Hoshi Haru 1

Tokyo University

English Class

"Ohhh there it is!!!"

I heard a loud voice, I was about to get the book that I need but instead of a book I touch a hand, I peek in the bookshelf and there was a girl,

"A g-girl!" I mumbled,

I stared at the girl, she is also staring at me we stared at each other, after almost ten seconds of staring,

"Uhhhmm do-do y-you need this book?" I asked, "Uhh am y-you can get it!" the girl say, "No you can get it!" I said and smiled akwardly , "No you must needed it, you can get it!" she said, "No you can get it I can get another book, ooor I'll gonna search the information I need in the computer." I said kindly, "Umm! I'm done reading this book! so you can get it." she said, "Ooh! is that so?! umm o-okay t-thanks!" I said.

After that akward scene I head to the reading station after almost five minutes I spotted the girl earlier, walking here at my direction when she sit on the table across from me I can see from the side of my eye that she is eyeing me I lift my head to look at her then our eyes locked again, we share an akward stare again but she turn her eyes in front of her book then I also continue reading my book.




4:00 PM

After one hour of reading I stand up, the girl from earlier was already gone, "I guess she already left." I murmured, I pack up my things and head to the library door,

When I'm finally in front of the glass doors of the library I spotted the girl earlier she walk slowly to the rain then put her right hand in her front into the rain she suddenly walk to the middle of the rain, I was shocked she walked to the middle of the rain she might get a cold.

"Don't she have an umbrella?" I mumbled,

"She will get a cold if she stay in a middle of a rain!" I open the door then head out of the library I open my bag and I get my umbrella, I slowly walk in her direction then I place my umbrella higher to reach the top of her head.

When she turn around she look up then she look directly in my eyes then suddenly I felt my heart start to beat faster, faster than before then I can feel my face slowly heating up.

"She's....beautiful! wait what!? Haru stop it!!!" 

I decided to speak, "U-ummm! d-don't you have an umbrella?" I asked, she placed her right hand in her chest, "M-miss?" I call her, "Um no I-I don't have." she said, "Ooh is that so! then we can share" I said kindly, "Um no its okay I can walk without an umbrella!" she said, and that made me confused,

"She will end up sick if she walk in the rain." I thought,

"You might get a cold! don't worry its okay to me to share my umbrella with you!" I said, "O-okay!" she said, we are about to leave but she stop and said, "Ah wait I forgot my things!!!" she ran quickly to get her things but she slip because of the slippy ground because of my fast reflexions I grasp her wrist and pulled her back.

Our faces is in short proximity in each other, I can see her beautiful eyes in front of my face.

I was so mesmerized in her eyes, it was green like the nature her eyes is beautiful.

And again my heart beat faster, faster than before an unknown feeling starts to form on my stomach and my face is slowly heating up.

"A-are y-you okay!?" I spoke, she slowly get away from me, "I'm o-okay!!!" she stutter, I can see a little tint of pink in her cheeks---

"Hoshi Haru seat number 10!!!" my teacher shouts and I respond in shock,

"Yes ma'am!" the students snickerd because of my rong response,

"G-gomen Sensei.!!!"

"Hoshi-san do I look like a girl?" our teacher said then the rest of the students laughed.

"Urusai! read the first paragraph for us Hoshi-san!" I stand up then read the first paragraph of the novel."

My name is Hoshi Haru 16 years old I'm studying here at Tokyo University I am a scholar student in this school my family is not rich that's why I do all my best to get in, in this school and now I made it.

Compare to the students in this school I have a part time job in a coffee shop not so far from this school, my sport is Volleyball now I'm the current Ace of the BVC in this school, and I'm the top student in my class but in the top 15 students of this school I'm always the second since first year I want to get the first place but I don't know why I can't get the first spot I study so hard to get the first rank but the first placer named Sakura Aki is always better than me I don't know who she is, she is always in the first rank but I guess she just so smart or she's one of those students who payed the principal for their ranks for the top 15, yes I knew it I know that the other students in the top 15 is only payed for their ranks, I guess she payed a right amount for a right spot.