The Beginning 2

Third persons POV





A little girl said inside the car that crashed.

She had bruises and wounds on her body and she also had a small broken glass on her wound due to the accident.

lately they were still laughing and joking but all of a sudden everything happened very fast.

The family laugh and joke together inside the car,

"Otoosan your face is funny *giggles*" the child laughed as the father tried to change his face to make his daughter and his wife laugh,

"The environment is really nice when it rains like this..." said my mother looking in the car window,

Her face soften because of the view outside.

"You really like the rain..." said the father,

My mother was still looking in the car window, she suddenly opened the car window and held out a little hand, her smile widened and the joy in her eyes was obvious.

"Okaasan...what is good about rain?" the little girl asked, looking at her mother eyes full of question and wonder, the mother pats the kids head and pinch its nose.

"Aki put your hand out of the rain and feel every drop of it ..." the child did what the mother said,

"Hmmm !? I still can't understand ..." the kid said and pouts, the mother only giggles because of her daughters cute behavior, the mother pinch her daughters nose again.

"You will understand it someday Aki ..." the mother said to her daughter.

"Aki ... look at the leaves and flowers were passing by ..." the little girl did it.

"Woow the flowers are beautiful!" said the amazed child.

The mother and father giggles at their daughters behaiviour.

"Aki, don't just pay attention to the leaves, look at the weeds and the leaves on the tree..." said the father.

The little girl looked and was amazed again at what she saw.

"It's beautiful! Everything is beautiful around here!!!" the girl exclaimed excitedly.

The couple was happy with their daughter in the car they were joking, laughing, and talking, they do not know the coming tragedy.

A big truck is now swaying on the slippery road, the man who is driving it is worried and he does not know what to do, the happy laughter and conversation of the family suddenly stopped due to an unexpected event,

The little girl slowly open her eyes and looked around her surroundings, she could hear her father's voice.


"Help!" her  said, it was obvious in his voice that he was having a hard time but even so he kept calling for help.

She looked at her mother, who was hugging her, her mother hugged her tightly as if he didn't want to let her go, she saw the look of her mother, it is pale and full of blood on the head, "Okaasan ..." she called, she saw tears dripping down on her mother's cheeks, her mother began to cry, when she heard his mother crying he also started crying.

"A-Aki ..." said her mother even though it was very difficult to speak,

"Oh-Okaasan ..." she replied to her mother,

Her mother slowly raised her hand even though it was difficult and the mother touched her daughter's cheek,

"A-Aki ... r-remember t-this ... wherever you go ... whoever be you are i-in the future...I will watch a-and protect you ... A-Aki. ..r-remember that I-I always be by your side..."

Her mother's hand fell, he also started crying loudly while calling his mother's name over and over again.

"Okaasan..." *sob*

"Okaasan..." *sob*

"Okaasan..." *sob*


"Okaasan!!!" the girl shouts,

The woman woke up from her bad dream about the past, her tears flowed and she started crying, she is now in their room at her school, she fell asleep during lunch time, no one inside except her.

She misses her dead mother, because she dreamed again of the incident from her past all the pain in her heart came back.

She misses her mother so much because she only spent with her mother for a short time.

She longs for the warmth of a mother's embrace, the laughter and smiles of her mother she still hears it even if her mother was long gone it will still remain in the heart and mind of the child even if the mother is gone.

During the time of the accident she still remembers everything even though it has been a long time, her mother hugged her tightly so that she could be protected.

This incident is just one of the proofs that all mothers will do everything just to protect her child, the mother knows that her child is still young and she has a lot more to come in life, the mother chooses to sacrifice her life for her child, because she can not afford if her child dies.

The mother brought the child to her womb in nine monthsand it is no joke, the child in the mother's womb will be well cared for by the mother, until the time comes when it will come out of her womb.

Childbirth is not easy because every mother who gives birth their one foot is on the brink of death, until the child is born the mother will still sacrifice to raise it.

A mother is really ready to do everything for her child, so the child must love the mother completely.

Aki will never forget her mother all its sacrifices for her will repay her even if it is no longer in the world, even though her father's behavior has changed she still promises that she will love it despite that because her mother loves her father very much so she should still love her father.

Even though her father's behavior has changed she needs to understand it because no matter what happens even if he reverses the world her father is still her father.

Aki knows that everything that happens in this world has a reason.

All the challenges that god gives have a reason, even if her mother disappears she will not give up on life even though she misses it so much, god decides everything and Aki knows that there is a reason why god took her mother.

Yes she is lonely but she has to accept that her mother is gone even though it is painful for her.

She knows that her mother are no longer struggling in this world.

To live in the world is not easy, the eyes of judgmental people, people who do nothing but criticize others, people like them will never in the world.

But as a person do you know what your role in this world is?

Do you really know yourself?