Haru Hoshi 2

Lunch Time

I'm eating my lunch here in the school cafeteria then I heard the loud voice of my twin energetic friends, "HARUUUUUUUUUU!!!" then the twin take the sit in across to me,

"What are you thinking earlier huh!" Rin spoke then he playfully wiggle his brows,

"Did something bothering you?" Ran said,

"No Rin I don't think it's something." he pause briefly,

"I think its someone!!!" the twin said in unison, then held a mischievous grin in their face.

Then suddenly my savior from this energetic duo arrive and smack the back of the twin,


"Owuah!!! that hurts!!!" the twin said in unison,

"Baka! Stop talking nonsense!!!" he scold the energetic duo,


"Baka! you two shut up! you two are so noisy!!!" I chuckle because of the childish action of the twin,

"Its not funny Haru! it hurts!!!" the twin said and again in unison, Mono seat beside me and start to eat his lunch,

"Haru!" Rin spoke in a low tone,

"hmm!" I respond,

"Do you have the rolled omelet again?" Rin asked,

"No not again please!" I mumbled and sigh,

"Haruuu can you give me some of your rolled omelet!" Rin ask,

"Haruu me tooo!" Ran ask,

"Haruuuuuuuh can we have some rolled omelet again please!" the twin said in unison and held a puppy eyes in front of me,

"Nope!" I said to the twin children I mean teenager,

"Haruuu Pleaseee!"

"Baka! thats the only lunch of Haru!"

"But Haru's cooking is really really good!" the twin said, I sigh then pick one rolled omelet and placed it in Rin's bowl and another one for Ran and I place it in his bowl.They look up and smile widely,

"Arigato Haruuu!" they said in unison.

Yes Rin and Ran is a childish twin even if this two is already teenager they have their childish behavior but besides of those childish behavior they have a serious point of view in life Rin, Ran, and Mono is my only friends in this school besides of my volleyball teammates.

Yes these three is also my teammates but they accepted me as their friends even if I'm not a rich kid like them, unlike the other spoiled rich students in this school they are not a judgmental people who judge other because of its status, I am happy to have a friends like them.






Club time jsiw

I'm here at the Tokyo University gym we were practicing our skills to help us to get better we have a practice match against another school next week, I run after I receive the ball then, Mono toss it I jump and spike it with all my strength I landed perfectly in my feet,

"Nice kill Haru!!!" Rin and Ran said it in unison,

"Okay take a break take a break!!!" our couch said, I walk to the bench where my gym bag placed then pick my water bottle I gulp many water as I can I am so sweaty and exhausted because of the intense practice.

After I drank all my water in my water bottle I grab my towel and I wipe all the sweats in my face, I sigh and lean against the wooden wall of the gym, the girl from the Rain flash back to my mind again,

"I wonder what is her name?" I whispered to myself,

"Nameeeee! ooow! who's bugging our precious Ace huh!!!" Ran spoke teasingly while wiggling his eyebrows,

"Uwahh is that true is there already someone catch the heart of our precious Ace!!!" Rin happily said while jogging to our direction,

"Eiiiii! n-n-no t-thats not t-true!!"

"Ei! I believe yah! why are ya stuttering huuuuh!" Ran said,

"And your face is red just like a tomato!" Rin points to my face,

"Y-yameru! Rin! Ran!"


"Baka! stop it! the second set will start soon get ready!!!" Mono smacked the twin and scold them, "Ooowww!" the twin groaned in pain and our teammates chuckled because of the childish action of the twin, "Ok that's enough get back to practice!" our couch said it while clapping his hands to get our attention.

Now it's my turn to serve, I held the ball in my palms I bounce it and trows it, I run and smack the ball with all my strength, one of my teammates in the other side of the net received it

"Cover!" Miko-san received the ball and yelled, then Aito-san receive it again to make sure the ball is steady in the air,

"Sagashi-san!" Aito shouted,

"Hai! I'm ready!" Sagashi-san run to his position and get ready to toss it,

"Sagashi-san left!" Taki-san one of our wing spiker shout it, then Sagashi toss it to left, Mono, Rin and Ran run to block,

"Three blockers!" Aito-san warned it and Taki-san spike it,

"One touch!" Rin shout it, because of my fast reflexions I run then receive the ball before the ball touches the ground,

"Cover!" I shouted, then Ran run to receive it,

(Rin Ran Run LOL ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Mono goes for his position, "Mono!" I called for the ball while running, after that I jump and swing my arms get to spike the ball,

"Straight spike!" Aito-san warned, Miko-san and Taki-san tried to block me, but I spike it in cross way,

"NICE KILL!" the twin shout in unison, then held a thumbs up to me,

"I thought you will spike it straight!" Aito-san spoke in the other side of the net,

"Yeah me too! your body angle is straight so I thought you will spike it straight!" I chuckle, Rin and Ran run to me and pat me in my right and left shoulder, (≧∇≦)

"Its really hard to read you Haru!" Aito-san said, "Thats why Haru is our Ace!" Rin and Ran happily said,






After Club

After the intense practice we all cleaned up the gym after cleaning the gym we all head out, now we are walking in the school halls heading to the boys locker room, when we finally arrived in the boys locker room we all took a shower then change my clothes in our tracksuit while changing Rin and Ran are talking about eating to the nearest Ramen house in the school, "C'mon Mono let's eat to the Ramen house!" Rin says while pouting "Guys don't be so kill joy!" Ran also says while pouting, "I think its not a bad idea!" our captain Satomi Anato spoke, Rin and Ran's face light up.

"Seeeeee our captain agreed!" Rin and Ran said in unison, after that we all decide to eat to the nearest Ramen house in our school, while walking to the school grounds I spotted the girl from yesterday in the waiting area I want to approach the girl but I don't have guts to approach her and i also dont have any business to talk to her, when we finally arrived at school gate I stop and I stared to her.

"Who is she? what is her name?" I whispered,

"Who are you talking about?"

"Eiii!" when I turn my head Mono is in my left side,

"U-um n-nothing!" I answered,

"Are you talking about her!" Mono said then point to the only girl in the waiting area,

"N-no!" I answered,

"Don't deny it! I catch you staring at her!"

"Eiii! n-no I-I'm not!"

"Yes you!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!" I sighed,

"Fine!" and again I glance to the direction of the girl,

"Her name is Sakura Aki! class 2-5!" "S-Sakura Aki? the girl who's always in the first rank in the top 15!"


"Oh is that so!"

"Why are you staring at her?"

"Huh! Um.....I met her in the library yesterday when our practice is canceled!"

"Something happened?"

"Huh!" when Mono ask me the scene from yesterday flashback again in my mind.

"N-no! n-nothing happens!"

"Are you sure? you look like a tomato because of your red face!"

"N-no I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!" Mono chuckled,

"Oi! Haru! Mono! what are you guys doing!" Ran shouted from afar,

"C'mon I'm hungry! were all hungry!" Rin shouted,

"W-were coming!" I response,

"How do you know that girl?" I asked,

"Don't you know who she is?"

"No why! is she a famous girl?"

"All students, teachers and even the principal know her!"


"She's the one and only daughter of Omauri Fuji the biggest endorser of our school and one of the most successful businessman in Japan."

"N-nani?" Mono chuckled,

"You don't know it! well now that you already knew it make sure that nothing bad will happen if you encounter her again!.....I just want to know it!...what happen to you and Sakura Aki yesterday?"

"Am! its not that bad...I saw her in the middle of the Rain outside of the library and then I walked into her then share my umbrella with her...but she accidentally slip and I grasp her wrist to help her...then...then...!" "Then!"

"Um I-I-I shared my umbrella with her then I accompany her to the waiting area!"

"Is that all?"

"Y-yes nothing more nothing less!"

"Okay! let's get going! the twin is already hungry!"

"I don't want to say that, that girl and me almost kissed!!!"