---New Character Inserts---

Character's Perspective

People have different temperaments, sometimes based on the family from which they originate their habit.

Thre are rich and poor peoples, but for me everyone is the same.

But why are people like that?

When you are poor then others are rich, they will treat you differently, you are poor and they are rich others should they treat you different?

We are all created equal by God, right?

We are all just the same, right? but why is that? there are different people in this world.

You are rich but you should not underestimate the other person below you.

Yes people are different...there are rich, there are poor, but...we are just the same.


Because God created us both to serve him.

Even though our statuses and looks in life are different, we are still the same, but let us admit that the proud class of people in the world will never be lost.

They will take you down, they will mock you and insult you, because you are different from them.


They will not decide your life, you are in control of the course of your life

They say, God has mercy, man has work, all you have to do is believe in him and he will guide you, do not listen to what others say, everyone experience this kind of trial, but we must not give up.

Destiny, I know that many trials will come into my life, so I am ready for any challenge that will challenge the passion and goals I want to achieve.

The only shield I can use is my knowledge and skills, although I do not have the wealth to be proud, I am rich in the support of my family and friends.

I know they are just there for me and I am not alone.

I can achieve all my dreams with my skills and talents, so that I can reach the life I dream of, not only for myself but also for my parents.

They struggled to raise me, they spent time, perseverance and effort to raise me, so I will not waste the sacrifices of my parents.

I will repay them, I will fulfill my dream for them, they are my strength, they are my inspiration to improve everything I do.

Because of my parents I lived in the world, they took care of me and valued me and I will do the same for them, they love me, and I love them dearly.