and a second year student,

I can say my life is full of sadness why? my mom died when I was only eight years old I was so young in that time my mom died because of a car accident, when my mom died my life changes my father become so strick  and overprotective.

Drivers... Maids... here and everywhere yeah we are rich but I don't need assistance I can stand in my own feet my father always dictates on what I have to do and not to do, he was so strick it starts when my mom died, we are so happy when my mother is still alive.

Rain... rain is important to me why? its my mother's favorite weather calm but rainy, my mom always says that Rain is special she said;

"When you meet your soulmate in the middle of the Rain, Rain will protect your love for each other forever no matter what happens Rain will be the bridge for you and your lover."

She always saying Rain is special, Rain is the reason why She and dady met, she said;

"One day you will meet your soulmate in the middle of the Rain, your heart will beat faster, faster than before you'll feel butterfly's in your stomach and your face will heat up."

She said sweetly, my mother is a sweet, kind, and loving person.






Tokyo University's Library

"Where is it...uhhhh where is it!!! "

I murmured to myself,

I am currently here at the library of our school, I love reading books about novels, histories, weather and especially about Rain.

"Ohhh there it is!!!" I said when i finaly spotted the book that I've looking for ,

I was about to get the book, but when my hand touched the book I felt a hand suddenly touched mine, I peek in the book shelf and there was a boy, I stared at the boy, he is also staring at me and we stared at each other after almost ten seconds of staring the boy spoke.

"Uhhhmm do-do y-you need this book?" the boy said, then finaly I snap back to reality, "Uhh am y-you can get it!" I said, "No you can get it!" he said and smiled, "No you must needed it, you can get it!" I said because I'm already done reading this book so I'll let him to take it even if this book is my favorite "No you can get it I can get another book, ooor I'll gonna search the information I needed in the computer." he said kindly, "Umm! I'm done reading this book! so you can get it." I said, "Ooh! is that so?! umm o-okay t-thanks!" he said, I can see a little tint of pink in his face.

After that akward scene I try to find another book that will catch my interest, when I get the book that I wanted I walked ahead to the reading station, when I arrived at the reading station I spotted the boy earlier, he was focused reading the book, I sit on the table across from the boy still eyeing him then he suddenly look at me eye to eye, we share an akward stare again but I turn my eyes in front were my book placed.




4:00 PM

After one hour of reading I stand up from my sit and pick up my things and head out to the door of the library.

When I'm finally in front of the glass doors of the library,

"Its Raining."

My lips curve into a small smile. "Mother!" I mumbled I missed my mom.

I slowly open the door in the library I place my things in the edge of the door and slowly walk into the rain, I place my right hand into the rain, I can feel the rain drops in my hand I close my eyes, i can hear the sound of rain splashing into ground, the smell of wet leaves and ground.

I slowly open my eyes and then I slowly walk to the middle of the rain, then again I close my eyes to feel the rain drops in my skin, the loud splash of the Rain is music into my ears.

"Mother!" I mumbled.

After almost five minutes,

"The Rain stops? " I thought,

But when I open my eyes I look up and then there's an umbrella in top of me.When I turn around I see in front of me the boy earlier in the library, I look up in his eyes then i suddenly felt my heart start to beat faster, faster than before then i felt an unknown feelings in my stomach then my face slowly heats up.

"U-ummm! d-don't you have an umbrella?" he said, I place my right hand in my chest,

"What is this feeling? " I thought,

"M-miss?" I snap back in reality, "Um no I-I don't have." I utter, "Ooh is that so! then we can share." he said kindly, "Um no its okay I can walk without an umbrella!" I said, he gave me a confused look, "Y-you might get a sick! d-don't worry its okay to me to share my umbrella with you!" he said kindly,

"He probably didn't know who I am thats why he's acting normaly to me." I thought,

"O-okay!" I said, we are about to leave but I remember my things, "Ah! wait I forgot my things!!!" I ran quickly to get my things but I slip because of the slippy ground, I was about to fall to the ground but I felt a hand grasp my wrist and pulled me back then I faced the same boy earlier.

Our faces is in short proximity, I can see his eyes and his handsome features in front of my face, and again my heart beat faster, faster than before the unknown feelings in my stomach started again and my face is slowly heating up.

"A-are y-you okay!?" he stutter, I slowly get away from him and I arrange myself, "I'm o-okay!!!" I stutter,

I think about the unknown feelings.

"Weird!" I thought,

I can see a little tint of pink in his cheeks then I get my things and goes back to the boy.

"You already have your things?" he asked,

"Y-yes!!" I answered,

"Then let's go!" he said kindly, we are now walking, heading to the gate of the school,

"Am! were do you live?" he asked,

"Um! our house is quite far from this school!" I answered,


"B-but don't worry you can leave me in the schools waiting area!" I said,

"Are you okay!" he said,

"Yeah! my driver will arrive soon for me!" I said,

"O-okay!" then we walk akwardly.

When we finally reach the waiting area he spoke, "Are you sure you are ok in here?" he asked kindly, "Yes I am!... amm! thanks for helping!" I answered, "No problem!...." he was about to speak again but he was interrupted by a loud horn, I turn my head my driver is already in front of the waiting area.

"Mis. Aki!" my driver called out,

I quickly say goodbye then ran into the car, then my driver start driving away from the school,






Tomorrow Morning





"Haaaaah...!" I stretch my arms and yawned,




"Ohayo Aki-chan! your food is ready! its time to get up!" a girl said in a joyful tone behind the close door, "Yes I'll be there!...haaaaah!" I responded with another yawn, "Still sleepy! I guess!... late night study!? the girl said, "Haaaah! yeah I have to study." I responded, " *Sigh* Aki-chan you don't have to overworked your self!" the girl said worriedly, "Ami-san! I'm okay just...! get back downstairs I can manage myself!" "Okay! get up and get ready!" .

Her name is Ami Mio she's one of our maid's but she's like an older sister for me she's the only one who can understand me.

I get up and do my daily routine take a bath, toothbrush, I dress up and then brush my hair in my usual style, I don't mind in styling it in a different way I'm not a girl who always want to be beautiful and I don't want putting some make up like the others, I'm just a simple teenage girl despite of my status.

Once I'm finished I head downstairs and I'm greeted by the maids they said good morning to me and I just smile and bow and head to the dining room, our house is like a mansion well its really a mansion because of the huge size of the house and the fancy look of it.

My father is named Omauri Fuji he was one of the most successful and famous business man in Japan and one of the richest, and my mother is opposite my mother is a simple woman who lived in province the family of my mother is so traditional that's why I didn't get my father's last name it was my mother last name "Sakura".

Everyone in school knows that my father is Omauri Fuji that's why everyone in our school is know me because I am the daughter of the biggest endorser of the school.

Once I finished my meal I head back to my room brush my teeth and head back down, go to the car then head to school.




Every time and every day when I'm arriving to my school all heads is in my way, gossip here gossip there, whispers here whispers there, that's why I always have my headphones in my neck, "Have a good day to school!" Kiro-san said after he opened the door of the car, "There's nothing good in this morning!" I said emotionless, "I want to Rain" I mumbled, Kiro-san sighed, wave a good bye then drove back to our house.

Kiro Suba is my personal driver since my mothers death like Ami-san he understands me.

As I said while I'm walking to the school halls all heads is in me I can hear the whispers of the students and of course I know what they talking about.

"She's so rich! she have her own driver!!!"

"There's no doubt that she is the daughter of Omauri Fuji!!!"

"But wait! why Sakura is her last name?"

"I don't know!"

"There's an article said that Sakura is from her mothers last name!"

"Sakura!?... is it famous? I don't think I heard that before I only knew Sakuragi and Sakurai family?"

"Yes I don't think if Sakura is a rich or famous?!"

"No! because her mother is a poor traditional woman from province!"

"Wait! is that so!"

"So her father have fallen inloved in a poor woman!?"

"I wonder how Omauri Fuji fall in a poor woman?"

"Maybe her mother seduce her father!?"

I stop walking when I heard the false rumor about my mother my palms turned into fist my blood is boiling because of anger, how dare them to talk like that about my mother I know they envy me because of my status but they don't have a right to said things like that about my mother they can insult me but not my mother.

But I only sigh and calm myself I want to confront them but I don't want a fight.

When my nerves is finally calmed I put my headphone in my ears and walk to the school grounds to school hallways heading to my room class 2-5, class 2-5 is the smartest class in the second year students I'm the top student in our class and in the top 15 students in this school I am the no.1 yes I am smart, I am one of the most smartest students in this school since middle grades, the no.2 is named Hoshi Haru since first year high school he is the no.2 in this school, but I never encounter him before I think he is new, I dont know if he is a famous or not but he always got the second rank of top 15 in this school.

I put my bag in my chair and I sit I unlock my phone and chose my Relaxing songs playlist and wait to our class to start.